A Day With A Friend And Chalk Pencils

March 5, 2017 11:29am CST
I delivered my art to the store in Niagara-On-The-Lake yesterday and my best friend went with me. The traffic wasn't as bad as I thought it would be on a Saturday so we got there early. We enjoyed a cup of tea at Starbucks, and she enjoyed looking at the store and its contents when it opened. I had to do an inventory which didn't take me long because they were down to two of my painting left... I love it when they seem to fly out of the store no matter the season. Winter in the past has been awful (not for me but for the store – I liked the break) but moving to the main street certainly paid the store well and me too.. My friend and I looked at Michaels Art Supply store for chalk pencils...they were out but phoned a store farther away and my name was put on the pencils and I was told they will be there when you can get here.. We ended up visiting a couple of other places and had lunch at a charming restaurant we haven't been in for a long time. The day was fun. My husband and I just traveled to the other store and yup, the chalk pencils were there waiting for me. Now I can get to work again. I paint on slate, My slates are full of words with some interesting creative drawings, shapes and colors to decorate my “signs”. I used to do just paint the words on the slate and hoped they would fit...and often they didn't. Then I found that tiny chalk pencil in the stash of art supplies. Writing in chalk and then painting on top of the chalk takes the “Iffy” away and everything fits and looks grand... A damp cloth after the paint dries removes any left over chalk. The only pencil I have was getting too short.... Now I have two brand new ones to play with. It doesn't take much to make me happy... The photo above is a piece of slate with chalk words on it and I'm showing off my new pencils and the old one too. Hope your Sunday is a good one.
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21 responses
@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
6 Mar 17
If you run out of chalk pencils, I think you can use sewing chalk pencils, they are easily available in most stores.
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
6 Mar 17
@PainsOnSlate As soon I saw your photo, those pencils reminded mine the two that I have in my sewing kit.
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• Canada
6 Mar 17
It never crossed my mind. What an Idea. I was trying to remember where the first chalk pencils came from and you hit it on the head. I had them in my sewing kit. I don't sew anymore ( haven't for about 35 years) so I started using it on my art... Now I have two places to look when I need more...
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
5 Mar 17
Does the store where you sell your slate paintings have a website. I have expressed my desire to view and possibly purchase your slate paintings on more than one occasion. I have a strong desire to see more of your work Marilyn.
3 people like this
• Canada
6 Mar 17
I'll send you a PM with my address and my Facebook info, & email. I can show you my art. If interested i can mail it to you. or look unto other ways of sending it... I usually don't do that because the postage for slate is really high. When you see my "art" you will understand why I rarely put it on line. It is easily copied ... You will see what I mean.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
7 Mar 17
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@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
5 Mar 17
The shorter one looks well used.. I see some paint on it as well!
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Mar 17
@PainsOnSlate aww I love that!
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• Canada
12 Mar 17
@shaggin here is one...
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
I am messy, the tape is on it because i hang it off the side of my painting bench, If I don't attach it, it disappears and I get crazy looking for it...I took it off its leash to take the photo. The paint on the back end is because i use it sometimes to make dots on my art. I have dozens of different sized dowels and do all sizes of dots ... attached a small slate that I did..
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@amadeo (111942)
• United States
5 Mar 17
I would love to see some of your work there.Can you post it here by any chance?
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@amadeo (111942)
• United States
8 Mar 17
@PainsOnSlate Oh okay I understand there.
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
@amadeo I will do a post soon, I just realized I'm probably being a bit nutty... The stores that sell my stuff keep me busy so a copycat is not going to hurt my business..
• Canada
8 Mar 17
I will think about it. I rarely put my work on line because people copy my work because they can...I know that's a bit selfish but I really resent people (especially at art and craft shows) that all of a sudden are selling the same thing I am... Of course i do paint on slate and I've not seen anyone else do that in my area, I will do it...soon!
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@just4him (310102)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Mar 17
I'm glad you were able to find chalk pencils and are putting them to good use. I'm glad your paintings are selling.
2 people like this
• Canada
8 Mar 17
Thanks , me too. I though about slowing down with the painting but since the store has moved to the main street in a very busy Touristy town I have to work hard to stay on top..but the checks in the bank make it worth it.
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@just4him (310102)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Mar 17
@PainsOnSlate They always do. I'm glad for you.
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@JudyEv (328037)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 Mar 17
It would be much better to rough out your words first.
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• Canada
6 Mar 17
It certainly helps me if only I could spell...I do sketch everything, especially the words but almost every time I take them to the store one word is misspelled. And that is after proof reading several times,,,
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
@JudyEv Since i work on slate, I just use a sharp flat tool that is razor sharp and make the word or letters disappear. Then I make sure all the paint is off the slate and replace the word with the right spelling...only takes a minute so its an easy fix...
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@JudyEv (328037)
• Rockingham, Australia
7 Mar 17
@PainsOnSlate Oh that's a shame. Are you able to paint over the words and do it again?
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@rebelann (111547)
• El Paso, Texas
5 Mar 17
What fun it is to get together with a good friend. Will you take a shot of the pencil work before you paint it so we can see how you do what you do?
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
I can if I remember, its not very interesting but maybe a before and after would work.
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@rebelann (111547)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Mar 17
I'll bet I'm not the only one who would find that fascinating @PainsOnSlate
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• Canada
10 Mar 17
@rebelann ok so I will do that....if I remember....
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
6 Mar 17
I have gotten so lazy, I would just go on Amazon and order pencils to be delivered. My Bad!! By the way, Jeanne and I are meeting this week in Wildwood, it should be fun.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
10 Mar 17
@PainsOnSlate Wow really no Amazon, I have had at least one thing delivered every week we have been down here, just yesterday a new holder for extension cords. Tuesday a birthday gift for our great nieces birthday party on Sunday.
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
I'm so jealous that I'm not there,,, have a great time. I've never ordered anything from the net...
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• Canada
10 Mar 17
@BelleStarr Nothing, never. some day I might give it a try...
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@Juliaacv (49063)
• Canada
5 Mar 17
I had no idea that you could buy chalk pencils, but glad that you can for your work they would be a necessity. It sounds like you and your friend had a great day together, that's nice!
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@Juliaacv (49063)
• Canada
8 Mar 17
@PainsOnSlate I hope that you get rid of that nasty cold soon.....they're no fun at all!
1 person likes this
• Canada
8 Mar 17
We did have a good day and I must have walked near someone really sick because I have a nasty cold right now...sigh, so much to do and so tired from being sick...
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@sueznewz2 (10409)
• Alicante, Spain
5 Mar 17
I'm glad for you and the store that they are doing well after their change of premises... that's a good idea, to chalk it on first... i'm glad you were able to get some new pencils... do you use the chalk style paints that are on the market these days...?
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@sueznewz2 (10409)
• Alicante, Spain
9 Mar 17
@PainsOnSlate I like acrylic too...
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
I haven't see the chalk like paints yet, I use acrylics and buy them by the colors.
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
6 Mar 17
Happy you're happy making and selling slates!
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
Me too...Its something I enjoy doing.
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
13 Mar 17
@PainsOnSlate I know!
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@paigea (35957)
• Canada
8 Mar 17
That sounds like it was a great day!
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• Canada
8 Mar 17
Any day with your best girlfriend is a good day. Her husband has not been well so our time together has been sparse.
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@paigea (35957)
• Canada
8 Mar 17
@PainsOnSlate yes, those are the best days. My friends don't live that close and we have a hard time getting together. When we do, it is just a great day every time.
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
11 Mar 17
sounds like a nice day well spent. I enjoy painting but I've never sold any. I have a few displayed and I give mine to friends. I would love to sell some.
1 person likes this
• Canada
11 Mar 17
I started out giving them away to friends and still do that but once I realized they will sell, I sell more than I give away.. I took some to a store where a good friend worked and she encouraged me to make an appointment and see the owner - my friend said the owner is not looking for manufactured things she was looking for local art... I sell on consignment - 50/50 and it works for me...
@responsiveme (22926)
• India
7 Mar 17
Glad you got these pencils. Your slate signs are lovely. Would blackboard chalk do as well?
1 person likes this
• Canada
9 Mar 17
Thank you... It would work if I didn't have the other but for my work I need a pencil sized chalk so I can write on the roofing slate to space my words properly before I use the paint. I am happy I could find the chalk pencils...
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
6 Mar 17
I am glad your paintings are selling well. And I wonder if we also have chalk pencils here. I hope I can buy some for my grandnephews.
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
In the big craft supply store you can buy them in all different colors. I was looking for white and did find it.
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
6 Mar 17
You are lucky that you have this talent. I always wanted to be able to draw but alas it is not to be!
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
I've been drawing since I was little, I have no idea how I got the talent but it surprised me when my sister was doing stained glass and asked me to sketch an Angel for her and then when I did it, she asked "how did you do that" - easy for me not so easy for others. My sister that Christmas gave me an Angel candle holder that I adore...it was from my sketch.
@jaboUK (64360)
• United Kingdom
5 Mar 17
That's a really good idea to use those pencils. I'm glad you work is so popular.
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
Me too, the money is always nice and the contentment of painting has always been good for me..
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@Tampa_girl7 (49371)
• United States
6 Mar 17
It sounds like you have a fun hobby
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
I do have a fun hobby but it is also a home based business, I pay taxes and have an accountant...Sometimes I wish i didn't...
@Morleyhunt (21748)
• Canada
5 Mar 17
When we find the supplies we need it does make us happy.
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• Canada
8 Mar 17
Agreed, I am happy and my work is so much easier with chaulk.
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@andriaperry (116860)
• Anniston, Alabama
5 Mar 17
You sell your work at Starbucks? I have never worked with chalk or slate. But I am not a professional either.
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• Canada
9 Mar 17
No I don't sell in Starbucks, the store that sells them is two buildings up the street, the store was still closed so we went for a tea,,,
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