Playing Qwirkle

@JudyEv (332013)
Rockingham, Australia
April 10, 2017 4:00am CST
One of the guests who came to Vince's 70th birthday party stayed till this morning. This is the same friend who walked the Bibbulman Track, a 1,000 kms walking trail from Perth to Albany in Western Australia. In between cleaning up after the celebrations, we played Qwirkle, a board game. Our son bought this for us for Christmas and we've come to really enjoy the game. The tiles all have different shapes painted on them in different colours. The idea of the game is to line up six tiles either of one colour or of one shape. No duplicates are allowed. Luck plays some part but there are a few strategies that help. It isn't too taxing a game and we seem to be equally adept (or not) at Qwirkle. We won about the same number of games each – which is always a good result. Have you seen this game? I can recommend it.
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32 responses
@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
10 Apr 17
I remember I had something like this game on one of my computer. The software must be somewhere in the computer room, it's a nice game, I have to check.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
I'll have to search and see if it is available on the web.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
11 Apr 17
@JudyEv It was not a free software, but may be that is now free as it is pretty old.
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@teamfreak16 (43419)
• Denver, Colorado
10 Apr 17
I've never heard of it. Sounds kind of fun.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
It's a great game. Just enough challenge if you're desperate to do well but easy to catch on to right from the start.
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
10 Apr 17
I have not played this game.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
It's become a favourite board game for us.
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
10 Apr 17
@JudyEv I know a few board games - chess, snakes and ladders, ludo, scrabble.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
@allknowing These are all fun games. Upwords is another one I enjoy.
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
10 Apr 17
It is nice you took breaks in cleaning to play a bit, Judy! I've never heard of this game before.
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
10 Apr 17
@JudyEv Hmmm.... well, it is sold on According to Wiki it was first sold in 2006 by a company named Mindware.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
@DaddyEvil Thanks for that. Why didn't I think of googling it?
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
I don't know if it's new or not but it is certainly fun to play.
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@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
10 Apr 17
Never heard of it before
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
Board games seem to have made a comeback lately.
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@FayeHazel (40244)
• United States
10 Apr 17
I've never seen it - it looks fun though! I hope Vince's party was nice, Qirkle and all
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
The party was great thanks and it was nice to relax the next day with a few games.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
10 Apr 17
I haven't played this game yet. But there are many foreign board games like that. I remember I bought some and played it together when my child was little. Today we hardly play games because his main spare time is on the study
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
10 Apr 17
@JudyEv That's nice that you have so many plans when you are retired. You know spending some time on your hobbies is a very happy thing.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
Once we retired we had a bit more time for games but before that, we hardly ever played.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
@youless It helps to relieve our stress I think.
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
10 Apr 17
I never saw this kind of game. But I think it is very exciting.
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
10 Apr 17
@JudyEv I would love to try it. It is fun to play with the family. I hope I can find it here.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
It is a low-stress game but very enjoyable.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
@Shavkat Apparently it's available on Amazon according to DE's comment.
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@xFiacre (12704)
• Ireland
10 Apr 17
@judyev I must look out for that. Sounds like a good party.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
It's pretty simple and easy to pick up. All-round good value in my opinion.
@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
10 Apr 17
I've never heard of it, but it looks like something I would enjoy!
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
It's really enjoyable. Easy to pick up and not too hard on the brain.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
10 Apr 17
@JudyEv those are my favorite kind of games!
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
10 Apr 17
I have never seem this game. It sounds interesting.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Apr 17
It's been around since 2006 or 2008. Board games seem to be making a comeback.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Apr 17
@HazySue And it will get them interacting more with each other and off their wretched phones.
@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
15 Apr 17
@JudyEv I'm glad they are. Now if only we can get more ids interested in playing them. It will keep them busy so they possibly stay out of trouble.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
10 Apr 17
I haven't seen this game before but it sounds interesting. We like playing Rummikub It's a form of Gin Rummy using tiles much like you picture.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
I've played Rummikin which is a tile game so it might be something similar.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
11 Apr 17
@JudyEv Yup kind of is similar.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Apr 17
I never heard of Qirkle. Is Herc a good player lol?
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@snowy22315 (174692)
• United States
14 May 17
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
He doesn't like board games - just baaard games!
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@manasamanu (3746)
• Bangalore, India
10 Apr 17
I haven't heard of this game but something similar to this we play. Good that you had break in your work that re-energizes you back.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Apr 17
Stopping for a while and doing something else does energize you doesn't it?
• Preston, England
10 Apr 17
not heard of the game before - looks a good one
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Apr 17
It's easy to pick up with just enough challenge to keep you interested.
@just4him (314721)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Apr 17
Sounds and looks like a lot of fun. A bit like dominoes.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
It is a bit like dominoes. And it is good fun. Some of the board games seem very involved but this is quite simple.
@Morleyhunt (21745)
• Canada
10 Apr 17
I haven't seen the game, but it does look interesting.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Apr 17
It doesn't take forever to learn so I found it good in that respect.
@Ronrybs (18092)
• London, England
10 Apr 17
Looks a bit like dominos. There's a game I haven't played in years
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Apr 17
Our friends have train dominoes and that's a fun game too.
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@dramagirl26 (3259)
• Ringgold, Virginia
10 Apr 17
I've never played Qirkle, but it sounds like a fun and easy game to play.
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Apr 17
I spelt it wrong the first time. It should be Qwirkle - not that it matters but if you go googling it you'll need the correct spelling. It is a fun game - easy to play and it doesn't go on forever like some.
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11 Apr 17
Ohh yeah ! Come on give it a try ????
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Apr 17
Do you know this game?
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@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Apr 17
@Fredy7321 It's good fun.
11 Apr 17
@JudyEv I have heard of it .! Haven't played
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