In Betweeen Tasks

@marlina (154156)
May 24, 2017 12:00pm CST
I had to come in for a short break and eat a bite. I am doing some mowing at the back and I needed a rest. I sure can't work as hard as I used to unfortunately. Earlier, I finished some vacuuming upstairs. I will probably be sorry tonight of having done too much today. Tomorrow morning I have to go to the hospital for some tests. I hate that. I hope that you are having a great day!
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21 responses
@much2say (54425)
• Los Angeles, California
24 May 17
Ah, take it easy the rest of the day! Best of luck with the tests tomorrow. Got some errands here to get to before picking up the kids - that'll take up half the day.
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@much2say (54425)
• Los Angeles, California
24 May 17
@marlina Just don't overdo it .
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
24 May 17
@much2say I hope that I didn't overdo it as it would be a mistake.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
24 May 17
I have to go back and finish my work outside. Tomorrow I will take it easy.
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@KristenH (33367)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
24 May 17
Hope your tests come out okay. Having a bad day with my cat misbehaving.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
24 May 17
I hope that you can deal with your cat misbehavior.
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@KristenH (33367)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
24 May 17
@marlina too. I did put him in my room for a time-out. I did play with him with my backscratcher's ribbon. Might have to buy him toys next week--maybe something to climb too.
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• United States
24 May 17
I have leanred years ago not to push myself. If it isn't done today no big deal. What kind of tests?
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@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 May 17
Hope your tests come out OK tomorrow.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
24 May 17
@RasmaSandra , Thank you so much Rasma.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
24 May 17
You are having a busy day getting chores done.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
24 May 17
@JohnRoberts , Yes but I am "kaput" now for the rest of the day. Just relaxing now.
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@Mareena (443)
24 May 17
Wish all your test be good.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
24 May 17
Thanks @Mareena
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@celticeagle (163207)
• Boise, Idaho
24 May 17
Sounds like Calgon take me away day for you. Do you have Epsom Salts? Tests are always so fun. Hope that all goes well.
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@celticeagle (163207)
• Boise, Idaho
25 May 17
@marlina ......Just a thought. They really help me.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
25 May 17
@celticeagle I should soak my feet in the salts.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
25 May 17
Yes, I have some Epson salt in the house but never think of using it.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
26 May 17
My goodness, you should not do so much the day before medical tests! In fact, you should rest completely.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
26 May 17
Too late!
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
24 May 17
So far I am having a great day. I hope you have a good day there to.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
25 May 17
I hope your test will show that everything is fine. It's a catholic holiday today, I am relaxing a bit.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
25 May 17
Will know the results of the tests only next week. A Catholic holiday today?
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
26 May 17
@LadyDuck I was baptized Catholic when I was born but do not practice anymore. I completely forgot about the Ascension. The traffic must be atrocious.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
26 May 17
@marlina Yes, it was Ascension day, 39 days after Easter and as usual 15 Km of cars of tourists lined to cross the border. We never move when there is a mid week holiday.
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@garymarsh6 (23404)
• United Kingdom
24 May 17
OH gawd I hope you have not over done it and you feel fit and fighting for your hospital trip tomorrow!
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• Defuniak Springs, Florida
24 May 17
Mowing is a big task, so don't think like you didn't get anything done.
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@YrNemo (20257)
25 May 17
I may have to do some gardening & grocery shopping tomorrow (temporarily relaxing right now). No rest for the wicked here .
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
25 May 17
You "may" have to?
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@YrNemo (20257)
25 May 17
@marlina I would rather rest my old body , but the weeds are horrible in the front, and we do need to buy more fruit & veggies. (If it rains tomorrow, then I could skip the gardening. )
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• Kathmandu, Nepal
24 May 17
Keep moving anyway the wind blows......... Have a sweet dream and just do that health check up ;)
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
25 May 17
Today was mostly about taking my rescued Kitty to the vet for a check up. but I did get some time to snap some pictures. And unfortunately somehow wound up with very little sleep today.. so Now I am at work (overnight) and very tired, which probably means all I had planned for Thursday is not going to happen because I will just want to get some sleep. Then I got a call that I had a Dr's appt for Friday I did not remember so that is going to screw up my day off.. Oh well - life goes on
@silvermist (19702)
• India
24 May 17
@marlina So I -you have mowed the back and you had done some vacuuming upstairs.So that is good. Hope you won't feel too tired for going for those tests.
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• United States
24 May 17
Thanks Marlina. I have an appt in a little while. It is a mundane day here but hot and sunny. Yes know what you mean, I too cannot get all done now as I used to. And the hospital for you tomorrow, yes I know I hate them too.
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@Hate2Iron (15729)
• Canada
24 May 17
I over did it yesterday too so I'm right there with you. Do probably half of what you used to do. It think that is going to be my new rule of thumb!
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 May 17
As you get older it is easy to do too much from time to time.
• Peoria, Arizona
25 May 17
You will for sure be getting some good rest for the night. Hopefully tomorrow goes well! Good job on all the hard work