Do you wear glasses?

March 26, 2020 5:45am CST
I had excellent vision until the third year of university, which means until I was 23. Then, I think in 1-2 months, my vision has deteriorated a lot. I had postponed the visit to the optician for almost a year, then I finally decided to go. She said that this is hereditary and I have almost no "guilt" that my vision has deteriorated that much in such a short time. She "scolded" me that I should have visited her much earlier, though. So, in 2013 I had my first pair of glasses and I still use them. I think my vision has stabilized. I should use the glasses all the time, but I use them only when reading, using the computer, watch TV or drive. If I use them all day long, it feels strange and I tire out easier. Do you have glasses? Do you wear them all the time?
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16 responses
@lazydaizee (6735)
• United Kingdom
26 Mar 20
I was born with a lazy eye and I had an operation on it when I was 4 years old. Then I had to wear glasses for about a year before I started school. I did not need any more glasses until I was 47, and now I use them for reading and close work. Take care of your eyes, you don't get another pair.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
I am thinking about an operation, too. I have a friend who had terrible vision since birth. He has undergone an eye surgery, and since then, he has wonderful vision.
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@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
26 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Do you mean laser treatment? I am in two minds about it and would need a lot of reassurance before taking that step.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
@indexer Yes, that is what he did. Of course, half a year after the procedure you have to be very careful, not to touch your eyes and to avoid sun rays. But if you can manage that, you will have a great vision afterwards.
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
26 Mar 20
Yes - I have worn glasses ever since I was at school. I now have varifocals that act both as reading and distance glasses. I am due a new sight test - and probably new glasses - but will now have to postpone my visit to town until the current crisis is over.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
Are the glasses expensive? Because mine were extremely expensive at that time. But they served me for 7 years now, so it was a great investment.
• Romania
26 Mar 20
@indexer I paid 1300 Lei back then, which would have been 220 pound in that time. And it was more than a minimum wage.
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
26 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Err … yes! Fortunately I do have some money in the bank, and good vision is well worth splashing the cash for.
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
26 Mar 20
My eldest sister wore glasses early (high school) Fortunately for me, I wear reading glasses a few years back only
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
So, your vision is pretty good.
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• Romania
27 Mar 20
@rakski But you can read without glasses, too?
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
27 Mar 20
@rappeter13 I want to say that except when I am reading, I sometimes need to use it
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
26 Mar 20
I needed glasses in high school for distance. Now, I only need reading glasses.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
@DianneN I guess you can live with that.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
So, your vision got better?
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
26 Mar 20
@rappeter13 My nearsightedness did, but now I need reading glasses.
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@porwest (81633)
• United States
26 Mar 20
Yep. I wear bifocals. My eyes started going bad a bit after 40. Wear them round the clock.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
Did your eyes deteriorate in a short period of time?
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• Romania
27 Mar 20
@porwest I was also in denial for a year, I guess. It was difficult to understand how come my vision was deteriorated so quickly.
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@porwest (81633)
• United States
26 Mar 20
@rappeter13 I probably needed glasses about two or three years before I finally went and had my eyes checked. I was using readers long before that, but the rest of my vision (distance) was starting to change. I think I was just in denial.
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@Laurakemunto (12862)
• Kenya
30 Mar 23
I don't even have sunglasses
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• Romania
30 Mar 23
Are you resistant to sunlight?
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• Romania
30 Mar 23
@Laurakemunto you are lucky! I have terrible problems with the sunlight.
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• Kenya
30 Mar 23
@rappeter13 I can say yes cause I have never heard problems with the sun light
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
26 Mar 20
Yes I started wearing glasses at 9 and at one stage I had 600 degrees not I am around 450 degree,
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
This means that your sight is also poor?
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
26 Mar 20
Yes I had been reading in the dark when I was young.
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
26 Mar 20
I only wear glasses to read and when I stay in front of my computer.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
It means that you have healthy eyes.
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• Romania
27 Mar 20
@LadyDuck I understand.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
27 Mar 20
@rappeter13 NO, I have glaucoma, but it does not affect your sight.
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Mar 20
I've had glasses for quite some time now and wear them all the time.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
It means they are not annoying you at all.
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Mar 20
@rappeter13 That's true.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
26 Mar 20
Yes, but I do not have to wear them all the time.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
When do you wear them?
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
26 Mar 20
@rappeter13 To see distance.
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• Agra, India
26 Mar 20
No...not at present. But I get my eyesight get checked up regularly
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
Did you ever had glasses?
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• Agra, India
27 Mar 20
@rappeter13 thankfully never yet
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@BloggerDi (3113)
• United States
26 Mar 20
It's great that the glasses stabilized your vision! I've had very poor vision all my life. I had to wear thick glasses until cataract surgery in 2016. Now I need reading glasses. I was diagnosed with glaucoma in 1998 and have most of my vision in left eye.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
It seems that the surgery was a good decision.
@pitsipeahie (4603)
26 Mar 20
Yes, I actually just got new ones recently. My optometrist adjusted my prescription. I have astigmatism. I was told to wear my eyeglasses always but like you I tend to put them only when reading or using the computer. May be that's why my vision deteriorated badly. I suffered from blurred vision, light sensitivity and my eyes are always strained and fatigued. I had headaches too. So now, I'm wearing my eyeglasses all the time.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
I also have astigmatism. I always had light sensitivity, especially from the Sun. But my skin is also sensitive to the sun rays, so I try to avoid being on outside when the Sun is too powerful.
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• Philippines
26 Mar 20
Yes, but I don't wear them all the time.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
Should you wear them all the time?
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• Philippines
27 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Not really.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
26 Mar 20
Yes, I wear glasses.
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
All the time?
@KityCat (7599)
• India
26 Mar 20
No I don't. But I do wear sun glasses when it's way too sunny outside. Hehe
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• Romania
26 Mar 20
You are lucky!
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