Good morning myLot World!

@gr8nana6 (6614)
Conyers, Georgia
August 13, 2020 7:30am CST
It was another cool start this morning when I got up at 6:30 am here in S.W.Ohio with 66 F. but right now it has gone up to 70 F with a high of 89 F. predicted and partly sunny skies. No plans to do anything except strip my bed, do laundry, change Tiny's litter box and do a little more packing. I can't believe it is already Thursday again, this week has certainly sped by at least for me. So how is everyone in myLot doing today, what are your plans for today and are you ready for the upcoming weekend? Have a wonderful day/evening or night, wherever you are!
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22 responses
• Santiago, Chile
13 Aug 20
Well not much done around the house I'll be honest but I think I'll read a book I kept on hold for a while! Hope you have a nice day!
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
Reading a book is great. Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!
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• Santiago, Chile
14 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 it is a pleasure!
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
14 Aug 20
We had a couple of cool days but its back to the heat and humidity again. It sounds like you had a busy day. I did a couple of loads of laundry yesterday and that was about it.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
15 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 You are so lucky! Send some of that cool weather my
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
15 Aug 20
@simone10 I'll try to send you some, lol.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
14 Aug 20
It is still a little cooler here and going to be much cooler in the coming days
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• United States
13 Aug 20
I had a rough night of sleep. Woke several times. Three of these times was due to Little Miss waking up and coming to our room. She startled me the second time she woke me because I had just fallen back to sleep. Slept til 7:20 to hear Little Miss calling me from her room. She told my husband that is how she wakes me. LOL It is cooler this morning, but will get up to about 85F today. We are going to pick peaches and blueberries at my nephew's this afternoon. Looking forward to that!
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• United States
15 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 when we got to my nephew's house, we were a bit disappointed. I only got 3 peaches, one that I had to toss out because it was going bad quick. We picked enough blueberries for me to make a small pie. Little Miss can't wait for the 2 peaches we have to ripen so she can eat them.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
15 Aug 20
@ElusiveButterfly Awww so sorry about the peaches, but great for the blueberries, love me some good blueberry pie with whipped cream, lol.
@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
Aww sorry you and little miss had a rough night. Hope you got a lot of peaches and blueberries. What you gonna do with them? Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!
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@Juliaacv (49654)
• Canada
13 Aug 20
We had a cool start to our day today too, which is a nice change. I like this time of the year, cool mornings and evenings and warm during the mid day times. I did a load of wash first thing this morning too, now its time to start thinking about supper already.
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@Juliaacv (49654)
• Canada
13 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 Thanks, enjoy the rest of this lovely day and I will meet up here again with you tomorrow.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
@Juliaacv You too and have a great night!
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
Yes this weather is much better then waking up to 80 degree weather. Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
13 Aug 20
We had a powerful thunderstorm during the night, the morning was nice and cool, but right now the sky is menacing again. Let it rain, I do not like hot weather.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
Hope it wasn't too bad and you got some cooler weather. Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
14 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 I could see many lightnings through the shutters, but it did not cause damages. The temperature is a lot better now.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
14 Aug 20
@LadyDuck That is good news, hopefully the temperature stays that way for a while. Our temps are lower too, don't know for how long though.
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• Agra, India
13 Aug 20
Good morning. have a good day ahead
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
14 Aug 20
Thanks and you too.
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• Agra, India
15 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 good night from India
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
15 Aug 20
@amitkokiladitya Good night see you on sunday
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@BelleStarr (61046)
• United States
15 Aug 20
we are also getting the 60s overnight which does help and reminds me that fall is coming.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
15 Aug 20
Yes fall will be upon us in no time.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
14 Aug 20
Sunny and warm here
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
14 Aug 20
That sounds good, have a good Friday
@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Aug 20
How long before you move?
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
14 Aug 20
About 6 weeks, can't wait.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
14 Aug 20
The weather is cooler here.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
14 Aug 20
That's good to get some relief from the heat.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
14 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 Yes. Indeed.
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
13 Aug 20
No plans here for today or the weekend. Enjoy your day.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
Well enjoy it anyway and relax.Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
14 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 You too.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
13 Aug 20
Sounds like nice weather. Too hot here for now.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
It got here up to 87 now, but feels a lot hotter. Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
13 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 You do the same.
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
17 Aug 20
Good morning. It's nice to know you here. How's your day?
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
17 Aug 20
Thanks my day is going good, hope you have a good Monday!
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
17 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 oh yes. You're right.
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@sophie09 (34243)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 20
Its friday morning here. Im happy that i have a lot of free time today
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
14 Aug 20
Free time is always good,enjoy your Friday..
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@sophie09 (34243)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 20
@gr8nana6 i know right. I am now its about to end here
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@snowy22315 (174709)
• United States
13 Aug 20
We will not get out of the low to mid 80's today due to rainfall and clouds..Fine with me!
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
Sounds good, we are going down in temps by next week for a few days. Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
13 Aug 20
11:25pm here in Manila on a Thursday evening. Just finishing some notifications and then I'll be sleeping already.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great night!
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@Tampa_girl7 (49714)
• United States
13 Aug 20
I’ll be doing some light cleaning and then some yard work.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
Always keeping busy right. Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!
@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
13 Aug 20
It was great sleeping weather last night.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
Yes it was here too, the AC never came on thank goodness. Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!
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• United States
13 Aug 20
Good morning!! today is laundry day for me too. When will you actually be moving?
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
We'll be leaving on the 26th of September god willing, hope time goes by as fast as it's been going. Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!
@Janet357 (75651)
13 Aug 20
time really flies so fast and before you know it is the onset of Ber months already.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Aug 20
Yes that is true. Thank you for stopping by and reading my content, have great Thursday!