I finally found peace!

December 4, 2023 8:10am CST
Yesterday was an eye-opening day for me. I started reading a library book two weeks ago. I decided I liked it so much that I was going to finish it but it is due this week and my ride is taking me today it took me so long to read a short book because my computer wasted thousands of hours of my life and caused me to not read books -particularly library books I just finished reading such a heartwarming, yet lighthearted Christmas book from the library yesterday (For anybody who cares it was "Santa & Company" by Fern Michaels) and it was such a peaceful day. I mean no stress of the computer. I have not felt at peace and happy that I know I want to read all of the library books i check out and like and enjoy myself Before this horrible waste of time called the internet, I read 35-40 books from the library a MONTH. My dad would take me to the library every Saturday morning and I would two tote bags of books and I would read them all in a week It was the best feeling my sister and brother-in-law made me become involved with the internet even though I was kicking and screaming. They had bought me the computer and set it up for me. I was forced into using it. I was smarter than anybody else back then to realize people were going to become too dependent on the internet and then I became dependent on it for too many years. Last night made me open my eyes to something I suspected for a long time we need to spend more time with regular paper books and sometimes a magazine. I am going to practice what I preach and email my best friend and check for important emails once a day, then get off and lead my life in peace by reading my books. I WILL find peace for my restless soul with my paper books. I had to do something as I wasn't happy and needed peace. isn't it funny how one finds what they need when they have a library book that is due and rush to finish it and find peace? I also started a journal where I write about my day and my thoughts on it and any other thoughts. I wrote about this situation with books and limited computer use. That journal entry helped me see it more clearly.
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13 responses
@sharonelton (26680)
• Lichfield, England
4 Dec
I'm glad you found peace. Yes, it is true that we use the internet too much. But for some it's how they get an income, and without it they couldn't earn a living. There are good things and bad things about the internet. But it also connects you to people over the other side of the world. People you would never meet or connect with outside of the internet. Like here on MyLot. I also like reading physical books and magazines. I'm not really keen on e-books. I hope you are well. Have a nice day.
2 people like this
5 Dec
I can see your point! I am going to come back to mylot for a short time several times a day as I did miss interacting yesterday as somebody else said I need to socialize on mylot. I am not reading e-books much anymore. I am tired of my e-reader so I have decided I am going to read physical books mostly. I went to the library yesterday but then went to the grocery store and by the time I got home, I didn't have much time to read. However, I started a new library book that I checked out yesterday, and l like it so far! Have a super day!
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@sharonelton (26680)
• Lichfield, England
5 Dec
@LovesEverybody I'm glad you are coming back to MyLot. If you can't get out, socializing on MyLot is the next best thing. That's good. I'm glad you are reading physical books more. I'm glad you went to the library. I don't usually go to the library. I buy my books or swap them. I hope you enjoy reading your library book. You have a super day too.
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5 Dec
@sharonelton thank you! I get out once a week with my peer, and once every other week to get an injection. Sometimes I see my doctor after or before I get the injection. I am reading a physical book library book that I think I am going to love, but it is too soon to tell as I am only going to start chapter 2 in a few minutes it is from a favorite series so I expect to love it. However, there was one book in the series I didn't like. I wish I could buy books but they are way out of my budget Smile today and have a super day!
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
4 Dec
I am glad you managed to finish your paper book. Internet is interesting, but I know that I feel more relaxed when I do not stay online many hours a day.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
5 Dec
@LovesEverybody - I noticed that the computer was causing me anxiety. Writing posts, answering comments was becoming a sort of daily task, a job. Now I come here when I am in the mood to enjoy some time with my friend. It's more relaxing. I do not spend more than 3 hours a day at my computer now.
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5 Dec
I am coming back for a short time for two, maybe three times a day if I have time. Thank you! I returned that book to the library yesterday and got some more books! I started one I like so far. I am not far enough to tell if I will love it, though I feel more relaxed, too if I am not on the computer as it causes me anxiety to be on it how many hours a day do you spend on the computer a day?
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5 Dec
@LadyDuck That is exactly how I was feeling about coming online. I decided I too would come on to enjoy time with my friends when I started a new account, I didn't add my PayPal as trying so hard to post discussions, and replies and earn money for it was too stressful. now I have a bank in the corner but I will never get money from it I may start to spend only 2-3 hours a day here.
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
4 Dec
I think too much of anything isn’t good which I think is what they wanted you to get your head out of books once in awhile and go on the internet. I think it’s very good for you to have the internet when you need socialization but I think books are best for you when you need peace and calm in your day. I was very stressed yesterday and read a chapter in a book while my little one napped. Sadly I thought about it too late or I would have gotten a Christmas book out. I don’t know if it’ll have time to read two books before Christmas since I need to do things online to get socializing as well as earn money to buy gifts for my kids and parents.
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
5 Dec
@LovesEverybody I did read one of the books in that series but wasn’t very interested in it. I had no idea you went to college. What did you go to study? Yes reading helps me calm down so that chapter helped. I read a few pages last night before bed and enjoyed it but couldn’t read more than a few before I got too tired and had to go to bed. It was very late my daughter stayed up so I was really tired.
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5 Dec
Your reply makes so much sense. Thank you for writing it and explaining it so well. I may come on for a little while several times a day but still spend a lot of time reading. I am sorry you were so stressed, did reading a chapter help you? I forgot to check to see if the library had its annual display of Christmas books so I picked books from the other shelves. I thought of you when I came home and started to read "The Cat Who Robbed a Bank" by Lilian Jackson Braun about a man who is the pet parent of two wonderful Siamese Cats. do you remember the "The Cat Who series?" it is kind of old and I think dates back to the 1990s. I started reading them at least in the early 1990s when I started college and I was allowed to finally pick what I wanted to read instead of being made to read what the librarians chose for me
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6 Dec
@shaggin I think the series "The Cat Who" isn't for everybody. It has its little quirks. I understand not everybody likes those quirks. I went to Community College for four years. But the stress in my first year got to me. My parents wouldn't let me take more than three classes a semester. Then the stress got so bad that my parents told me they wanted me to only take one class if I would not drop out. There was a Literature teacher I adored and I took one of her courses each semester as my only class because I wanted a literature degree. In 1994, after my fourth year, I left and eventually I had a series of hospitalizations for my mental health I understand how it is to feel too tired to stay up to read. I was doing things most of the day and only read once in a while. By the time I sat down at 5 p.m., I read just a few chapters. I decided to get in bed and watch TV at almost 7 p.m, I was asleep before 7:30 p.m. I also had to write in my journal so that took up a lot of time between 5:45 p.m. and bedtime
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Dec
I agree that the internet can take up so much of our time. I'm glad you finished your book and hopefully will enjoy reading again. I decided a month or so ago to stay off the computer on weekend. It certainly has afforded me more time for other things and although I miss being here I try to catch up during the week.
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• United States
5 Dec
@LovesEverybody I hope you e joy that book. I've read a few by Lilian Jackson Braun and enjoyed them. I should look for some more. Actually I don't read much over the weekends. My time is usually spent doing things around the house, grocery shopping, family etc. I do most of my reading in the afternoons and right before I go to bed. If I'm reading a really good book I'll forgo other things and lose myself in the book. Hope you find that reading is relaxing and keeps you feeling peaceful.
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6 Dec
@Marilynda1225 I am enjoying the Lilian Jackson Braun book very much. This one is funnier than the others. I am rereading the series and am so happy I found the books again! I don't have a strictly set time to read, but it mostly occurs after dinner. Though I do read any time I have a free minute. I have stayed up past my bedtime reading if I have an extra good book. Thank you! The book I am reading is humorous and I am feeling somewhat peaceful while reading it. I am feeling frustrated again. I need to read more and spend more time with my journal.
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5 Dec
Thank you! I am enjoying reading again. I went to the library yesterday and started reading a book I checked out called "The Cat Who Robbed a Bank" by Lilian Jackson Braun. I am just beginning chapter two which is page 21 and I think I will like it a lot! I am not positive but I like most of the books from "The Cat Who Series" which the book I am reading is from Do you get to read more during the weekends when you are not online? I am trying to read as many of the library books I checked out as I can unlike the last time when I read one book that I talked about. Have a super day!
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@JESSY3236 (19393)
• United States
5 Dec
My mother is always fussing about spending alot of time on the computer. I'm almost through with reading The Centre by Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi. It's really good. I hope to finish it tomorrow. Then I will listen to Wool by Hugh Howey.
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@JESSY3236 (19393)
• United States
5 Dec
@LovesEverybody I found out about The Centre from the magazine The Atlantic. They had an article about the book. It's a psychological thriller. Wool is written by the same author that wrote Beacon 23. I found out when I got Beacon 23 that the show Silo is based on a book series. The first book of that book series is called Wool. It's a sci-fi dystopian book about people stuck in a silo, but one person is killed.
1 person likes this
6 Dec
@JESSY3236 Are you still reading "The Centre?" Are you enjoying it? Do you pick a lot of books that you read from the reviews you read in The Atlantic? Do you pick books from reviews you read in other publications? If you do, what publications do you read book reviews? I don't read The Atlantic. I was always under the impression it had news and or current events in it. I never read (Or watch) news or current events as it is too depressing. I have not watched the news in over nine months.
1 person likes this
5 Dec
The name of Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi sounds familiar to me, but I don't think that I have ever heard of "The Centre" I am glad you like it so much! What genre is it? I don't think I ever heard of "Wool" by Hugh Howey either. How do you find so many interesting-sounding books?
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@kobesbuddy (77728)
• East Tawas, Michigan
16 Mar
Maybe you should renew that book. They will add another 3 weeks, before it's due date. I was on the Internet, far too many hours and every single day! It was replacing everything in my life, I didn't do much of anything else:( Now, I'm online for a limited time each day. You are correct, Jennifer. People lose their peace, when too much of their time is spent on the Internet! I learned this lesson the hard way
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@kobesbuddy (77728)
• East Tawas, Michigan
21 Mar
@LovesEverybody Any books you read by Debbie Macomber, will be very enjoyable without any bad language! She's an excellent writer:) xo
19 Mar
You are so lucky you get three weeks to renew library books! I get to renew them twice for two weeks each time and then they don't let me renew the books more than twice. after I wrote this post, I went back to being on the internet for hours every day and I wasn't doing anything else. I decided yesterday or the day before that I am going to spend maybe a few minutes a couple of times a day online then get off after maybe 10-15 minutes I don't need to be online so much. When I was online so much I didn't necessarily finish any of the library books I brought home. After my last library trip, I finished one book I got last week, but I was online a lot. I hope to finish the ones I got last week, I finished one, working on a second, and have three more as I got five books out last week I too learned the lesson the hard way of losing my peace. Technology isn't as great as it is said to be
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
4 Dec
I am more addicted to the computer than anything else, but when I do manage to break away for a day and stay offline, I enjoy it.
1 person likes this
5 Dec
those days I am not online, I enjoy it, too. I am listening to somebody else's reply and spend some time socializing online on mylot and sometimes reading physical books. But I decided I need more time to read books I went to the library yesterday and started a new library book. I am not far enough in to tell if I love it, However, I do like it but I am only going to start the first page of the second chapter. Have a great day!
@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
4 Dec
I am so happy that you are seeing this fact clearly now Jennifer and you are so right about it. I totally agree. I am spending less and less time online. I mean I can't earn the money I need to number one, so it is a total waste of time. Live your life the way you want to..
1 person likes this
5 Dec
I took to heart another comment and will come on mylot a little bit each day, maybe a little bit several times a day. but I will still spend most of my time reading physical books. That is when I am happiest! I hope when I do get online I see you! I will live my life the way I want! Have a great day!
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Dec
@LovesEverybody Thanks you too and see you soon Jennifer.
1 person likes this
6 Dec
@RebeccasFarm I hope to see you soon, too! Have a Super day!
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@Tampa_girl7 (49714)
• United States
13 Dec
I wish you much more peace.
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14 Dec
Thank you so much!
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@1creekgirl (41022)
• United States
4 Dec
That sounds like a very wise decision. I'm glad for you.
1 person likes this
5 Dec
Thank you! I thought about another reply that I need time to socialize so will come on mylot for a short time several times a day But I will still spend more time reading physical books. Have a super day!
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Dec
Yes, the computer can rob you of precious time. I'm glad you have peace in your life now.
@Dena91 (16277)
• United States
5 Dec
I am glad that you found peace. We do use the internet too many hours in a day.
1 person likes this
5 Dec
I am going to only use the internet for a short time each day. However, I should be on mylot most days if I have the time. Besides email that will be the only site I go on. I forgot the library for one minute to see when my books will be due or to renew library books
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@dgobucks226 (34855)
11 Dec
You make some good points Jennifer about the internet. It can become quite addictive, and we have become way too dependent on it for everyday things like banking, e-mails, shopping, communication, reading, weather and other stuff. I try to focus on just what I need to do on the computer and try to limit my time on it, but it can be difficult. Reading a library book is a good way to divert your attention from the PC, and really enjoy that quiet time. Glad you found some peace and enjoyment. I think computers can actually be a source of stress instead of enjoyable entertainment sometimes.