The Super Bowl really?

@Bensen32 (27605)
United States
February 11, 2024 7:19pm CST
How are you all, I hope you’re well. So, I kind of watched a little of the Super Bowl while I was making dinner. That little bit was enough. There were a couple things I seen or heard that just makes me not like watching football. One of the promotions for the halftime show stated that the performer is going to be someone called Usher and they said stay tune for the legendary performance. If the performance has not happened yet, how can you call it legendary, who knows it might be a total S..t show. Guess that’s their way of trying to get people to stay and watch it. As I knew, was going to be the woke commercials, I think I caught one or two while watching. Is that what all commercials are going to? As someone not up on football, Kansas City Chiefs, Taylor Swift and her relationships. I was just wondering why they keep showing her, but by what I caught they said she was watching some guy on the Chiefs. Just wondering why, we keep seeing here and not anyone else that is there to watch their boyfriend/husband. I’m sure there must be many of them. Just my thoughts, hope you all have a great upcoming week.
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6 responses
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
12 Feb
I think almost no one knew about Super Bowl this side of the "pond". Anyway my husband does not like to watch sport on TV and I never cared.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
12 Feb
@Bensen32 Surely some around the world would watch, surely Americans living abroad.
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
12 Feb
Yeah, as much as the NFL like to tell us how the world watches the Super Bowl, in my experiences of talking to people worldwide I found more who could care any less about it. I'm sure there are some that do but I would guess most do not.
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
12 Feb
@LadyDuck Oh, I am sure some do. I mean I watch Rugby from time to time from other countries.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
12 Feb
I enjoyed every moment of it. I am a huge football fan and I thought it was an exciting game right down to the end. I like Usher and I thought his performance and those that performed with him put on an excellent halftime show. They showed many of the wives and families throughout the show and other celebrities who were in attendance for the event. Yes they did show Taylor Swift a few times but I was okay with that. I look forward to the game every year.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
13 Feb
@Bensen32 I do agree with everything that you are saying.
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
13 Feb
@Happy2BeMe Sometimes a I miss it but then I think, well I have many other things I would rather do in that 4 hours.
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
13 Feb
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I know a lot of people do; I use to love football. The it changed in my eyes, what you use to be able to watch in about 3 hours now seem to be about a 4-hour commitment. I also don't like that the company allows their employees protest things on company time. Not to mention is seems every play someone is begging for a penally, just play the game.
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@kareng (57611)
• United States
12 Feb
I missed the very beginning but watching after halftime for a bit. My husband turned Usher off because he was acting a fool. I haven't seen any commercials yet that have been up to the "old day standards" of Super Bowl Commercials.
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
12 Feb
Yeah, was not impressed with the whole experience LOL.
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@kareng (57611)
• United States
12 Feb
@Bensen32 I saw a lady on Facebook bragging about how good it was and all the commercials were fantastic. Of course, she was of the younger generation. They didn't know GOOD!
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
13 Feb
@kareng LOL, yeah, I guess I'm too old to enjoy it or something.
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@FourWalls (64231)
• United States
12 Feb
I watched Smokey and the Bandit on a free streaming service instead. Pitchers and catchers report for Spring Training in two days, THAT’S the sporting event I’m interested in!
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
12 Feb
Yeah, not a fan of baseball myself. I ended up playing video games with my son.
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@JESSY3236 (19393)
• United States
13 Feb
I didn't watch it. I haven't seen the commercials yet. I may watch some of the commercials tomorrow.
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
14 Feb
Yeah, I didn't see the whole thing and guessing we didn't miss anything really.
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@porwest (81633)
• United States
12 Feb
I agree. It leaves much to be desired these days. Not that I was ever really a sports fan, the NFL seems less and less American to me. The commercials are mostly not funny, too propagandist in nature, and the entire event seems to be something not entirely devoted to its traditions anymore. Just a lot of hype and not much more. Beyond that, why they insist on the Black Anthem boggles my mind. Inclusion, they say? How about we just be Americans? One nation. Under God. Indivisible. It defies logic, if you ask me, if you want to call for equality and then seek to separate yourself somehow. The Taylor Swift hype is becoming a bit annoying as well. She's there. Okay, great. She's dating a Chief. Wonderful. But is the game about her or about the team? It also makes one wonder if the NFL is not simply becoming something like the WWE where things are scripted for money and ratings? And yeah. Legendary performance? Usher is now legendary anyway? I don't I said, it leaves much to be desired.
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
13 Feb
It me it is over hyped and not worth my time to watch anymore. Oh, I missed black anthem. Yeah, many claim they want equal rights, inclusion and treated the same, which I understand but then they want their own anthem and in colleges they want their own space, that seems like special and separate treatment. I couldn't name of his songs to save my life. They could get rid of the whole league, and I wouldn't miss it one bit.
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@Bensen32 (27605)
• United States
14 Feb
@porwest Agree, and hate to say it the government would like nothing for us to be divided.
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@porwest (81633)
• United States
13 Feb
@Bensen32 To me with all of this special black stuff, I can't find the difference between a table for whites and a table for blacks, a song for you and a song for me... It's either, either. Pick what you want. Because all this divisive stuff seems to me you want segregation to return. Just my two cents. You can't be special and equal at the same time. It doesn't work that way.
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