Did you know digital photos have been around for over 100 years?

@Fleura (29556)
United Kingdom
April 2, 2024 5:58pm CST
Did you know digital photos have been around for over 100 years? No, neither did I. But today when I tried to download some photos my computer asked me if I wanted to save those, or some others with the same details taken on 30th December 1899. I was a bit flabbergasted really. I wasn’t even born then. In fact my parents weren’t even born. I showed my resident IT expert but even he was stumped by that one. Have you ever had this issue before? All rights reserved. © Text and image copyright Fleur 2024.
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9 responses
@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
3 Apr
A computer glitch with the date for sure. It happened to me when copying data from a very old computer.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
3 Apr
@Fleura Surely a glitch during the transfer. Did you check if the photos are fine and not corrupted? EDITED I made a search and I see that it happened to more than one people, Microsoft glitch!
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr
@LadyDuck Good detective work! I haven't checked if the photos are OK because it only shows me one set, I would have to note the file number then search for it, and it was late at night!
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr
It is very strange because they can only be photos I have taken recently and downloaded onto this laptop. All very odd.
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@JudyEv (332007)
• Rockingham, Australia
3 Apr
That hasn't happened to me but isn't that odd? I wonder what the answer is.
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr
I've not seen this before, but it does make things complicated if you are trying to organise pictures in date order!
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr
@JudyEv A few people made a fortune out of that scaremongering!
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@JudyEv (332007)
• Rockingham, Australia
3 Apr
@Fleura Remember the fuss when they thought computers might all crash when we switched over to 2000?
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@mayka123 (16603)
• India
3 Apr
Thats definitely a computer glitch.
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr
Made me laugh, although I am still puzzled.
• China
3 Apr
Incredibly,did people have the ability to converted information into binary digital form 100 years ago ? The advent of vacuum tube digital machine is less than 100 years.
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr
No of course they didn't. Digital photography has been around less than 20 years. And personal computers only less than 50 years.That's what's so funny.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
5 Apr
Old computers can get confused with dates. Before the 2000's I remember there was a conspiracy theory claiming that all computers will crash when the year changes to 2000.
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
5 Apr
Oh yes many people made a fortune out of that, carrying out protective upgrades
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
5 Apr
@Fleura Yes some people believed them, you couldn't really know and preferred to the "safer" route I guess!
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@LindaOHio (166250)
• United States
3 Apr
I've never had that issue before. Could the photos have been renamed?
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr
No, because the ones with the weird date are the new ones, if any had been renamed it would have been the ones I had saved before. And only I use this laptop.
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@LindaOHio (166250)
• United States
4 Apr
@Fleura Very strange.
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@kaylachan (62747)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Apr
I doubt digital photos are that old, but you can scan physical photos and code them. Or someone put the wrong date in. Technology is one of those things.
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr
They're definitely not that old, if they are the same photos as the others then I must have taken them myself in February. No-one else has any photos in this folder, and the dates get added automatically, you can't put a date in.
@sabtraversa (13401)
• Italy
2 Apr
I've seen photos being given arbitrary dates but 1899? Pretty hilarious!
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr
Who knew? And they are photos I took as well, I must have discovered time travel!
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@wolfgirl569 (100049)
• Marion, Ohio
2 Apr
Never seen that
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr
Me neither! I have found the dates confusing sometimes but they are generally within the right decade!
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