A good end to a good day.

@kaylachan (67949)
Daytona Beach, Florida
July 7, 2024 11:17pm CST
Getting George to eat solid food has been an exercises in patience. He still finds solids hard to get down and I have to watch for choaking. However, I sucessfully got two hot dogs down him. I cut them into small rings of course, and struck when he sat up. I know he'll feel better for it. I have one final tube feed to do tonight before we go to bed, but getting food down George is an accomplishment in and of itself. We're still waiting on the VVA to approave the swollow study. However, the VA never works fast.
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8 responses
@MarieCoyle (36229)
8 Jul
That's great that he ate some hot dogs. Like you said, getting the food down is an accomplishment! Were hot dogs a favorite food he had before his stroke, or a new favorite?
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
9 Jul
Old favorite.
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@MarieCoyle (36229)
10 Jul
@kaylachan It's a good thing that you started him out on something he really likes.
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
10 Jul
@MarieCoyle He's been eating them on and off since he's returned from rehab and the hospital. I've just been spacing it out with other things. Trying to find safe foods he can eat. Last night I tried giving him a dish he'd eaten successfully before, but last night only two or three bites.
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@LadyDuck (470191)
• Switzerland
8 Jul
Gorge seems doing better, I hope that tube will be soon gone.
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Jul
He seems to think he can go to any doctor's office and tell them to take out the tube. No. Doesn't work that way. The body gets used to the tube, so the person has to ween off of it slowly. And, a doctor won't green-light that until George can safely eat food and not risk choking. So swollow studies are performed, and you usually have to see a GI. The VA is taking its sweet time with all of that.
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
9 Jul
@LadyDuck No they won't wait forever. He has to be able to sustain himself through oral intake before they'll consider removing his tube. However, doctor's appoitments are far and few in-between. Plus, cost. It benifits us that they schedule them so far apart, since he's not driving. But, waiting is a pain in the rear.
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@LadyDuck (470191)
• Switzerland
9 Jul
@kaylachan - I was pretty sure that taking out the tube is not something that any doctor can do. Let's hope the VA will not wait forever.
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@FourWalls (67046)
• United States
8 Jul
We’ll declare George the winner of the hot dog eating contest!! Way to go!!
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Jul
I consider it a win when he eats anything orally.
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
10 Jul
@porwest LOL I'd have to liquify it to get it in his tube, and flush the hell out of it LOL
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@porwest (88524)
• United States
10 Jul
@kaylachan I can imagine that might be a nightmare in the making. lol
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@jstory07 (139281)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Jul
George is doing good and will get better. I hope you hear from the VA really soon.
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Jul
Not holding my breath.
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Jul
I'm glad you got him to eat. I hope you hear from the VA soon.
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
9 Jul
Its a waiting game. kind of glad that they're slow.
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@LindaOHio (175605)
• United States
8 Jul
Yay for George! Have a good week.
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
9 Jul
We try.
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@wolfgirl569 (104695)
• Marion, Ohio
8 Jul
Glad he ate them
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
10 Jul
He seems to have the most success with them.
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@porwest (88524)
• United States
9 Jul
Hot dogs sound good. Just bought a pack the other day and found buns on sale for 25 cents at Aldi. Maybe an easy dinner night is on the way. Just some dogs on buns and some mac and cheese. Yummy.
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
9 Jul
I like the idea of that. I'm just happy if I get George to eat the dogs, themselves. I tried to get some speggeti down him last night. He ate a few bites and was like 'i'm done'. As much as he wants that tube out, he's far from ready. And, I am his biggest supporter. I want him set up for success.
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@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
10 Jul
@porwest I know. Taking longer then he would've liked.
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@porwest (88524)
• United States
10 Jul
@kaylachan He'll get there. Just a matter of time.
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