What are the chances of getting caught for admitting something illegal?

FBI at my door? - fbi
United States
December 14, 2007 8:29am CST
Ok, I sit here and tell you about the big drug party I'm planning for New Year's eve and all the good stuff I got to share with my friends. I might even go as far as giving out my phone number for any members who live any where near me so they can come too (and there are a few members not far from me). What are the chances that the cops will show up at my door to confiscate the drugs and put me and everyone else in jail? Do you think that could possibly happen?
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9 responses
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Well you know how gossip travels,haha.I am sure that someone in the group would blow your cover and ,bang bang,cops at the door.In my family that is a lot of gossip going around.I can just accidently say something,and sometimes i can just look a certain way and before i know it its every where and streched out a mile long.LolI don't know about your friends but if it were me the cops would arrive before my guests.I seem to have a disfuntional family ,so i know my cover would be blown right away.I supposs it would depwnd on who you invited.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Sorry type O depend on who you invited.
• United States
16 Dec 07
It could happen. There may be cops here at Mylot.And if there were no cops , there could be spouses of cops.And even if they weren't there are always peole who will rat you out to the cops.now if you didn't broadcast the party and you just told a handful of friends and none of them told anyone else, you wouldn't be bothered by the cops. Especially if you don't play your stereo too loud, the neighbors wouldn't even know.
@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
15 Dec 07
OMG YOU ARE SO BUSTED!..NO WAIT...I mean, can I come too? LOL seriously..I really wouldnt be surprised if the cops were to show up at your door...ONLY BECAUSE there are ppl out there who just love to stir up trouble etc...
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
15 Dec 07
you gotta be kidding. Why put a post up like this unless you want to get either yourself or someone else into trouble? The chances of police turning up on your door are probably slim as they have better things to do, but attracting attention to yourself like this doesn't help.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
15 Dec 07
Slim in that case I think. More probable if you are planning on killing someone, overthrowing the government or planning terrorist acts. Unless someone really wants to get you in trouble and takes the news to the police, I think you should be safe:)
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
15 Dec 07
Yep it could happen. But if ya really want to check that theory, post your info, and see who shows up for the party! And no, I'm not a cop, of any kind.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
14 Dec 07
Ofcourse it could happen.Never think things will never happen to you.The people who thought some things never would happen to them did happen to them. There has to be one who will betray you adn you and evryone will be busted. So never make a party for that because there's a big chance there's one maybe undercover cop or just a person who will call the police.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Are you serious, ctry? I would say the chances of your getting caught are great-especially if one of those who lives near you has a bone to pick with you. Then again, if everything works to your advantage, you might get away unscathed. I would advise that you hold the nois down to a minimum(which won't be easy once everyone gets all zoned out), and also invite the neighbors so they will have no reason to feel left out.
@ellepo (11)
14 Dec 07
It's moderately likely. They could find you out one of two ways - someone ringing up the FBI/Police, them checking it out and then finding out your IP address and thus your house address. And the police do monitor online discussions and search for 'buzz words' occasionally to root out any deviants. It's possible, but then again the Internet is a big place...