is your relationship like this?

@jhl930 (3601)
United States
September 8, 2008 8:32pm CST
with my relationship i have been in it for about seven months and i know that we have had our fights and things like that and i know that we have had some hard times but the truth is most of the time when we are together we always love spending time with each other and with us we can honestly lay in bed all day together(when we don't have to work or anything like that)and we can honestly just be with each other and not want to do anyhting else and be happy just laying there together and we are fine, and i was just wondering if this was because we have only been together seven months or if this can last forever? thanks for taking the time out of your day to stop by and read and review my discussion and i hope that you reply to my discussion and i hope that you all had a great day and that you have a great night tonight, once again thanks for taking the time!
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23 responses
• Canada
9 Sep 08
From my experience this is still like the honeymoon stage of a realtionship , usually the firt year is like this . I believe it can last but in most cases you become so familiar with the person you are with that the feelings start to change and just laying together all day doesn't do the same thing it did when one were firt together . I have found that like anything else in life a realtionship must be worked on all the time if it is going to work . There will always be problems but as long as the two of you are always willing to work on them togehter then the love will remain .
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@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
9 Sep 08
i think that you are right and we are young and that doesn't help us but i think that we are both really willing to work on it, thanks for taking the time to reply to my discussion!
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@deng6922 (16)
• Philippines
9 Sep 08
hello, my partner and i have our ups and down in life there's a time we love each other as a newly wed couple and sometimes its like 3rd world war. but we make sure that our children don't know it and we make sure we end up talking and finish our quarrel. we kiss and make up. happy Myloting!
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• India
9 Sep 08
I feel 7 months are no to much to understand each other. This relationship is at the initial stage. This how the relationship further in life, respecting each others sentiments, emotions likes and dislikes. There will be time for both of you that Each one will understand from the expressions rather than said and only then you can say that the relationship may take the shape of a family and then proceed in the life making the life more lovable and workable. Comment and have nice married life.
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@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 08
WAAAA ... i don't know is this coinsidence or what but you have the same experience with me i'm just feel like you do, but we already been together for 3 years, and we are planning to make it happens, we plan to get married in couple year
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• United States
9 Sep 08
In my relationship, well we are now married. We have been together for 3 yrs and have been married for 5 months.We can actually do that, we can lay in bed all cuddled up together and just talk about anything under the sun. We can have a car ride for 6 hours or even more and there is never a silent moment.We love spending time together, and yes we do have our moments were we get into arguments or we just need time to ourselves. But our relationship is really good for the length of time that we have been together.
• China
9 Sep 08
trust yourself!!i think you are so luck,cos you can spend your time the person whom you definite love so much. if you want to keep this relationship,you have to pay more effort.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
9 Sep 08
maybe..depending on you or you mate..but basing on my experienced after being married..all will be different since at this stage you got a lot of responsibility to take care of thru the emergence of the kids..but the feeling could be more intense or the reverse..its how the woman handle their man that counts most on married life..but if chooses not be be married then it could still be the same that is if you started having a family and of course kids of your own..having misunderstanding is just normal in a relationship or even in married life its how you handle this kind of thing..
@rsa101 (38008)
• Philippines
9 Sep 08
Well of course that is a temporary thing, it will come to pass when many things come into your life. If you're planning to have a baby then things will changed once that comes into your life. You've just started there so the thing that makes you and him together is quite very important. But if it finally fades away then don't think that your love for each other is not growing anymore. There is more to love than in what you're in right now. So what can you do right now is to enjoy while it last but I think nothing last forever. it will have to last for sometime and fade in time. What is important is that the love that you have in him lingers despite the changes that happens in your relationship.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
9 Sep 08
7 months and you are fighting already have you thought that it may not work this is a new relationship.laying in bed is not the whole relationship weight your relationship and see what else you and he has in common.
@marina321 (4556)
9 Sep 08
I think all relationships have their fights, and it's always good making up.. As long as you can look at more happy moments then that's ok; If fights go on and on and ever winding, then there's a problem that needs to be addressed. I do not think the honeymoon phase lasts forever but worth enjoying every moment you can get while it still lasts
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Sep 08
It sounds like the core of the relationship is good that you've overcome disagreements and remained close. I have always believed that a relationship is a living thing, it needs to be nurtured and cared for. If you and your love take the time to show each other consideration and attention, your love for each other should grow. People to change and grow over time but it is possible to grow together as long as you keep the lines of communication open.
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@snpyvin (1518)
• Malaysia
9 Sep 08
Hi ya i do agree with the time you have with your lover. I do feel the same like you most of the times, sometime quarreling sometimes i just feel that we are meant to be together. But to see it last forever or not it really depends how much you both love each other and how well you two wanted to be together to the end of your life. If you doesn't love each other so much maybe after one year one of you will started to feel different to the other one compare to the love feeling he had at the beginning of the relationship. Based on my experience if that happens do communicate more with your lover, give them as much care and love as you do in the beginning of the relationship try your best to maintain your relationship but must be done by both of you. For the most important do be honest and faithful and give trust to each other that will surely guarantee you a long lasting relationship. Hope this little experience of mine can help you in you relationship. At here i would like to wish you and your lover happy and be together forever. Have a nice day, God bless and Happy mylotting!!!!!
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• India
9 Sep 08
Hi, this is the power of a good relationship which has faith and trust in it. Couples may fight many number of times , they may have long arguments but as long as there is love and trust in a relationship, that relationship always is everlasting and it makes you feel comfortable and happy. I wish you must always be happy and have this kind of wonderful relationship. It is even said that good relationship is essential for physical and mental health. Hope your relationship is filled with lots of love and happiness forever. bye and take care.
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• United States
9 Sep 08
I think the first year of a relationship is always like a honeymoon. You're still putting up a front. I'm not saying that you're being fake but it's something we all do. So maybe it's something that you'll do forever but it might just be the beginning stages of your relationship.
@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Well, we have been married for 20 years, after living together for three, and I can tell you the best way to make sure your relationship keeps working is to be able to overlook your partner's small faults and mistakes, be willing to compromise, and to keep looking forward together into the future. Those first few months or years of romance don't have to go away if you both want to work on keeping the romance alive as your love grows into a deeper, more mature type of love relationship. The stresses of work, raising kids, keeping the bills paid, and other daily stresses can't get in the way of a romantic relationship if you refuse to let them! Best wishes to both of you!
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
9 Sep 08
Hello jhl. I think that my relationship is somewhat similar like this, but not exactly. When we don't have to work, we would like to stay together, doing whatever we like to, but as we are married, we need to cook and do some household chores. It is not as romantic as a couple in love. lol. Yet, we enjoy our relationship.
• India
9 Sep 08
your relationship sounds quite like mine..tho we parted for good after 3 years..during our 3 yrs of togetherness we were just like what u have described and it continued till the last date we dated..knowing it was the last time, it hurt a lot but we coulnt continue it and parted..i guess its normal for u both to feel like waht u are feelin now.and i hope this feeelin lasts forever. good luck
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I think it can last, but that is the exception not the rule. I think it probably won't because of the fact that you do fight. I have a friend that I've known for 17 years. I think we will always be comfortable together and be able to spend time together just enjoying each other's company. We used to date but our lives were just too busy and going in opposite directions. But we still remain friends. We still take time out to spend together. But in 17 years we never really faught. We always say if we aren't doing anything are tied up in a relationship we will marry in 2010.
@khatri_50 (225)
• India
9 Sep 08
IT is difficult to make relation but it is easy to break it . love can be created only once in life if it is broken u cannot forget it .to forgiveness and love should be the moto of life . so never try to be so rigid .please show the love and affection to your friend and become the the passanger of trainof life.
• Philippines
9 Sep 08
In every relationship, there are always spices that would help us strengthen the bonding we started with our partner. Its dull and boring if we always lay over a bed of roses. As life says there need to have ups and downs so we know where we stand, we need to grow in every aspect of our lives. And I guess everyone experienced this, though differ in situations, but the end point is, it is to mold us up to be better person. At the end of the day, we will once again discover, the winds and the waves, the earth and the gravity, and for the second time around, you will discover fire.