my eight year old didn't make it to school today!

@TnWoman (1895)
United States
February 2, 2009 11:06am CST
hello everybody here at Mylot. my eight year old son woke up sick yesterday morning around 5:30 a.m. throwing up and couldn't stay off of the toilet. poor little thing. so this morning after a night without him waking up sick, i went to wake him up to see if he was well enough to go to school today, and he told me no. so here i sit at Mylot today instead of getting to go to work again. so tell me, what do you usually do when your at home all day long besides Mylotting? thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day today!
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15 responses
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I am at home every day. I normally do some myLotting in between filling my toffee orders and chasing my 2 year old around the house. Somedays chasing her around the house is a chore in itself. I hope your son is feeling better now and can make it to school tomorrow.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
3 Feb 09
Awww, hope he feels better soon. Has to be a miserable flu going around. When I'm home all day I do several things starting with myLot. Usually do laundry, watch alot of television and work on crafts. Am working on another big project for our new grandbaby. I'm not working this winter so the days can be real long when home alone all day. My husband is now working 6 days a week and on Sunday he is gone with softball. I do get rather bored at times.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I'm at home everyday. It does get pretty boring sometimes. But then i just go find a recipe i want to try and start cooking. I love to cook and bake so I can do that to make time go by. Otherwise im here on mylot. Checking emails and playing second life.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
2 Feb 09
sorry I meant to say sorry about your child being sick, I know how hard it is to del with a sick child. I hope he feels better soon.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
2 Feb 09
Your son must have caught the same virus, and suffer from diarrhoea and vomiting as you. Your poor little one...hope he gets well soon to be able to go back to school. Well, at least you can spend some quality time with him at home. I'm usually at home logged on to my computer whole day long. I'm usually busy either watching the stock market or trying to earn money on the internet. But I'm also busy doing lots of graphic work like creating posters and flyers, mostly for my church. Right now, I am designing a 20-page booklet for a church project so that will keep me busy for a while. In between any free time, I try and do my personal things or run some errands. I hardly sleep or go shopping or roaming the town.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
1 Mar 09
Thanks as usual for your BR vote, Rhonda. Although these events took place four weeks ago, I do hope though that everything's well at home, no one's sick and you are back at work. Hope also the birthday celebration was a great and memorable one.
2 Feb 09
Hi TnWoman, AZfter I've done all my housework and as I have no children, i do mylotting all day and then I go do my hubby's dinner and back on mylot till the early hours of the morning. Love and hugs. Tamara
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@suzzy3 (8342)
2 Feb 09
I am a housewife through choice so I don't mind.Normally spend the first few hours of the morning doing housework,have a bubble bath,come on here or visit a friend or have a friend in for lunch or coffee,to be hones I am so busy running out of time is a regular thing now.I put the tv on and watch it while doing the ironing that takes a good hour or two,another day the bedrooms get cleaned sheets changed.It did take me a long time to adjust but now I love it,always there for school holidays ,or if my son is sick,help with homework.My son has just finished all his course work for his exams coming up in may so we have burnt the midnight oil on many a night,so sometimes during the day I will sleep a while.If I have been up late with him having an after noon nap then my husband comes home from work,I am so busy how I found time to go to work I will never know.
@suzzy3 (8342)
2 Feb 09
I got carried away how is your little boy doing know those bugs are horrible I have had that,give him a hug from me,bless his heart.xx
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
Hi TnWoman! I hope and pray that your son is feeling a lot better now. I usually stay home almost everyday except for some appointments set by clients who want their ordered items to be delivered at their place or when I have to buy some materials and supplies..and of course when I have to do some house errands. So, when I am at home if I am not entertaining business clients, I am doing house chores and if I am not doing those two, I am doing some crafts and if not, I am mylotting. Take care and have a great day!
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Feb 09
I am sorry to hear your son is ill I hope that he gets better quickly. I am home every day. I went through a stage of being addicted to mylot and so that is all I would do all day but I have not pulled myself away from here a bit. Now I do a lot of stuff around the house and I go on facebook a lot and ebay as I have started selling on there again. I just come on here in between when I can.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
2 Feb 09
myLot, Yuwie, soap operas, court TV and if I want to I can actually work from home!
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
2 Feb 09
my 8 year old is home today too but recovering from a virus he had over the weekend with a high fever and chills and stuffed up nose. no doubt he will have lots of work and homework to make up but i could not send him since he still had a fever as of yesterday and needed to get his strength back. hope your son feels better soon.
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
Aside from being on the internet, I'd watch tv the whole day, and slack myself off. That's how lazy I can be! I wanted to start working out and join the fitness club. But oh well... I play with my dogs too, there the sweetest and the cutest, but lazy to have them for a walk. Lol I hope your son get well! Let him drink Gatorade, I think he's dehydrated.
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
3 Feb 09
When my child is sick i am focused on him. If he is to the point he has to be kept home then i am doing everything i can to comfort him. Tylenol or ibuprofen. Something warm to drink if he can hold it down. Sprite. Just comforting. I dont get on the computer those days. I just spend time with him.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
3 Feb 09
when i am at home,my son who is 1 year of age keeps me occupied.However little time i get i manage to do pending household chores like rearranging almirah,cleaning cupboards,cleaning refrigerator etc. If i have ample time at my disposal then i cook something special for my family.So i do not get bored if i am at home.
• United States
2 Feb 09
At home, I try cooking (which I usually fail at), finding out some way to make money, and pretty much just stay on the computer. There's not much else I can do lol besides sleep. I like to be out and on the go most of the time though.
@moondancer (7433)
• United States
2 Feb 09
I clean and straighten the house as much as I can. I do some and then sithere I go back to cleaning as long as I can and then back here. What I mean by here is sitting in my chair. This chair is comforable. I rest for a short bit then I'm up again. after all of that I'm on the lot to write to you all. lol Unless I have something that I have to go to town for.