is freemasonry a threat to true democracy?

May 8, 2009 6:10pm CST
There are masonic lodges in most western towns, freemasons meet in these buildings that have no windows. We all know that US Presidents and Senators are members of secret societies like Skull and Bones (Yale), Scroll and Key (Yale). Queen Elizabeth II is Grand Master of World Freemasonry! It dates back to the Templar Knights and the main reason behind it is to gain assets and expand these assets infinitely, to the point where most western leaders are freemasons, and therefore owe dues to an order other than their superiors in the real world, it certainly doesn't make for a democratic doctrine. I don't mind when smart decent freemasons are in power (for example George H. W. Bush was the last president to serve in World War II - honours like this are impressive to say the least!), but when people like his son George W. Bush become president, I get the feeling that something has gone awfully wrong. JFK tried to tell the American people that these secret societies were a threat to democracy - but the message never really hit home. Barack Obama seems to have his mind on the job rather than on his pocket like most other people. He's not wealthy is he? He's not an oil baron is he? Maybe he can start to reverse the universal damage caused by a corrupt few.
4 responses
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
8 May 09
This country was founded by Freemasons. Of course back then we were a Republic not a Democracy, but I do not think it is a threat to this country. Right now we have a whole lot more important things to worry about. Obama's family is very comfortable although he would like you to think he came from a log cabin. He never had to work. He never held a real job in his life. I would say by the clothes he wears that he is very comfortable. The Trilateral Commission, The World Bank, The World Courts, and the UN are the ones to fear. Shalom~Adoniah
8 May 09
Thanks, your right Obama makes it look like he's from a log cabin!!!
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
9 May 09
Do they have log cabins in Kenya? Shalom
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
9 May 09
One thing I learned about Masons when I was sailing in the Caribbean, was to try and always have a Mason onboard or at least nearby. If you ran into trouble, all you had to do was get a Mason to call his fellow Masons, and they all came to help no matter what, or how far. It was amazing and wonderful. Many times when there was an emergency, the Masons were there long before the Coast Guard or any other professional help. They even sent a helicopter once, to get a little child and her mother out of harms way. Someone in the group just happened to know a Mason pilot in Miami. Shalom
• Thailand
9 May 09
One more silly conspiracy theory. I don't know where you are doing your research but it is time you leave the tin-foil hat crowd behind and look at some real, informed sources. When you do you will see just how silly this all is. This link will point you in the right direction.
9 May 09
He's speaking of people who make scull caps from aluminum foil so that their minds can not be manipulated by thought beams or have their thoughts read. Some people can see the problem 2+2= but never come to the correct solution.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 May 09
Well first off I don't see freemasonry as any kind of threat. I just don't know any basis for that. Kennedy's concerns are moot because the Freemasons are protected under the constitution as having the right to assemble. FYI, Obama is a freaking millionaire. He's raking it in hand over fist. As for him not worried about his pocket... well maybe you need to look back at his fund raising. This guy set a record for most money ever raised by a presidential candidate. There are hands in his pockets and he has to answer to those who funded him. He's also put plenty of lobbyists in his administration and big organizations have hands in their pockets as well.
9 May 09
I appreciate that Obama maybe rich, but I didn't know until you told me - I mean obviously the guys got some serious connections, he walked that election!!! Apparently he's connected through his geneaology to many of the elite, typical!! You say Kennedy's concerns are moot, I can guess what you mean by moot - but how has this slang word come about? - i am interested to know!
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 May 09
I know quite a few masons actualy, some of them are pretty good freinds of mine, I have been to some of their meetings and function. Mostly pomp and circumstance but they ado do some good work, despite the suposedly shadowy history and legends and conspiricies surrounding them. relatively high up. I had a grandfather who was a really high level guy, couldn't tell you the exact rank though, was a long time ago. I thought about joining a few times myself.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
9 May 09
My grandfather was a mason. I've considered joining The Eastern Star and still may in the future.
9 May 09
I've thought about it but I doubt I ever will join up, I struggle sorting myself out, never mind swearing allegiance to an order of some sort, I appreciate the fact that they do some good, after all there has to be more good in the world than bad. Thanks for the response.