Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice... Told us untruths (lies)...

@iriscot (1289)
United States
May 31, 2009 11:20am CST
Well Taskr36, I doubt that you will read this list... and doubt that you will believe... even if you watch the documentry "No End In Site", you can get a copy from Netflix. Okay here are a few people that believe we were told untruths (lies) to drag us into Bush's War: 1. Gerald Burke - Adviser to Iraq Ministry of Interior for the U.S. occupation (CPA) 2. Ali Fadhil - Iraq Journalist, Emigrated to U.S. 2006 3. Omar Fekeirkl - Office Manager, Baghdad Bureau - The Washington Post 4. Robert Hutchings - Chairman (2003-2005) National Intelligence Council 5. Colonel Paul Hughes - Director of strategic policy for the U.S. occupation (2008) 6. Marc Garlaseo - Senior Iraq Analyst, 1997 - 2003, Defense Intelligence Agency 7. James Bamford, Author, "The Puzzle Palace and a Pretext for war" 8. Samantha Powers, Author, "A Problem From Hell" Professor, Harvard University 9. Faisal Al-Istrabadi, Iraq Ambassador to the United Nations 10. Gerald Packer, Journalist and Author, "The Assassin's Gate" 11. Joost Hilterman, Mideast Director International Crisis Group 12. Lawrence Di Rita, Former Spokesman, Defense Department ... Well that's a dozen... Aw, Heck I'll list all of them! 13. Barry Posen, Professor and Director, National Security Program, MIT 14. Colonel Lawrence Wickerson, Chief of Staff Secretary of State Colin Powell 2002-2005 15. Seth Moulton, Lieutenant, U.S. Marines 16. David Yancey, Specialist, Military Police, U.S. Army 17. Hugo Gonzalez, Field Artillery Gunner, U.S. Army 18. Chris Allbritton, Journalist, Time Magazine - Arrived in Baghdad April 15,2003 -- ORHA, Organization for reconstruction and humanitarian assistance reported directly to Rumsfeld -- 19. General Jay Garner, Administrator, ORHA February - May 2003 20. Amabassador Barbara Bodine, in charge of Baghdad for the U.S. Occupation - Arrived in Baghdad, April 24, 2003 21. Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, 2001-2005 22. Lt. General David McKiernan, Commander of Allied Forces 23. James Fallows, National editor, The Atlantic Monthly, Author "Blind Into Baghdad" 24. Nir Rosen, Journalist, arrived Baghdad, April 2003 25. Major General Paul Eaton, in Charge of Training New Iraqi Army 2003 - 2004 26. General Shinseki 27. Robert Perito, Director - Offic of International Criminal Justice 1995 - 2002 Department of Justice 28. L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer, Administrator, CPA May 2003 - June 2004 29. Walter Slocombe, Senior Advisor for National Security and Defense, CPA 30. [Frontline] Ambassador L. Paul Bremer, Administor CPA - Aqman Shalibi 31. Amaia Baram, Professor of Middle East History, Former Adviser to the Bush Administration 32. Yaroslav Trofimov Journalist The Wall Street Journal, arrived Baghdad April 2003 33. Dan Senor, CPA Senior Advisor and Press Spokesman 34. Ray Jennings, NGO Manager and Lecturer, Georgetown University 35. Linda Bilmes, Budgeting Specialist, Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University 36. Ann Gildroy, 1st Lieutenant, U.S. Marines 37. Sergio Vieira de Mello, Special UN Representative to Iraq 38. Jamal Benomar, Special Advisor UN Development Program 39. Gerald Burke, CPA Advisor to Iraq Ministry of Interior 40. Mahmoud Othmaw, member Iraqi Paliment 41. Paul Pillar, National Intelligent Officer for the Mideast 2003 - 2005 National Intelligence Council 42. Amazia Baram, Former Adviser to Bush Administration 43. Aida Ussayran, Deputy Minister, Iraq Human Rights Ministry 44. Matt Sherman, CPA Deputy Senior Advisor to Iraq Ministry of Interior 45. Aston Carter, Asst. Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy, Clinton Administration. ... You can see and hear all of the above tell how we were tricked into believing the untruths (lies) that the Bush administration fed the Congress, UN, and the people of the United States and other allied countries in order to drag us into this never ending conflict in Iraq and the Middle East. Through 2007 the debt that was run up to finance the conflict with Iraq and other Middle Eastern Countries was 1.86 Trillion Dollars, mostly borrowed from other Countries such as China. Two more Documentaries that you can watch are: "Maxed Out" and "Uncovered: The War on Iraq"
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6 responses
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
31 May 09
I'd like to add an untruth that is not war related if I may. It really riled me up when George W. Bush stood in front of a microphone and told the American people that there was no way of knowing that a category five hurricane would break the levees and flood the city of New Orleans. There was a report from Lousiana State University that predicted EXACTLY what could (and did) happen and that it was just a matter of time. That report was in the hands of the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bush administration. In fact money had been allocated to start immediate work but George W. Bush stopped that work because his administration thought the money was needed elsewhere. (Actually, if any of that money went to the war in Iraq, I guess you could put this one down as another war related lie.)
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
31 May 09
I guess it would take far less time and space to list those who believe they did NOT tell us untruths! Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld...I guess that would about cover it! Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
31 May 09
No, Taskr, a list of names doesn't prove anything other than to show that there are people who were in the position to know who believe they - and WE - were mislead. The point is to read or watch what they have to say and how they came up with their beliefs. Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
31 May 09
So is a list of names proof of anything Annie? If I give you a list of people who believe in Creationism will you then consider that proof that evolution is false?
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
31 May 09
I expected such responses from you Taskr36. You have now proven to mylotters that you would only believe anything that your Conservative repubs would put forth. You probably didn't even read the list or recognize any of those on the list. I challenge you to watch the video where those on that list tell what they know while being interviewed. The name of the documentary is "No End In Sight" if you don't have a Netflix account you can probably get it or order it through Blockbuster. You wanted proof... You now have it!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
31 May 09
"Okay here are a few people that BELIEVE we were told untruths (lies) to drag us into Bush's War..." That doesn't PROVE anything. I can provide you with a list of people who believe there are aliens in outer space. It doesn't PROVE there are aliens. I could provide a list of professionals from all walks of life that believe there is a god. Barrack Obama, George W. Bush, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, King Tut, etc. Guess what? That doesn't prove there's a god and I doubt you'd find anyone who would claim it does. Perhaps you should stop by your local library, grab a dictionary, and learn the meaning of the word proof.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I'm saying that I don't know and that all the people making that claim including the OP have either failed or refused to provide any proof. A list of names isn't proof especially since this list lacks any citation or any specific claims that any one of them may have made regarding whether or not Bush lied to get us into war with Iraq.
@mrtimharry (1180)
31 May 09
Does seem to be a pointless list? The fact that politicians lie is hardly a surprise. Can you name one American president who didn't lie about something? Probably Sadaam didn't have WMD but that doesn't mean the war did not do some good in getting rid of him. There is justification put forward for any war and it is up to the electorate to decide whether to believe the politicians or not. In a democracy there is always a chance to vote for change, and the fact is that the American votal system saw enough of the population vote to give Bush a second term in office.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 Jun 09
"The WMD story was lie from the beginning and sources say that both Cheney and Bush knew that too." Can you provide these sources?
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
1 Jun 09
People can keep on fighting and arguing over who started this and who did that and who caused what. But the big picture is is that we are now in this mess and we have to get out of it. It is a fact and it is a fact that we have to find a way to save out people and our country. Right now it doesn't look so good for either one. This new administration made a lot of promises and they haven't kept any of them. The things that they have done are very scary. When a Pres. and a Congress start Nationalizing Banks and Businesses and Corporations it sends a country spiraling down into Communism. We fought two World Wars to protect the Western World from this filth and now we are embracing it in 5 months? Our Pres. just fired a CEO of a private Corporation. That is Unconstitutional. He cannot do that, but no one stopped him because no one knows what to do and they are scared to stand up to him. They are terrified of the race card. Congress and the Pres. have forced States and Banks to take the Stimulus Money and then forced them to keep it if they tried to give it back. This is illegal too. Still no one tries to do anything about it. There is not enough money to cover the Stimulus money so the big 0 just printed more money. You can't do that! It devalued the dollar so much that even China has cut back on it's exports to the USA and they hold our debt paper. The devaluation of the dollar is the only thing keeping them from calling in our debt. They know our money is worthless. Fighting over the cause of the war is a stupid waste of time. It is reality check time. Before the next major election, we will be lucky if we even still have a country to hold it in. shalom~Adoniah
@Kenorv (343)
• United States
31 May 09
So what. Get over it. Every politician lies. You think Obama hasn't lied to anyone yet? Please. Don't be so naive. This is why people run for such a high an office, not to serve the people but to carry out their own personal agendas. Obama has his own personal agenda that he's going to carry out at the expense of the taxpayers just like every president did before him. This is nothing new. It's a shame that people actually think that one party is full of lies while the other party is honest. Both parties lie. That's just the way politics is.