There are soo many people that get fed up with their pets,

@jugsjugs (12967)
September 15, 2010 11:08am CST
aswell as people that dump one pet into an animal shelter and then get another pet in replace of it,only to do the same again to that pet.There are the people that likes pets, while they are young and small and then when they get into adult size.People like that should not be allowed to keep animals.Also there are the people that want to swap one cat or dog with a person,which is just as bad as dumping them when they get bored of them.
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28 responses
@celticeagle (161071)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Sep 10
We had to relinguence our ownership of about a dozen cats last year because we couldn't have that many animals in the Section 8 apartment that we live in. Sad to have to give up the moma cat and some of the toms and juniors. We kept two for awhile and then relinguished another of them. It is sad to give them up. We were both raised with alot of cats around and it just seemed natural. We have never dumped our animals. I have known neighbors who gave their rabbit to the Humaine Society after they grew up when given one at Easter. Rediculous and stupid.
@celticeagle (161071)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Sep 10
Some people are just no good. Selfish, self absorbed, etc. It is sad to give them up. I had cats all the time growing up and we just had to take some to the Humane Society. It was hard but we had to because of our housing rules and we couldn't feed them. Also they were making the place so dirty. One wouldn't use the litter box.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
There are people that give up their cats and go and get kittens,then no doubt when they get 2 years old or so they then hand them to a cats home or try to swap them to people whos cats have had kittens.I think that people that give up their own pets for no reason are heartless especially as they have not been made to give a cat up and then get a kitten.
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@quita88 (3715)
• United States
16 Sep 10
They sure do. I don't like that. I take care of my animals till they die. I wish everyone paid attention and realized animals have feelings too.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
Hi quita88.You are right that there are people out there that do not take the animals feelings into consideration.People that trade a cat in for a kitten are just either sick and unfeeling or they are heartless,as they know that kittens grow into adult cats.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
16 Sep 10
I love my dogs. I treat them like how I treat my children. They stay with me and have a special room in my house. The thing I fear most is they will die and leave me. I would never send my pets away. It is a cruel thing to do.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I think that it is cruel aswell,for people to put their animals in a rescue center,when there was nothing wrong with the animal only that the owner got bored of it.The excuses that people make to cats homes are like it pees every where,the children keep getting bitten or scratched by it,the children play in the cat litter,really what they mean is they have grown bored of it or that they want another kitten.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
16 Sep 10
It is a shame the way that some people are so easy come easy go with their pets. I think that a pet's feelings are often forgotten. They get very attached to their owners and need the same sense of security that we do. It makes me sad when I think of all the abandoned and forgotten pets in the world.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I think that people that dump their pets are soo heartless and they are the ones that do the same to the children,as in one person that i knows like hers as babies and when they get to a child or toddler they palm them off on people rather than looking after them.People like that are sick aswell as cruel.
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
16 Sep 10
I wish shelters had the man power and the finances to keep computerized records of their "pet adoptions". I think if they could track the purchases of these pets, they could refuse certain people. My son had a friend whose parents would get a pet from the shelter, keep it a while, decide it wasn't the pet for them and go get another one. Now I can understand maybe doing that once, but several times, no. It isn't far to the poor pet that has to get used a house, only to be brought back.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
Some pet rescue places have to keep records,as when a cat is taken to the cats home it has to be signed over,as that way there are no disputes that the cats home is now the legal owner of the cat.I think that people who go to a cats home to dump a cat will make up a story to why they want to get rid of the cat,but the people who help there can see straight through them and are sometimes made aware that people have other animals that this person has.
@cbjones (1147)
• United States
16 Sep 10
I had a girlfriend once that liked to do the swap and grab at the shelter. Must be traumatic for any living creature. You become used to the love and affection, only to get dumped by the person you thought loved you unconditionally. I asked her once why she treated pets like VHS tapes at Blockbuster video. SHe told me to update that reference, and try asking the same question again later. After i stooped laughing at her response(I think updated references like that still have quite a punch comedically, but maybe I'm just bias toward my own jokes), I asked again, and she just kinda shrugged.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I think that people like that do not have feelings aswell as they are very heartless.They do say that you can tell what a person is like by the way they treat their pets aswell as their children and from what i have heard and seen with people that dump their pets they are right as these people treat their children the same,as in show the babys off that they have and when the baby gets to a child they can not look after them and do not want to either.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
24 Sep 10
I have three dogs. There are some days that they drive me up the wall, just like my kids do. I could never dream of taking them to the shelter. Especially after I had take my 1st dog's puppies there because the apartment we were moving into only allowed one dog. That was the worst experience when it comes to animals I had to deal with. The lady ensured me that puppies get adopted a lot quicker than older dogs, I guess she could tell I had been crying. Our 2nd dog we found at a parking lot, a family were giving them away. I knew if I didn't step in to take one, they would end up at the pound. Our 3rd has been our medical dog, with the many trips to the vet. I wouldn't get rid of them for anything. Even though my 2nd one likes to take off and roam the neighborhood with me right behind her, every once in awhile.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
24 Sep 10
I agree. It breaks my heart because there is a dog across the street in another housing area that doesn't take care of their dog. I can't remember what day, but it was extremely cold outside. I got tired of hearing the poor thing cry. I mean he was crying, and not that irritated bored cry, it was a miserable cry. It also breaks my heart that I can't go over in the yard to help him because since he came to the area, he's been on a chain outside, so he will attack and that has been proven. So, I called the animal shelter and a few other places here. Since he has a dog house, there isn't anything that they can do. I got upset and explained to them that a measly doghouse and a few blankets will not keep a dog warm when it was down in the teens outside, plus the dog house he had was to small in my opinion. I have a dog about that dog's size and it was unacceptable. So, they came out and the lady was told to build a bigger dog house and to keep him inside when it's freezing out. I know for a fact this winter if I hear the same thing again. I will do the same thing again. Dogs with short coats shouldn't be outside when it's cold, last time I checked that is abuse. I don't know much about cats except I think they should be inside at all times since they are smaller. We have coyotes in a forest next to my house, and those poor things don't stand a chance against a pack of those things. I think a person should be allowed a certain amount of dogs or cats, and I think neighbors needs to stand up and bring attention when their neighbor is starting to hoard animals.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I think that there are people that do deserve pets to care for and the people that should not have anything that they have to look after.I think that with alot of cats homes they havde heard of all the so called reasons to why they can not look after a cat that has been taken to them that they do watch for the same old people to turn up again,again and again,until in the end they get a visit or the report of over populated cats at the persons address that has been reported to them as they also get called to these people to get their cats.I hope that these people lose their roof over their heads like their pets have.
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• United States
19 Sep 10
people like that piss me off,they should be banned from having animals. they give up too hope they don't ever have kids because they'd probably be just as indifferent.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
You are right that people like that should be banned and the friends of theirs that say that these people love animals aswell as take them to dump the cat and collect other kittens should also be banned,as they are as bad as the owner who has dumped the cat,as the person would not have been able to get it to the cats home without their help.
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
19 Sep 10
...And it is not just so sad, but so upsetting. It happens all the time. I just dont' have the heart to adopt anymore darlings righ tnow, though I'd lvoe to, but my two cats right now are so territorial, and get extremely upset as soon as they see another neighborhood cat, who try to claim our property or take them over from us. In the past, we had other cats (who were all our FAMILY), who got along really well with other feline and canine family members. But these two, don't even get along together. Sorry, that was getting off the subject... Today on Freecycle, somebody posted up an "OFFER" for a declawed 5 year old cat; if I still had taht, I would post it but lost it when my internet went down today. They had a 5 year old cat, declawed, and they wanted anybody to take for free, as they ahd 3 young children adn admitted not giving it enough attention. I suppose I could give her credit (at least a speck) since instead of turnign in to a shelter (yet) that may put it to sleep or keep it in the small cage.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
These poor cats homes are over whelmed by all the cats that are over loaded with cats that in the end they can not get homes for all of them,so in the end some may have to be put down.How can some people sleep at night is what i want to know,knowing that the cat that they have dumped will be scared aswell as confused.
@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
16 Sep 10
I agree with you I feel that's it's about time that people when they want a pet find....But be sure what they want ....Plus be sure they know the animal will not stay small all the time Plus they should be sure of what animal they want to "Keep" instead of dumping them on to somebody else or taking them to a shelter it's really sad for the animal I feel for them that's the cat's or dogs!!! cd
• Canada
25 Sep 10
I agree with you about that you are so right about the cost.vets for cats or dogs. flea treatment,worming treatment,It can cost alot I got cats and a dog.The dog is 13yrs old. cd
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I think that if people were to think before they get these kittens and dogs,also realise how much time they take to train,how much a vets bill could end up being,flea treatment,worming treatment,also food and how much they will have to buy then there would be alot less people getting pets to dump when they get older.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
17 Sep 10
It is so sad isn’t it? Fancy swapping pets, really would they do that with their children? You’re right some individuals should not ever be allowed to keep animals! I watched a famous TV vet here in Australia who adopted a beautiful cat that he saved when someone put him in his cat cage and threw the whole thing in the lake and left the poor animal there to drown. Someone witnessed this, called the Police and the cat cage was retrieved with an unconscious cat inside. Dr Chris (the TV vet) worked on the cat for ages and managed to save him and eventually take him home. It breaks my heart to think that there is a person walking around out there who could do such a cruel thing!
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I think that there are alot of nasty people out there and i do know that at the cats home where i know the woman who runs it is in fact a really great person,as in the past she has had people getting kittens from people then waiting until they were 2 years old or so then they use to take the cats to the cats home with an excuse like their children are treating that cat badly or the cat attacks the children and dont forget the cat pees and poos and i have children that play in the litter trays all the usual,but the persons info is taken down,when they adopt the cat as in when the cats home are made the legal owners,this way if they keep doing the dumping then that person gets checked out eventually.When a cats home adopts a cat the owner can not ask for it back.
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@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
15 Sep 10
That is so wrong! I agree, those people shouldn't be allowed to have pets.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
No these people should never have pets,also the people that know what these people are like should also not help to get rid of pets,let alone help them to have even more.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
26 Sep 10
I think everyone should have to take some type of test and they have to pass so that we can see if they are committed... maybe a resume of previous pets.
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
these people shouldn't have pets in the first place.pets have feelings too,and they feel bad when their family they cared for suddenly left them.they might be asking themselves,"what did I do wrong?". I prefer a pet over a my opinion,babies are much,much more harder to care for that a pet.besides,I treat our cats like my "babies".also,I'm a girl but I don't like small,"cute" dogs like shih tzu,maltes,and chihuahua.they're cute,but they're not for me.I prefer big breeds like great dane or doberman.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I know that there are alot of people out there that do not have feelings aswell as that they are very heartless.It is obvious that kittens grow into cats,so if they do not want a cat they should not get a kitten.I feel that people like this should be left dumped with people that they do not know,aswell as a place that they do not know.What do they do have a baby and when it gets to a child dump that on a person aswell,probably.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Sep 10
You are right and this is something that makes me angry as well as saddens me. You see, we have two dogs and two cats. One of our dogs drives me up the wall because she doesn't listen all that well and she loves to get into things. However, I would never be able to consider getting rid of her because she was my first baby. I found her as a pup and I've had her for over 11 years now (just over four years before my daughter was born). My hubby suggests trying to find a new home for her, but the thought of that breaks my heart.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I am like you i am a person that hate people getting rid of the pets for no reason at all.I would always ensure that my pets are looked after and that i would never get rid of any of them.I think that people that swap pets are just as sad as they are as bad as a person that dumps them.
• Canada
17 Sep 10
I don't understand peopke like that either. My sister heads a number of pet rescue projects, and often makes tge same complaints you do.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I think that people that dump their say 2 year old pets and then get a kitten to replace them or sad,heartless and thick as they know that all kittens grow into cats.If a cat is badly behaved ie peeing indoors and bites etc and they are the ones that have had it since ie was a kitten it is down to the person who trained the cat,noone else and it is not the cats fault either.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
17 Sep 10
I have to agree with you. These people shouldn't have pets.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
You are right the people that do this should not have pets at all.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
16 Sep 10
There does seem to be a lot of people that only like their pets when they are young. I can't understand that because I would get attached to the animal and not really be able to replace them. I guess the people that would do that don't really like animals to begin with.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I think that people like this have no feelings at all for anything that they have.I think that the people that know what these people are like and do not condone what they have done are just as bad as the other person that do these things with their animals.
@m_perez (506)
• United States
16 Sep 10
I agree people who do such things to pets should not have the pleasure of having one in the first place. I love animals and I hate to see how someone can easily abandon or mistreat their pets. I believe the reason for people getting tired of their pets is because of the work that comes with one. After all some pets can be like having a child run around the house for example a little chihuahua. I know this because our family owns one but we would never give her away. It would be a very hard thing to do.
• Philippines
16 Sep 10
I just can't understand why others give up their pets where in fact, pets makes you feel free from stress and makes you happy when your lonely.. poor cutie doggies, come to mimi...
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
I think that people that dump their pets in a cats home are heartless aswell as replace pets and then do not look after them or any other pets that they have.
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
17 Sep 10
I don't understand those people, really. IF they are not keen to have pets, why bother to buy or adopt any in the first place? Don't they know pets are like humans, they do grow and have feelings. In my opinion, those people whom abandon pets do have low self esteem. They are often being bullied by others and thus they vent their frustration on defenceless, navie pets! Those are the people whom don't see pets as a life, because they will feel heartache when one spends thousands of dollars in grooming a pet, rather than donating to charity. Thus when the chance comes, they will take it out on pets, just to show, pets can never have a better life than humans.
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Sep 10
Pets learn trust aswell as they bond with owners and to be honest i think that having owners that do not look after their other pets aswell as keep dumping pets,well lets say that one person that i know of,i think that the cat will at least be in the dry aswell, as the cat will get deflead,fed and made a fuss of unlike where it was.Shame the person is looking for another kitten to not look after.
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