Poverty level in the United States rises to the highest level in decades

United States
September 26, 2010 6:25pm CST
The percentage of Americans living in poverty has risen to 14.3%, the highest percentage in decades. The simplest explanation is the unemployment rate but I think that other factors contribute as well. Do you agree? What do you think the government's response to it should be? What do you think the other underlying factors for the rise might be? What do you think?
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5 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
26 Sep 10
I hate to hear that there is a rise in the poverty level here for the United States but it's easy enough to believe. I think that people are going into major debt because of lack of work, and that is effecting the poverty level. I also think that people who invested a lot of their earnings into things that are now not taking off like they did, such as rental properties and perhaps small time car salesman, are feeling the effects of the economy and are going into debt because of it. I am not really sure what the government should do.
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• United States
26 Sep 10
I think that another factor is the exporting of manufacturing jobs which are typically higher paying jobs out of the country and being replaced by jobs in the service sector which typically pay much less. It's a horrific statistic
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Sep 10
we have to get our own people back to work now forget the other countries our country is in trouble and needs the president to do something now not years ahead even if the pay is not as good lets get America back on its feet,this is horrible we should not ever have come to such depths my own son was out of work for one year and a half. thats just not good enough we have to come first for a change.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
29 Sep 10
With a new president there was hope for a new change . We haven't seen a GOOD change. Tho hope is dwindling in America, it's hard to pick up and try to live as we did a few years ago. It really doesn't look good to any other country that American's are living in poverty does it? Our government should take an HONEST look at our people, the jobs, the wages and consider a measure of pulling American's out of this poverty level. Also , Americans are now scared of what IS to come and there is no desire to do ........ Something drastic has to happen or we will be a third world country. How sad...
• United States
29 Sep 10
To get back on the right footing, Americans have to start spending but I understand why no one wants to. you never know when you are going to be the next one to lose your job. I think part of the frustration is that the programs like the loan modification program just haven't worked. I think that is is beyond time for the President to replace his economic team. You are right something drastic has to happen and happen soon and I don't think that this group is on the right track
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
1 Oct 10
You know, we haven't changed our spending habits one bit. We are "afraid" to do anything drastic in our lives due to our president. We never know what kinks he's going to throw into the works next. This saddens me. I am 62 years old and I've never seen life in the US this "scary". I have done some thinking about what can be done to correct these mistakes but nothing major comes to mind. I guess we are set better than most in ins., etc. but if we allow this "change" we are in deep doo doo. Still I have no pat answers on what to do.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I agree with much of what gunnerfan1 said. What the government calls poverty isn't always so bad. Those on the bottom tier in the US are still far above the average in many, many countries. There are so many other factors to be considered... for instance, many elderly in the US could be considered living in poverty because they live on Social Security and not much else.. but many of them own their own homes and have maintenance done on them and their vehicles for free by family members. Many things are free or reduced for senior citizens, including groceries, bus rides, membership to many things. That's just one "for instance," and there are many other groups with benefits that don't even include welfare and food stamps. I think the government's response should be to quit levying so many taxes and allow capitalism to operate instead of trying to control everything. We don't need a nanny state, we need the chance to stand on our own two feet.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Sep 10
lAurenin La I think we must get our out of work Americans back to work and that Obama had better be doing something constructive at once and quit fiddle farting around with crap overseas. Let other countries try to fend for themselves and help our own country for a while. we need our people working now right now not next year, we need to pay attention to the problems at home and let the rest of the world take care of their own problems too.
• United States
27 Sep 10
I couldn't agree more. I am offended that we continue to pour billions of dollars in aid to other countries when New Orleans still has not been rebuilt and the people of New Orleans are still suffering as a result of Hurricane Katrina. We have got to offer some sorts of incentives for corporations to create jobs and we have to lean on the banks that we bailed out to start lending money to people again
• United States
27 Sep 10
I am really totally unknowing about politics or political solutions. I have no idea what the government should do..except cut some of their crazy programs. they spend money on some of the dumbest things and it is at the tax payers expense. This is one way they could even help reduce the federal deficit!
• United States
27 Sep 10
It is so true that money is spent on ridiculous things. Qutie honestly, I left the state of California when I realized that the Governor and the state legislators had no clue. During the time when people were suffering the mose, the sales atax was raised to the highest in the nation. The legislature still continued to spend money like they had it despite a shrinking tax base because people were losing their jobs and losing their homes.
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