Schools that have special needs are suposed to be trained aswell as be able to

@jugsjugs (12967)
October 7, 2010 5:29pm CST
cope,with all manners of learning problems in a child.Well today my 7 year old son was sent home today,because he was unteachable is what the head master said to me,so thankfully a friend was here to go to the school to collect him,as i am unable.Also the head master of the school asked me to get intouch with the specialist that he sees to see if his medication could be upped.So i rang the ADHD clinic and they were appauled that he was sent home,considering he was suposed to be having one to one all the time that he is in the school.She was also appauled to think that he was being made to come home aswell,as the school know that this is not a wise idea as they get funding for my son in their school.Now the Education department have been informed about the school and the suport that my son is not getting they want to know where all the funding money is being spent,my son is two years behind with his education aswell,so they want to know why that is.Also the school that my son is in has not got a very good ofsted report either,it is one of two schools that are really poor and i can now see why.
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18 responses
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
8 Oct 10
U are right. Schools that takes in students with special needs are trained to teach those students. In this case here, they do not have any reasons to send your son home, citing 'unteachable' because that's their job. It's their speciality u are paying for and it's costing u more than any other public schools out there. U should make a complain against the school and u have every right to do so.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
8 Oct 10
Why are you giving your child pills for ADHD? Why don't you change his diet? My sister had a friend whose son had ADHD, (this was before it was typical in children) so she asked his pediatrician what could be done for him. The doctor asked her what she was feeding her son and it turned out she was feeding him junk food, so he suggested she change his diet. He improved 100 per cent. He started behaving in school and paying attention and his grades went up. Unfortunately it didn't last because the mother said it was too much trouble to feed him a proper meal. So much for her son. Maybe all your son needs is a change in diet and perhaps exercise.
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Oct 10
My son has no junk food at home or in school,sweets he do not have,fizzy drinks he do not have either.When hes in school he kicks the teachers,in the past totally trashed the class room as in really heavy tables he has thrown over not just tipped.His meds were working well,but as he has got use to them and has got bigger perhaps they need to be increased slightly.He is up and out of bed by 4.30 in the morning aswell,also he has school dinners.I give him wheat a bix for break fast,there is nothing more that i as a parent can do for him,other than meds sorted out.We have done all the foods aswell as sleep therpy with an adhd specialist.I refused to give him meds for a year,but there is a big difference since he has had them,shame they are not working as well now.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
9 Oct 10
Was he like this before he started to school? If so, with your health problems, how did you manage him? How does he behave at home?
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Oct 10
so sad hope they get it all straightened out soon
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
15 Oct 10
of course you will. all kids need to lern and be taught by good teachers that care!
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Oct 10
I hope so aswell,because if they do not i will be getting both of my children out of that school and put in another school that can teach my children.
• United States
8 Oct 10
Itsounds to me asif someone is not doing there job.Sending him home is sure not teaching hiom anything but if he does whatever he was doing he gets to go home. People are not dedicated in the schools like they use to be.
• United States
10 Oct 10
I certainly hope not. He should not have been sent home the first time GRRRRR.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Oct 10
The school gets funding for my son,as he has got special needs,so where is the assistant that is suposed to do the one to one with him each and every day that he is in school is what i asked the head master.Seems he could not give me an answer or should i say a sraight answer, i told him that perhaps he can answer the education people when thay call to see him,lol.The adhd nurse has put a complaint in aswell,so he has got to finfd the answer to where my sons one to one suport is that the education pays them to provide now.I do not think that my son will be getting sent home again in a hurry do you,lol.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
10 Oct 10
I don’t have any experience with special needs children but I too am appalled that the school sent your son home; I didn’t think they were allowed to do that…I also don’t think they have any right, knowledge or authority to advise a change in medication. It sounds to me as if this school is not adequately equipped to deal with children who have different needs and I am sorry this has happened to your boy, it must be extremely distressing.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Oct 10
They are not allowed to do that,not if they are a special needs school as they get extra money that pays for an extra helper for my son,so that they can cope.They knew that my son has needs and they get funding for him while he is in their school.The education people have been informed that the school sent my son home,as they could not cope as they told me that he was unteachable.I do not think that they are using the extra staff that they have got in the school for children like my son on the children that they have been funded for.As for medication i spoke to the adhd nurse and she was appauled that they had sent my son home,she said to leave the school to her,as they are not allowed to not teach him due to his special needs that they get extra money for.
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@doormouse (4599)
8 Oct 10
that's terrible,if the school gets funding for special needs children then they obviously enroll them into their school,which means that they have to teach them,if they are not prepared to then maybe they should stop enrolling special needs pupils and give the funding to a school that would use it efficiently
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Oct 10
The school do get funding for my son,that funding is for a teacher assistant to give him 1 to 1,which is not the same as nurture group where there are 5 or 7 children in there with one teaching assistant.So today i told the head master what date he got the funding for my son also the date of the ordit that he had to do.Then i asked him where the one to one that the school has had the funding for,for my sons one to one,he could not answer me,so i told him that seems he could not answer me i will be ringing the education people up and they will be asking him.The adhd nurse has gone potty at education people,as she was the one who made sure that the school got funding for my son.I then asked him where my other sons suport had got to,i then told him that i sugest that he do not send my son home no more as they are suposed to be able to cope and that if my son had his one to one then he would not have been half as bad,so the head can blame only himself for yesterday.Now they have to answer to people where the funds have gone.I told him a year later and i am still waiting for him to fill a caf form in,so best he sort that,mind you education will ensure that gets done thanks to my parent suport that i get.He tied himself up in knots today and now he has got to find the answers and find them fast,its not always what you know that counts,its who you know.
• United States
8 Oct 10
I know how you feel about this. At the school that my boyfriend's sister is going to, they are not equipped to take care of her needs. She has Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, and the school that she currently goes to doesn't really know how to take care of her. You would think that when these are working with people with special needs that they would know how to do their jobs, and that they would be equipped for people like her.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Oct 10
I do agree that you would think that teachers would be trained to deal with all kind of special needs,but they maybe trained,but it seems like thay can not be bothered.I feel that the school has let my son down and that is why the education people have been called by not only me,but by the adhd team,as the school is getting funding and is suposed to have one to one suport that the funding money pays for and he is not getting suport.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
7 Oct 10
They sent my son home one day too. I went to the special education coordinator after I picked him up. It is illegal in the US to do that. They cannot demand that you get him more meds. It sounds like they need to find a better way to deal with your son. They get government money for that.
@jugsjugs (12967)
7 Oct 10
You are right that they are not allowed to do that.However i think that maybe he needs his meds ajusted,but if the school can not cope or deal with my son then they should not be getting the funding if they are not using it on him.I have spoken to the adhd nurse and she is talking to the school aswell as the education people where the funding has been issued to my son getting the one to one suport as she wants to know what they spent the funding money that they get for my son being in their school on.I was also told by the adhd nurse to ask the head master what suport my son is getting at their school aswell as what the funding money has been spent on,as i have the right to know.
@GardenGerty (157675)
• United States
7 Oct 10
It sounds like the school needs to be getting some training and some staffing for your seven year old. My great niece lived with me, and her behavior was out of control. She got in school suspensions sometimes.I also got calls from the school and had to come over and settle her down from time to time. It was not fair to my co workers, and it would not be something you could do. I am glad you let the clinic know about what was going on, they will be your son's best advocates in this situation. He cannot catch up if he cannot attend school.
@jugsjugs (12967)
7 Oct 10
The clinic nurse told me to ring the school and ask them if they can not teach my child then why do they except the funding that they get for my child,also to ask them where the money has been spent and then to tell them that they are to expect a call from the Education department as she is ringing them to see why the school is classed as special needs school,as from what she has heard sending a child home is not great if it is a school for children like my son.
@Ramaditya (1227)
• Indonesia
8 Oct 10
I believe the school should be responsible to deal with its students with special needs, especially when it agrees to accept them. Well, reporting the school to the department of education is a good idea. Let's see what happen. I just cannot stand this.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Oct 10
I spoke to the head master that had sent my son home.I asked him where that funds that they get for my son were being spent,as it is plain and obvious that he is not gettingf any of what the funds were for,as in the one to one suport in the class room that he is getting to teach him.He did not give me a straight answer,so i told him that the education and adhd nurse were informed when he was sent home aswell as me being told that he was unteachable.
• United States
8 Oct 10
Doesn't the school specialize in this area? Sending him means what now that he cannot return unless his medication is adjusted. Do not get me wrong but are they not suppose to be able to handle children at the school. Calling and asking that he be picked up teaches what that he cannot be taught. This is truly appalling to read, it is isn't like he was a danger in class or anything, I feel they need to prepare a bit better for children of this nature on days like this.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Oct 10
The school get funding as in extra money for my child being in their school,this funding is suposed to provide him a teaching person to teach him one on one.I spoke to the head master after i had spoken the adhd nurse aswell as the education side that gives them the funding for my son and they were appauled that the funds were not being used for my sons one to one teaching,instead he was getting sent home where as they are trained to cope with my son.
@Memnon (2170)
7 Oct 10
It sounds as if the school is not providing some of the services that the education authority is expecting them to. You were right to pursue this, in order to assure that your son gets the right attention. By doing so this has also exposed some discrepancies at the school too. Good luck with future services.
@jugsjugs (12967)
7 Oct 10
The clinic where my son attends for his adhd was appauled to think that they were getting funding at the school for my son and that it has not been used for my son at all.I am not the only parent that has a child that is getting funded and i am not the only person that has complained either.Ofsted report for the school is really bad and i did not know how bad it was until today,so now i am getting things looked into by the education people aswell as the adhd nurse is doing the same.Tonight i got told that there are other children that do not have special needs and that are not behind like my son getting extra teaching,as the school has found money to fund extra teaching,i find that strange.
• United States
8 Oct 10
We have had a problem with public school. Last year, the public school did not want to accept my son because he sometimes smacks other kids. We told him that we have been trying to teach him not to do that. He does have severe ADHD and developmental delays so he went to a private school. This year he is in the public school system. He was only there two weeks and we were sending him to school with a lunch because he had not been approved for free lunch. The school called and said he smacked a teacher and they wanted to send him home. They did keep him there but they made him miss recess. When we asked him why he smacked a teacher he said she took his lunch and wouldn't give it back. He had been approved for free lunch so she took his bucket to put it in his backpack. He thought he was not going to be allowed to eat. She did not explain to him that he was getting a free tray lunch. It is wrong how the schools act sometimes. My son was crying because he thought the teacher was being mean to him and all they were worried about is that he smacked the teacher's hand.
@jugsjugs (12967)
10 Oct 10
I think that there are alot of teachers out there aswell as teaching assistance that do not know how to cope,let alone how to talk to a child.I think that even when a school is funded for a child that has special needs i do not think the money gets spent on those children.I also think that they do not try to help children catch up on some school work,they would rather they left them at the same stage they are now.
• Canada
8 Oct 10
That is disgusting. As someone who has taught many children who both have ADHD, and who have been diagnosed with ADHD just because they are a little high-spirited and no one wants to deal with them, I hate teachers who call parents and tell them to up their child's medication. Since when is a teacher a doctor? I don't have the medical degree to diagnose a child with anything, or adjust their meds, but I do have the ability to get along just fine with many children that other people have labelled "impossible" or "unteachable." In fact, I've never had a child in any capacity; teaching, coaching, tutoring, babysitting, that I couldn't get through to if I took the time to get to know the child and individualize my approach. If your son gets one on one there is no way he should be sent home. What was his one on one teacher doing? Napping while getting paid?
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Oct 10
I spoke to the head master today after talking to my son about who was teaching him,aswell as who was with him when he was upset/having a bad day and he was in the class room with all of the other children and no assistant helping him at all.I told him that they get money for my son to get the one to one that he needs as the education people are the ones who issued it and i also told him the date they got the funds.I tied him up in knots as he could not tell me why my son was not getting what he was being funded for.So that funding money is being used for what i asked him and he said for him to be in small groups with 5 to 7 children,so my sons funding money is suporting 5 to 7 children i asked him,he said no as all those children have special needs.I told him that i knew for a fact of 2 of the children that do not have special needs let alone funding that are in that group,as i know the parents of the children,lol.Funny he still could not have an answer for that.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
14 Oct 10
I am a primary school teacher in England. Special needs children are supported in a mainstream setting. They sometimes work with teaching assistants instead of the class teacher. A school has to cope with behavior problems. I am sorry to hear that your son is two years behind in his education. It is a shame the school he goes to didn't get a very good OFSTED report. Maybe you could change your son to a better school. It might be worth you speaking to the school admissions service.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
14 Oct 10
Unteachable?? lol =D That's the reason why teachers are there for!! TO teach! If your son is unteachable, who's fault is it then?? IT's the teacher's for sure! haha SHe does not know how to teach and yet she's putting the blame on your son, which is very unfair. U should lodge a complaint against her to the highest authority, because it's her job and she should not do that to u and your son
• United States
13 Oct 10
I know how very frustrating this is for you. we had many issues with the school my children where attending before I pulled them out. Our oldest has some learning disabilities and though she was acknowledged they loved to pawn her off to other classes she should have not been in. They also said she no longer needed help because she was getting passing, (just) grades (70%). We went through the State system that fixed the issues to our requirements. That lasted about two months before they fell back to their old games. I just could not trust them with my kids future and I pulled them out to home school. In the last two and a half years we have gotten my kids up to where they should be level wise. It turned out that they had been failing my younger daughter as well who was more then two grade levels behind in reading and telling us that she was average. That is what we did and was best for us. Good luck and stick to it.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
11 Oct 10
I certainly hope that you have the option of sending your son to a different school. You see, in this kind of situation, I really think that it would be the only option. Of course he does need to go to a school where the educators are trained in the kind of help that he needs, but he also needs to be treated fairly as a child and as a child with special needs. It doesn't seem right that they should say that he is unteachable because I think that every child is teachable, you just have to employee different methods of teaching for different children.