Anyone Else Doing Nanowrimo (or thinking about it)

United States
October 14, 2012 8:29am CST
In just a few weeks the Craziness of National Novel Writing Month (nanowrimo) starts again. I love it. I've done it the past six years and have hit or surpassed the 50,000 word goal four times. I'm aiming for 75,000 words this year. I even go excited enough about nanowrimo this year that I put together a book called The Road to Success in Nanowrimo. It's a Kindle book over at Amazon if anyone is interested. One of my Nanowrimo novels, Dark Side of the Moon, was picked up for publication last year by Muse It Up Publishing and another one I'm finishing up editing also for Muse it Up. So, I'm excited. My novel for this year is going to be a new take on zombie novels. In my zombie world there is no apocalypse. Zombies (or as they prefer to be called "The Post-Dead") are integrated into society. What happened is a pharaceutical company was trying to create a treatment for alzheimers that would cause the brain to keep regenerating cells as it failed. But they created a virus instead which infected people so that when they died, their bodies died, but their brains kept going. In fact, not having to take care of details like keeping the heart beating, they actually improved their intelligence. Through frequent blood transfusions, prosthetics, synthetic skin, etc. The Post Dead can keep their bodies up for several years before the deteriorization goes so far it can't be stopped. Our main character is a cynical post-dead police detective. She is on the verge of having her brain transplanted into a new body when she gets an assignment. Someone has figured out how to kill a post-dead brain and they are going on a spree. She suspects that the pharmaceutical company is behind this, but she thinks everything wrong with the world goes back to Hansen's pharm. But whoever is behind it, she has to stop them before she ends up on their hit list. I'm calling the novel Who's Killing the Dead? What might you guys be writing.
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7 responses
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
14 Oct 12
There are five discussions listed below this (as I look at the page), all discussing NaNoWriMo and by five different members. Two of them last logged in two years ago (so are, presumably, no longer active here) the other three have all logged in quite recently. All of the discussion topics were created in the same Interest as this ('Writing') so they shouldn't be hard to find. I suggest that you explore those discussions and add people who seem to have the same interests as you to your 'Friends' list (or at least, invite them!). This is one way of growing a great 'Friends' list and of ensuring that others are likely to respond to your topics!
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@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
14 Oct 12
Now that I have added my response, I see that only one other discussion shows up alongside as a 'Similar discussion'. That is the inscrutable way that MyLot works! Some of the others may be seen here:
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• Canada
25 Oct 12
I try searching for topics before starting a discussion but almost without fail I can't find a thing and then when I make the discussion there is a whole list at the bottom of the page. I try. Honest!
@Kate34 (656)
• France
24 Oct 12
Hey. That's so exciting being published :) I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. I was going to put it on wattpad after I was done but I have decided to refrain from doing that and putting my other fan fiction and non publishable stories there. Then try to work on writing, then editing and trying to get published on the other ones. I'm going to be handwriting this year. It is my first year of NaNoWriMo and I can't wait. Ahhh :) Best of luck and you should comment back and forth on the responses of your and other people's disscussions.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
15 Oct 12
I've known people who have participated but I never have. I'm too stuck on writing at my own pace and I think Nano is a waste of time. Of course that's just my personal opinion and I know a lot of people enjoy doing it. Yours sounds interesting and has originality which is a good thing. Best of luck with it.
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@GemmaR (8517)
14 Oct 12
I have been thinking about doing this for a long time, and I do think that I should probably do it this year. I have the idea for my book in my head, but the only thing that is actually stopping me from writing it is the fact that I would have to take a lot of time away from my job in order to type the number of words that it would need. With this being the case, I will have to give it a lot of thought before I sign up to do this year as I don't want to start and not be able to finish, and I also don't want to have to miss out on work either because at the end of the day I need the money to get me through the month.
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@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
14 Oct 12
I'm not going to participate this year but my daughter and two of my sons are, they love it too, my daughter and my older son participated last year my daughter wrote over 50,000 words, I'm a bit handicap about writing novels or other kind of books or contest in English because my first language is French. But I'm the MOM that encourage them to do it with the help of my husband, he is a writer.
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@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
15 Oct 12
My word, a writer like me. I must say I am not into that genre, but I love your idea and now can picture those guys going on a spree. Real interesting plot... love it! I am working on my 11th novel... good luck with the ending. And do not give up article writing. It pays for the luxury of having to write a novel.
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@koopharper (7532)
• Canada
25 Oct 12
I will participate this time around unless I here back from a publisher that I sent a submission to recently. If they say yes my concentration will be focused on working with them to get the first one published. I wrote that one nanowrimo style but it took me a month and a half. That book is called "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" which is an action adventure romance in case someone wants it defined. The working title I have in mind for this year's effort is "Get Up and Try Again". More of a personal experience piece this time around. Not into zombies, vampires and whatnot but I'm into writing.