If you could do a stunt in your life, what will it be?

@Shavkat (137973)
December 23, 2012 2:21am CST
If giving the opportunity to do a stunt, I would like to try bungee jumping. In my country, I haven't seen a venue where you can experience this. Thinking about doing it, I am starting to feel butterfly in my stomach. Could it be the feeling of riding on a roller coaster? How about you?
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14 responses
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
2 Feb 13
hi, if i have a chance for that i think i will try to experience what i am fear,i think will climb in a mountain and go to top of it,i want to experience that to see the land while i am in the top of the mountain,though i am fear in heights i will still do that.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
2 Jan 13
The biggest stunt I would like to do would be to fly in a airplane and or go in a Hot air balloon. I am very afraid of heights.
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
26 Dec 12
I have never tried bungee jumping and I don't think I would like to try it either. I don't think it is anything like a roller coaster, as your head in below and they are pulling on your whole body! No thank you! Actually, I also dislike roller coasters, as my whole body just moves in all directions!
• United States
26 Dec 12
I think I would like to bungee jump too. I would also like to sky dive, I'm not a thrill seeker but those are two things I think I could handle. I'm not a fan of heights so it would be a challenge to get over my fear of heights while doing something that spit in the face of my fear.
@bao10560 (21)
• China
24 Dec 12
I hate height,either.I will be so scared when I look at the ground from the roof of the house.Though,I was stimulated to challeng myself the monment I saw the bungee jumping.It will be a big success when I have finished it in the future.So I wish the youth to persue your dreams,finally,you'll find that it's a big fortune for sure.haha
24 Dec 12
If I will stunt in my life so that's I think it's marriage. After this stunt no one knows either result good or bad. So it's ricky things as my opinion.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
23 Dec 12
I am not adventurous, I don't have one adventurous bone in my body! I hate heights, so wouldn't even consider a bungee jump or rollercoaster, I like my feet safely on the ground at all times. The biggest stunt I have done is to get on a plane on my own! That was a big experience for me. I hate flying and to go on my own was a huge achievement.
@derek_a (10874)
23 Dec 12
Personally, I would not do it at all. I was tempted year ago until I saw a guy doing it and bouncing at the end of the bungee rope which wrapped around his neck and he only managed to entangle the rope from his neck within seconds of coming down for his second bounce. If he had not managed it, he would have broken his neck. Also not far from here a guy was killed because the rope was made too long and he hit the ground. Instead of going on the bungee jump, I took a helicopter ride, which was brilliant because it was all glass around me and I could see everything. I was going to take a trip in a race-car around a track, but time ran out. Both activities seemed tame in comparison to the bungee jump though, but I will never consider it again. _Derek
• Marikina, Philippines
24 Dec 12
I've never been tried any of a stunt, but every time I see people who do bungee jumping, I feel like I want to try it too. Ha ha.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
23 Dec 12
Hi I would like to parachute jump...I have had the opportunity to go parasailing before and I enjyoyed...I don;t know if its a stunt but I would really like to go hotair ballooning.. I am an older adult but I still have some spunk left...in my mind anyway...LOL
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
23 Dec 12
I don't think you could classify hand gliding as a stunt but it is something I have always wanted to do. Other than that I am not very adventurous when it comes to stunts. I am a chicken where risking my life is at stake, but I may change my mind someday. I love riding fast in the car in the woods, up and down the hills, they give me belly ticklers. This is something my Dad use to do when we all went mushroom picking.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
23 Dec 12
I always dream of.. taking a big leap, and 5 minutes split on air. Like the world will be in slow motion and pause. hahaha I am so fascinated with the split on the air of course 5 mins is impossible ( i just exaggerate) but yes I like that. how I wish I can do that....
@vernaC (1491)
• Romania
23 Dec 12
There's a lot of stunts that's coming through my mind. Like bungee jumping and riding roller coaster as you said. I also like to try sky diving, that's very far from the eart and really looks scary. The latest ride I had with a swing going high, round and fast was last year with my sisters, it made my stomach upside down and feel to throw up but it's very fun to ride again..
• India
24 Dec 12
id love to have a bungee jump from a high cliff...and paragliding.. i wish to have a hot air baloon ride.and a surfing with my gopro hero3