I caught my boyfriend, who had another boyfriend......???

March 15, 2007 2:22am CST
It was my classmate in college before who caught her boyfriend doing sweet things to another boy. But she ignored it, without knowing that her boyfriend is a gay. She don't cry, instead she confronted her bf what's really the truth. And her bf admits that he is a gay. Its a weird story, but it's true nowadays, lots of the same experiences or situation are existing this time. What will you do if your in the same situation? Will you get mad?
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23 responses
@mizrak07 (557)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
Of course I'll get mad. Why let somebody fall for you like that if you know you're not straight. That's unfair, it's playing with other people's feelings. Maybe he did it to save himself, to put up a front so people specially his family won't know what he really is.
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• Philippines
15 Mar 07
Maybe you are right... If i were the gay bf, and i let you fall for me, despite that i know that i am NOT straight? That is unfair on your side. But whose choice was it to fall to someone that is gay in diguised (disgays he he he he)? Is the gay's? or yours? Maybe by the time you are falling...he is undecided yet what sexuality he would want to be into...or maybe he cannot tell you yet that he is one for he himself is in denial...can you blame him? The family may have a clue of who the members of the family are...yet they are waiting for confirmation. If say you felt your being used to cover for his gender issue...wow! the family is too dumb not to discern. And Wow! you are too beutiful to be used. If the issue is more of using rather than the relationship you had....you have all the right to be mad...:)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I dont think i would be angry, i would be accepting that he was different and realize that our relationship wouldent work out. I know my husband has no gay tendencies as ive asked him before if he ever wanted to do anything with another man, and we are very open with each other. He says he has no interest. We have 2 kids together, and if he were to one day tell me he is gay i could live with that, as long as he stays a good father to our two boys ( and any other future kids) then thats all that matters i guess. Sure i might be upset and stressed. But I dont think i could really do anything. One cant MAKE someone be or not be gay. They just are. If he was... what could i do? Screaming and throwing a fit isnt going to change anything. So as long as he stayed a good father, i could live with it.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Yes I would be mad... cheating is cheating with a male or female and it is wrong for anyone in a relationship to keep that sort of thing from one another. He really needs to figure out what he really wants. Is he gay or bi or is he just so confused he doesn't know at this point. Really it is happening more and more and I've noticed a lot of bi-sexuals lately.
• Netherlands
16 Mar 07
I wouldn't be mad because that isn't something that can be helped. It isn't my fault he is the way he is and I would feel better if he did come and tell me. If heis a good person I would be fine staying around him as a friend as it could be that he may really need a friend. I would be understanding.
@tatzkie (644)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
the population of straight men are falling... beware.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Oh, that's so not true. Gay men only make up 1 to 3 percent of the population.
• United States
15 Mar 07
Well, for me, I'd probably laugh it off. I mean, he can be gay, sure, but basically he's still dating me and that's just not cool. With all the gay guys I know, it's always best to just be upfront and let people know you're gay, and not take advantage of people by giving them some false hope if they're into you, lol. Good luck with your friend! :)
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@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
would i be mad that he is hiding his sexuality? not really. if i would be mad, it would be because he was cheating on me with another boy! it's still cheating!!! even if he didn't plan to repeat it, it's still cheating that i walked in on. so, i would get upset about that aspect. but if he is gay, so be it. if he didn't feel close enough to me to admit it, now i know, we break up and move on! :)
• India
16 Mar 07
If I were to be in such situation I don't know about getting mad or stayin calm but I surely will get a lot confused and wil surely feel a lot embarrased to find out that my partner is homosexual. The same person whom I loved for so long!!! I would really be worried as to what has happened to my life but I believe what you friend did was the best thing to do and She is quite brave that she did that. Take care May GOD Bless YOU
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Cheating is cheating. If the person he was with was male or female, your friend should have gotten very, very angry. I was married to a gay man. During the 2 years we were married, he was faithful to me. He was miserable, but faithful. Yes, he should have come clean sooner, but he was hoping he could make himself go straight. He was wrong for screwing around. If he couldn't be upfront about his sexuality, he should have at least respected her enough to get out of the relationship.
@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Of course, it's his life but I would yell at him for a minute and then I'd tell him to get out and never darken my door again. I would then move on with my life, as I wouldn't want to get Aids or any other disease.
@clod0327 (817)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
I think I will get mad because she fooled me. I would feel that she just used me because he wanted to prove something or whatever his reason may be. Also, I will get mad because he has been dishonest.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Not..mad. I'd be hurt of course, 'cause obviously if I'm with the guy to begin with I'd really love him. But if he turned out to be gay..or bi, not able to be with me..then I'd let go, I'd have to accept it. I wouldn't be completely happy obviously, but I wouldn't try to change him or his mind. I know too well what can happen when you fall for someone else or aren't true to yourself..so I'd never ask that of anyone.
• Canada
15 Mar 07
If my partner came to me and told me he was Gay, I cannot deny that I would be upset, and yes, I'd probably be angry too. I like to think that we could talk it over together and see what the issues really are, because sometimes men do tend to be a little confused about their sexuality. If he confirmed that he was Gay then I would have no choice but to accept that and move on. I couldn't stay with a Gay man knowing that I'm not what he desires.
@crmulay (105)
• India
15 Mar 07
I will not get mad!!! Now a days these type of stories happen every where in around.The T.V programes.episod. The friend circle in college,company.Group, The value of life,culture,attachment are touching pg 6 level of standard. The atmosphere in family,relatives,in society. Every where u come accrossed cheating tendency of young generation.
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Yes,i would be mad if i caught my bf with another guy.He has cheated on me.I would not want to be with him anymore because he is going to want to be a with another man because he is gay.
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
i would not be mad knowing that he is a gay but the fact that he hide it from me that ruins the trust i gived. i would also do the same thing, i will confront my bf and ask him to tell the truth. then come what may whats the next step maybe we will be turn into friends only.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I probably would be disappointed, however, I would respect the fact that they told me rather than have our relationship live a lie. Knowing me, I would be mad, upset, rant a bit, but when it all boils down to it and reality set in, I would appreciate the fact he came to me rather than let it linger on
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
If he is a gay, I would have felt it. I do not think he can pretend for long. If he had told me the truth before I found out, we can still be friends. Afterall, he is also a victim of circumstances. I will be mad if he denies even after I found out.
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I'll get to the point here; I had a guy liking me; good looking the whole thing; but, nothing went down with us due to some things and he was killed two years ago this month; It was said that the guy who killed him said he gave him AIDS; I can't say for sure, but I feel like this, be who you have to be; don't straddle no fence and cause a whole lot of problems to people you supposedly care and love. This downlow situation is the cause of women, in particularly African American women , getting AIDS and dying from the disease. There is a book that I read a few months ago, "All I ever did was love a Man" by a doctor, Sharon Denise Allison Ottey; check it out. In this day and age, you REALLY have to be extra careful who you get with and extra caution is needed. I could have gotten involved and who is to say what could have happened to me? I tend to feel that God looks out for us all. So to answer the question, yes I would be mad; but then again, we frown on homosexuality and gay behavior, so guess what? you have these folks in the closet, and they go about leading double lives.
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
no i ownt infact ill be proud of him...why? because he is true to his self...and that whats matters most be true to yor self...and dont worry at least for the period of time of being with him, you experience being loved by a gay person...