Car Accident

@webeishere (36313)
United States
April 15, 2007 9:34am CST
First off let me say that I do not feel any different nor do I feel like I am special due to this. On my way to picking up my wife from work last night around 9:30 pm or so I was eastbopund on Interstate Highway I 94. Suddenly a small black sports car went flying by followed by a city cop car from a city that was like 20 miles away. Anyhow within a few seconds of these cars flying by me there was a sudden loud thud I'd heard. A few more seconds driving and I cam upopn the scene. The sports car was upside down resting on its top with smoke billowing from the engine. Parts of the vehicle were scattered fpr the next 300 feet or so. As I stopped my car alongside the car I noticed the police officer sitting & yanking on the car door. Someone one trapped in the car. I hit my OnStar emergency button for assistance. I foprgot all about this for a second running to assist the police officer. I sat beside him as he was at the fron door & I was at the back door kicking the glas to try & break it. I kicked just once then rached out grabbing his baton/billy club. With one swing I shattered the passenger window. The officer and I each grabbed the young (20) girls arms pulling her from the car. Just as she got free from the wreckage I hear over my cars horn "Mr Olson is everything all right?" I'd forgot about calling OnStar. Anyhow the officer took a handkerchief setting it on the girls bleeding forehead telling me to hold it tight on her head. He left to get his first aid kit from his trunk. The girl said she couldn't fel her legs etc. This wasn't good I said to my self. Anyhow I sat there talking to her, holding her hand etc till the ambulance/rescue officials arrived as I was nearly late for picking up my wife. The officer placed bandages upon her head then had me sit talking to her as he checked out the car. The smoke was from antifreeze/oil spilling out hitting the hot exhaust system. So no fire thankfully. She had a few minor cuts/abrasions & her feelings gone from the knees down so she seemed to be all right. She wasn't in any danger of dying etc.As I started to leave the young lady thanked me as did the officer. He wanted my name address phone number etc. I tell you I've never had an andrenaline rush like this ever in my life. My heartbeat may have been over 200 at this point. I was nearly in shock I felt. Anyhow I just wanted to relay this as I feel all of us are called upon by our higher power sometime to do things we never have nor may never do again. Be a good samaratin whenever p[ossible you never know when it can or may save a persons life. Thanks for your time in reading this also. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!
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26 responses
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
16 Apr 07
There are many people can not act under an emergency. You have shown that you can.To be able to think quickly about what to do, not panic are skills that only some people have, and you have proven to yourself that are good in an emergency. To rescue one or more people oyt of a crashed csr, check their injuries, apply first aid treatment, check for fire, ring for emergency help, calm people down & check that there is no other traffic in the way, are multiple skills & thought processes. I would like to have you around Bob, if ever I was in an accident.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I just did what I felt I needed without thinking at all. It's not the first time either. Guess Ive been blessed somehow in that aspect. Thanks for the thoughful response and kind words also. Truely appreciated by me. As usual..... HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 Apr 07
My hero! That is incredible and very lucky for that young lady and the police officer that you were there. You should be proud of yourself for being so willing to help. A lot of people would have just driven by. It is not like it used to be. I remember my dad helped these two guys in a similar situation. Me and my dad were on our way to a nursing home to sing to the elderly with the church and we saw a car coming our way. They were coming head on at us, when they hit the peak of the hill, they took flight and flipped over into the ditch. There were two guys, both drunk and one of the guys had flew into the backseat and the other guys head somehow got lodged in the steering wheel. I suppose this is possible because it was the 70's and the steering wheels were much larger! My dad got one of the guys out of the car and the other guy he just talked to because he couldn't get him out. Many people pulled over to help and the police came shortly thereafter. My dad was much like you, he asked for no praise and didn't want to take any credit. But I remember my dad shaking like a leaf when he got back into the truck and checked on me. He said that he was scared for those men and that he had adrenaline running like mad! So, you should be proud that you stopped. Take care and thanks for
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
16 Apr 07
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Dang cap lock. Hahaha. Also praise to your father for his deed also. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
• India
16 Apr 07
God IS grace Full
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@shenfei (187)
• China
16 Apr 07
It was really a special and urgent experience. You kept calm and saved that girl's life. I don't know what to say. You are a good man. Proud you are my friend.
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@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
16 Apr 07
That's great! right place, right time right person! You never know how you'll react in that kind of situation until it happens and once that adrenaline starts to you know why they call it a rush!! Congratulations! I could only hope there are more people in the world like you!! This past saturday night, my daughter was watching tv and decided to go for a drive, no idea really why she decided to go, just that something told her to "go". she got to a stop light and decided instead of turning she was going to go straight and in a pretty isolated area, got behind a car that she assumed was a drunk driver, so she stayed back quite a way. At the next light, someone jumped out of the car ahead and came running up to her, she was ready to hit the gas and go....until she heard what the woman was saying.... her sister was in labor and they didnt have a cell phone or knw how to get to a daughter said follow me and she would call 911 if they flashed their lights to let her know they needed an ambulance. She drove over 20 miles to get them there, never waited for a thankyou, she just went on home knowing why she ended up going for that ride. My daughter is pregnant and due in a month.....I can only hope that if she ends up in any kind of rough situation, there is someone like you or her there to help with that situation. Some would say, someone that helps and disappears in a serious situation is a hero and I'm thinking that there are a few people right now that are wondering who their heros are and where they went..... Other people call them angels.....they do these great things and expect nothing in return only to go back to being a better person without thinking they did anything spectacular at all. I'm sure there are the two from this posting and many other who are thanking God they had "their angels" this past weekend. I love reading things like this!!
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
16 Apr 07
An angel a hero? I feel I'm neither. Just a man there to do my bidding is all. That's my feeling anyhow. Thanks for the kind words also. Good for your daughter also.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
16 Apr 07
With all the smoke you were very brave to wade into the accident scene. Thank goodness for people like you. Her not being able to feel her legs would have terrified me. I hope if I ever get into an accident there will be someone like you on hand.
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@mr_ilham (1608)
• Indonesia
16 Apr 07
china greatwall - china great wall
why it can happens? you must be careful thank you
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@Riptide (2758)
• United States
16 Apr 07
That young lady was very lucky you were there. You were at the right place at the right time. I'm glad that lady is allright and you are too! Who ever said angels have to have wings? You truelly were an angel that day :)
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 07
that gave me an andrenaline rush just reading that! good for you!!
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
16 Apr 07
You did well. I congratulate you on your bravery. I am not sure I would have done the same thing. I would ask how i could help but i probably wouldn't be able to smash a car window. but who knows in a situation what you would actually do. Thanks for being a good Samaritan, :)
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Way to go grandpa BOB !!!! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP I'm gonna bet that the cop and the girls will be glad that you stoped. It's sad to think though how many people would have kept going. Perhaps you'll get a citation ( not the bad kind though LOL ) Once again great going.
@Lovett (464)
• India
16 Apr 07
Hey Grandpa Bob, u r such an ideal n chweet grandpa. I wl keep this lesson of urs in mind. U r a lifesaver. U r a wonderful person.
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@acelupo (18)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Nice job Grandpa Bob. Obviously there was a reason that you were at that place at that moment in time to help save that person. Awesome!
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@mama4kids (690)
• United States
15 Apr 07
you are a hero!! god put you there at that time for a reason. maybe if you hadnt been there, something worse wouldve happened. you saved a life and you should be proud of that!!! you should feel special because you are. do you believe that there are people in this world that wouldve just kept on going? well there is. so kudos to you for being one of the good ones!! god bless you!!!
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
15 Apr 07
Hi Grandpa Bob. From the sounds of it, it is a good thing you were there to assist that officer,as he obviously hasn't been properly trained. I am glad you were there but that should have never happened, not that i am saying we have it better up here in Canada, but out police are not allowed high speed chases when going through town, and if there is a chance of crashes on the highway they have to give up and just radio ahead and let some one else take care of the problem that is coming toward them, There were too many people being hurt and killed with the high speed chases, like you could have been rear ended by the woman. and then that incompetent officer would have had two accidents to deal with. The police have their license numbers and good descriptions there is not need to chase, they can get them when they have slowed down to a decent speed. I am pleased to hear you are OK and do please take care.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
15 Apr 07
This is incredible. You're a HERO! What you did is something so brave and selfless, I don't even know what to say. I had a bad accident that almost killed me in 1995 and if it wasn't for the person who stopped to help me I wouldn't be here telling you this right now. It's people like you that give a person hope for humanity.
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• United States
15 Apr 07
Wow Grandpa Bob! That is a wonderful thing to do for someone you don't know! I have pulled a friend out of a car accident before, I didn't feel heroic either. She was not responding to me and I got really worried, thinking back I shouldn't have moved her. I was in the accident too though and I think I had a concussion. I just finished up a CPR class this semester and I hope that when/if the time comes to use it I will be able to.
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• Singapore
15 Apr 07
You are a hero, Grandpa Bob!!! ^^ What an unfortunate thing to happen to that person... :(
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@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
15 Apr 07
You seem to have an exciting life, things are always happening to you! Of course you did what you did. That is who you are! (I know this from your postings.) Good job.
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• Malaysia
15 Apr 07
wow.. .. what an accident =_= .. i do have accidents too..when i first drive a car.. i am not used to reverse the car.. then i keep on hit and bang other car boot.. omg.. so embarassing.... and yet.. i don't have a license. :P .. i did it secretly.. and nobody reported on me.. lucky for me isn't it =)
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