Do you think adding photos to MyLot discussions helps?

United States
October 7, 2011 7:38pm CST
I have only seen two photos added to any myLot discussions so far. Do you think it's a plus to add the photos or is it a waste of time and effort?
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13 responses
@sunli123 (538)
• China
8 Oct 11
I don't know how to add photos when start a new discussion. I only know to upload photos under all kinds of interest.
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@sunli123 (538)
• China
8 Oct 11
OK, then I will try next time when I start a new discussion. Thank you for your information and have a good day~
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Oct 11
From a discussion stand point and the relevance of a specific picture, sometimes it is helpful. There are many of my listed friends who do post personal type discussions and when they post a picture it is helpful as this way we can relate to what they are aiming for in the discussion. There are certain type that some post and I really don't think it would make a difference, therefore it depends on what type of discussion it is.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Oct 11
hi kissycatfish I really think some p hotos reallyhelp us see what the discussion maker is talking about more clearly plus theymake some earnings for both the maker and the responder b oth for commenting on the photos. yes I think they are a great idea.
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• China
8 Oct 11
I have only posted a discussion with a picture that can help the readers to understand what I want to say but I don't know what else it can bring me.In fact it really takes some time to match proper pictures for a discussion.
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@sanofer (525)
• India
8 Oct 11
i think if the photo you added is related to your topics,mylot will pay some more.actually 'picture speaks thousand words'.inorder to make other people understand our topic easily and to increase the comments we can add photos.its not the waste of time and is always a plus to add photos if necessary.
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@naseemkum (1803)
• India
8 Oct 11
I think adding photos to our discussions its a plus and it wil helps u in ur earnings. There is a difference between starting a normal discussions and discussions with photos i think it wil earn more some senior members told me. As if that photos are related to ur discussions then it wil help other members to reply good in ur discussions and it wil upgrade in ur earnings.
@AmbiePam (87817)
• United States
10 Oct 11
It depends. When I add a photo to my discussion, and I haven't in a long time, it's a photo I took and is relevant to the discussion. But sometimes I'll see someone has just posted a random picture of like a book, and all it is, is a simple picture of a book they got off of the internet. In that case I don't even bother to take a look. But if someone has included a real photo taken by them or someone else they know - I always look at it and almost always comment on it. I enjoy seeing people's pictures.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
10 Oct 11
I'm not sure. I hardly ever add photos or see photos here.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
8 Oct 11
Truly, kizzy..I guess I am of the old school...and seeings this is a literal site...I love to have the pictures painted with words, and let my imagination FLY? But on the other hand, I find it truly helpful in areas, where identification is flora or fauna, or as mentioned here by first responder, as there is a cultural difference/language difference it helps to relate our topic! O.K.--you have convinced me....YES...LOL! P.S. Thank you for the lovely PM, will get back SOON..just here for a short time this a.m. as I am preparing for early Thanksgiving dinner..tomorrow!
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
12 Oct 11
Great question! I am not really sure so will have to see what others think.
@ekoytyas (4679)
• Indonesia
8 Oct 11
upload foto will give you extra money here.. i never miss to upload photo everyday.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
11 Oct 11
Hi Its depend on the discussion. If we found that we having a good photo to share related to the discussion then surely we should go for it. And also we can earn too by uploading those images in our post. But with following all guidelines. I don't used to upload more photos with my post. But Yes sometime I do it too.
@koperty3 (1876)
11 Oct 11
Its depend of the topic of discussion. For example if you talking about your pet it would be nice to know how your pet look like or if you bought new purse and you would like to discus anything about it picture definitely can help.