MyLot --- What Comments Really Mean --- The Truth Revealed At Last

@MALUSE (69388)
January 21, 2017 2:27pm CST
Is it more important to comment in order to create a community feeling or to fill each others' coffers? More this or more that or both? --- People write for different reasons: Some want to earn money, others fame and glory in the community. Some want to inform, teach, enlighten. Others see themselves as court jesters and want to entertain. Whatever the reasons why people write online - they want to be read and earn some dosh/moolah for their efforts. If that weren't the case, they could write their texts on paper and then throw them into the bin. How do myLotters attract the attention of other members? By writing comments, of course. Read my bonedry, glassclear, knifesharp (this is how German words are made), no frills analysis of the different kinds of comments and what they really mean: 1) COMMENT: Good review / best wishes / take care / hugs, hun. MEANING:  I don't have the time to read your review properly / am not interested the least bit in what you've ranted on, but have liked your review nevertheless. I hope you appreciate this gesture and come to my site to read my last review (and like it). ----- 2) COMMENT: Hi and welcome to myLot! Nice debut review. Read around a bit so that you get the hang of the site. MEANING: I'm an old hand and know my way around myLot. You can learn a lot from me. Why not start with my site? It would do you good if you read (and liked) all my 357 posts, of course. For the beginning I'd be content if you read my last post (and liked it). ----- 3) COMMENT: You can make your post much more readable if you divide the text into paragraphs and use a spell check. Btw, it's 'defin i tely', not 'defin a tely'. MEANING: If you want to learn what a brill post should look like, come to my site, read (and like) my last post. ----- 4) COMMENT: Welcome back! I'm so glad to see that you've recovered from your illness / are back from your hols (vacation) / have finished your time off myLot. MEANING: During your absence I was quite busy and have written several outstanding posts. Don't you think you should hop over to my site and have a look? I can understand that you can't read all of them, but read my last post at least (and like it). ----- 5) COMMENT: Sorry, but Café XYZ is not in street So-and-so and the owner is not So-and-so any more. I know because I lived in the town for some years / am a citizen of the country in question. // Variation: the gadget you've described here doesn't work like this. I know because I've got one myself / have invented it . . . MEANING: Obviously you're interested in the town/country // the gadget, why not get into contact with someone who knows all about it and could teach you a thing or two? Have a look at what I've written on the subject and after doing so why not read my last post as well (and like it)? ---- 6) COMMENT: I have added you to my list of members I follow. MEANING: I've made you my buddy. I don't do this with everyone. I consider you someone special. I think it's not too much to expect a sign of gratitude from you. The reading and liking of my last post would be such a one. ----- 7) COMMENT: Your post is dead brill / top notch! I consider you the best writer on the site. Why don't you get your reviews published? MEANING: As a flatterer I know how flattery works. It's not necessary to come to my site and tell me that you think the same of me and my posts (I know all this already anyway). It's enough if you read my last post (and like it). ----- 8) COMMENT: Nothing, niente, nada. MEANING: You know my user name, you know who I am and that it's always worth while checking my site. I'm waiting for you to come and read my last post (and like it). If you don't know me, do something about it. The site wouldn't work if we all remained inactive waiting for others to discover us. Well?
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50 responses
@xFiacre (12560)
• Ireland
21 Jan 17
@maluse Nice post.
10 people like this
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 Jan 17
@xFiacre Jokester!
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@xFiacre (12560)
• Ireland
21 Jan 17
@MALUSE Your German precision cuts through the nonsense like a knife cutting through butter on a summer afternoon.
2 people like this
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 Jan 17
@xFiacre Very poetic. Thank you! I feel flattered. (Was that your intention?) :-)
2 people like this
@RasmaSandra (74633)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Jan 17
WOW You've really thought this out. My method is to read, digest the words a bit, like and comment. I always comment on the subject written about and if I feel it would help I provide some helpful link for the writer. I do all this because I think everyone here deserves to have their posts read and commented on and to have a nice friendly interaction.
9 people like this
@GardenGerty (158154)
• United States
21 Jan 17
Mostly I comment because I can. Up to a certain point I know who has been to my last post, but not always. I figure that sorts itself out. If I see a name a lot, I visit their page as well. Not necessarily to get them to read, like and comment to me, although it would be nice.
6 people like this
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
21 Jan 17
Gosh! Just G-O-S-H!!! You really do read a lot here!
6 people like this
@yukimori (10143)
• United States
21 Jan 17
It's all between the lines!
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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
21 Jan 17
That's good, 'cos some don't write a lot...
5 people like this
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 Jan 17
@pgntwo Häh? Tät ich auf deutsch sagen.
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@amadeo (111942)
• United States
21 Jan 17
No comment.
6 people like this
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 Jan 17
Good one!
2 people like this
@1creekgirl (40790)
• United States
21 Jan 17
Excellent! You've pretty much revealed the true meanings that we all hide behind.
6 people like this
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 Jan 17
Heehee. You've understood my post.
1 person likes this
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
21 Jan 17
Despite the earnings related benefits of responding or commenting there is also the factor that without them Mylot would serve no purpose.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
21 Jan 17
@MALUSE On the contrary, I appreciate the help because otherwise I would remain oblivious to the fact and not correct it.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
21 Jan 17
@MALUSE As you suspected I inadvertently wrote with instead of without in my response above. I have now corrected the error.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 Jan 17
@Asylum I hope you don't mind my pointing it out. My teacher's eye is still sharp. I can't help seeing typos.
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@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
21 Jan 17
Good post! Thanks for this post honey! Hugs for you! So I guess, that makes me part of group 1!
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
21 Jan 17
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 Jan 17
You're living dangerously, buddy! Heehee.
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@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
21 Jan 17
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@rebelann (111581)
• El Paso, Texas
21 Jan 17
Ok ok, I'm insulted .... you've completely overlooked ME!!!! Well, I do post a lot of photographs you know, don't you like them
5 people like this
@rebelann (111581)
• El Paso, Texas
23 Jan 17
@maluse see?? I did comment and you still haven't answered I'm so hurt and now I am going into the closet to cry ..... oh wait, the closet is too full, ok, I will not cry, just sulk a little
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@rebelann (111581)
• El Paso, Texas
23 Jan 17
Honesty is not always well received @MALUSE so I avoid those members who are easily offended.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
23 Jan 17
I may not have commented on your photos because they're ok. There are others on the site by members who feel that they have a creative vein which makes me sit on my hands so that I'm not able to utter my honest opinion. :-)
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@carebear29 (31962)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
21 Jan 17
That is pretty neat way of putting this. I never thought about it. Some of my comments are usually short and sweet. Thanks
4 people like this
@jstory07 (134806)
• Roseburg, Oregon
21 Jan 17
I think the comments really matter and try to leave a good one. I hope I do anyway.
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@Beatburn (4287)
• Philippines
21 Jan 17
You had me at number 2. Sharing this so others may learn from it. And not get number 8. Now what else will I say so that I will fit the descriptions above? Have a nice day.
4 people like this
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 Jan 17
Thank you for this nice comment!
@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
21 Jan 17
Oh to court a jester...
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
21 Jan 17
This was really good. I can't decide which category I belong to.
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@hora_fugit (5862)
• India
22 Jan 17
I really like this post, very insightful. But please, don't go looking for my posts. Those are old and stale and I don't like to start new ones....
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@celticeagle (160833)
• Boise, Idaho
22 Jan 17
It is a diverse agenda here. Comments show the personality and how invested the person is.
3 people like this
@LadyDuck (462007)
• Switzerland
22 Jan 17
Nice post was the stereotype comment of all cheaters in Bubblews. Have you also seen those who comment "great, I hope you had fun" on discussion where people are communicating tragic news? I read a lot here and what you write is true.
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@jaboUK (64360)
• United Kingdom
21 Jan 17
Oh my, such cynicism.
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@paigea (35974)
• Canada
22 Jan 17
I enjoyed it. And often that is all I have to say, because that is just all I have to say. Sometimes because I am busy and sometimes because the post doesn't really lead me to discuss something. I do love when a discussion gets started and goes on for a while, that is the most fun and socializing really is my reason to be here.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
21 Jan 17
True we all have different reasons writing online. You are very observant. The article have made my day. Cant stop laughing
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