I´m ready for the second half of the day.

@marguicha (218646)
December 12, 2022 4:14pm CST
My day is cut in half by the heat right now. Now the the temperature is starting to go down, I´ll get up from my bed and go and wash the dishes I have in the sink. At noon, I could only eat my lunch and I came to lie down. I haven´t yet taken my shower because I will wash my hair so that tomoroow morning I don´t have too much work when I go to therapy. I ate cold rice salad and made some mayo and ate a few spoonfull of the delicious apricot jam I made. On Friday I´ll start looking for some jars to start my apricot brandy. I fed Luna but she was omly interested in her snack. Now I´ll go and water my plants too. See you later.
9 people like this
9 responses
@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
13 Dec 22
Too hot temperature is as bad as cold temperature. Take care and rest during the hottest hours.
@LindaOHio (166250)
• United States
13 Dec 22
I'm sorry it's so hot for you. It's cold and dreary here. Hope you and Luna have a good day.
@wolfgirl569 (100049)
• Marion, Ohio
13 Dec 22
I want some of that warmth. Enjoy
@RasmaSandra (76335)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Dec 22
Apricot brandy sounds so good. I hope you have a great week,
@JudyEv (332011)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Dec 22
I hope you manage to stay cool. We still have our really hot weather to come.
@Hytton03 (5454)
• Philippines
13 Dec 22
oh speaking of plants yeah me too need to water my plants, I forgot. Enjoy ur nights
@celticeagle (163201)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Dec 22
When I was on the road with the carnival I remember it got so hot in Texas that we stayed in our rooms until early evening trying to stay cool. It was like 120 some days. Your jam sounds very good.
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
12 Dec 22
Take it easy when it is too hot.
@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
12 Dec 22
I hope you enjoy the second half of your day. Pretty and I are just back home from her doctor appointment and I'm tired. I'm thinking I need a nap.