A bit sad about Pakistan

@vandana7 (99681)
February 12, 2023 1:07pm CST
When India was fighting for its independence, there was no plan for Pakistan. All we wanted was freedom from the British. Then, as the dream of freedom seemed closer to fulfillment, the Hindu Muslim factor came into play. The Muslims expected the Hindus to get even for the atrocities that happened prior to the arrival of the British. So they decided they wanted a separate nation. This naturally did not go down well with the Hindus, who thought the entire land was actually one, and it was the Muslims who were invaders so they must either stay within the nation or leave...something like what Israel Palestine conflict. Insecurities...and the mayhem that followed was painful. Even so, Pakistan got two parts... based on concentration of Muslim population. Pakistan wanted or hoped for a third possibly with belief that what I had won, should be mine. It waged a war against India. Back in 1965 for that additional piece of land called Kashmir, the issue which the British could not resolve satisfactorily at the time of India Pakistan independence, partly due to the bloody partition and partly because there was not enough technology at their disposal to conclude the matter like they did Hong Kong. The other sad part was the independence was given near the end of WWII. The Brits had their own economies to consider, and there were other colonies where they were closing the shop on. Kashmir was not such an important issue ...at least to them at that point of time. Even the border between India and China had remained somewhat unresolved. Paper boundaries can be redrawn wrongly and it becomes difficult to confirm the terrain with not such good technologies. To the now Bangladesh, the West Pakistan seemed to take away all the money leaving them helpless. Indeed, Bangladesh has done rather well, after separating from the West. Does Bangladesh have more resources than the West Pakistan? No. Does it have better natural facilities? No. Then how did they do it? Not wasting away the limited resources they had. Considering the floods and cyclones Bangladesh suffers, it has done well. So Pakistan can only blame itself for wasting all the resources on trying to get Kashmir, more so, after Bangladesh got its independence. India did help Bangladesh get its independence. Was it right to do so? I guess not. But I guess it was too, depending upon security concerns at that point of time. Whatever be the reasons, Pakistan needs to sit down assess how much money and resources it spent on trying to get Kashmir...across the year, duly considering inflation rate and compounding it. Its today's debts would be minuscule in comparison. That is where the hard earned money went. India did not take that money nor did India start those wars. Pakistani leaders won and lost elections only using India as the face of enemy - instead of focusing on development. The army went on nursing the grudge following their defeats... Would Pakistan have fared better with East Pakistan still under its wings? No. Would Pakistan have fared better with East Pakistan as well as Kashmir under its wings? No. Simply because people have not been thinking right. If they can be misled easily, if they can choose wrong leaders.......then there is simply no hope. What lesson does India need to take from this? Each vote matters ...a wrong person in power, can do what successive Pakistani leaders did to their country. Are we Indians learning yet? Don't carry the hatred based on the past ...creating a simmering hatred for next generations to tackle.
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8 responses
@gnatsmom (2367)
13 Feb 23
Corruption, greed, and power grabs destroy many countries. People get discouraged, thinking their votes don't count, and give up trying. We have to keep pressing on, fighting the tyranny, and never give up our freedom without a fight.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
13 Feb 23
I feel democracy needs to change.... we have party system. Like the US. So it is possible to get people to defect, luring with money power whatever. I'd say people should align with ideologies, and thereafter, if they feel their ideologies do not match, may choose to separate out, but should not be allowed to align with other parties...they have to be independent contestants thereafter with their own party. This would make horse trading as we call it, redundant. Pakistan follows similar pattern I am told. Except that their Military folks get to dictate plenty of terms.
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@gnatsmom (2367)
13 Feb 23
@vandana7 America is not a democracy, though. We are a Constitutional Republic. There is great protection of freedoms under that format. It is those who are brainwashing people into thinking we are democracy that has put into motion the plan to make us a socialist nation.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
13 Feb 23
@gnatsmom Whether a republic or democracy or socialistic nation, the systems will always have flaws, which need to be plugged periodically. We should not need something as gory as the French Revolution to get those changes in place.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
13 Feb 23
All nations should learn to forget the past and work together for a better future. This will never happen, too many greedy politicians.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
15 Feb 23
What does it mean to punish the present generation for what their ancestors did or what their ancestors did not do, but simply belonged to the religion of the man who did it. That is so much like the Nazis...they grazed the towns down when any of theirs was killed. Where was justice in that, and where is justice now....we Indians are sowing seeds of hatred in the hearts of innocents, this is bound to hurt us back sometime in future...
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
15 Feb 23
@vandana7 Justice simply does NOT exist. Look around, look what happens in the world, where is justice?
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@popciclecold (37018)
• United States
12 Feb 23
That is tough situation. I didn't know the.history.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
12 Feb 23
How can a nation spend away so much for a piece of land, ignoring what it has? Sad. Now, they have to auction away government utilities and enterprises unless IMF gives some money.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Feb 23
History is always going to be there. Yes, if they chose the wrong leaders there may be no hope. But, you have to choose the course and stay on it. One way or the other. Maybe this is supposed to happen as it is happening. History tends to repeat itself.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Feb 23
@vandana7 .........I think that for most we need to keep ethics and morals and let the other stuff fall where they may. Sounds like the leader has a one-track mind and thinks that will appease everyone.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
15 Feb 23
Most of us are now aware what it takes to get that power. There is no way to reach the top without compromises. And consequently be blackmailed into compromises and more compromises. We in India vote based on who we think is "less corrupt or less bad" in comparison. But in the end, we cannot know everything. We need to vote based on issues that affect us...think of long term consequences, what is or not justified. Here, this morning, the leader says he will build 100 Ram Temples...as if we need temples more than hospitals, courts, judges, research, infrastructure, and industries. All that goes into temples is tax payer's money, and we have no control on it. Sad...that Indians will soon find ourselves on the same path as Pakistan.
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb 23
At some point, our indigenous people need to let go of the past too and concentrate on building a better future for themselves.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
15 Feb 23
Exactly my thoughts. How can we punish the innocents for actions of their ancestors. Its like punishing the grandchild of the rapists for the rape.
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@db20747 (43445)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
12 Feb 23
Hopefully, the past will remain in the past And all three countries can work together for a good economy, trade, and aid.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
15 Feb 23
With Bangladesh we have decent equation. We are comparatively large nation and we could have easily encroached, but we maintained our boundaries and we respect the boundaries. The least Pakistan could have done was ...ok...at present I am not equipped to handle this matter, I will return to it, when I am strong...instead of constantly harping on Kashmir issue. They brought it on themselves because Kashmir is a tough terrain to capture or for that matter even hold on.
@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
13 Feb 23
I know Pakistan does not want outsiders in their business
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
15 Feb 23
Funny part, the world has been giving it monies, without proper conditions. This morning they have had to increase fuel costs over 100 percent. I feel really sorry for the poor out there, what will they eat? What right have leaders to mislead people...not be pragmatic and realistic. Most people are too busy with their lives to spend time and think about consequences as well as the finances with them and the opportunities for increasing income. They leave those aspects to the leaders, who have failed them miserably. Our leaders are doing no different.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
15 Feb 23
@RebeccasFarm Do the so called shrewd and rich realize that intelligence needs to be perpetuated for future generations and that means safeguarding it across all strata, across all religions, and across all caste, creed, race etc. It is intelligence that gives us covid vaccine. If we only focus on money and power, we might be actually ruining the chances of some intelligence surviving somewhere. After all, god is the one who makes people intelligent, and there are many poor who are extremely intelligent.
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• United States
15 Feb 23
@vandana7 The world over, yes, it is barbaric the way the downtrodden and poor are being cleansed from the earth. I agree Vanny.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Feb 23
I'm sorry you face that situation.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
15 Feb 23
People should stop blaming children for actions of their fathers. The other way round is understandable.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Feb 23
@vandana7 I agree.
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