Retiring in a few months

Midland, Michigan
October 24, 2023 8:06am CST
So, I thought I'd stop over and share more for a bit. I'm hoping to be able to work for the next two months and retire Jan first. I won't know until later in November whether a buyout will be offered or not. If one is offered I'll get about nine thousand dollars along with a pension. If it's not offered, I need to retire anyway. I'm making low and medium content books to sell on Amazon. It's too bad I can't show you what they look like. I'm having fun putting them together and I'm hoping to make long term passive income from that once I start the marketing. I have a dental appt this morning, but I'll try to come back this week to visit a bit and tell you more.
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12 responses
@LadyDuck (462758)
• Switzerland
24 Oct
I am glad if you can retire and have fun selling your books on Amazon. I hope you can have a buyout offer. Good luck for your dentist appointment.
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@LadyDuck (462758)
• Switzerland
25 Oct
@MarshaMusselman At least you know that you will have your nights and weekends to rest.
1 person likes this
• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct
@LadyDuck or to work on my other projects. That is more relaxing than cashiering is, thankfully.
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• Midland, Michigan
24 Oct
Thanks, Anna. I'll still be running our window business but my nights and weekends will be my own.
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@DaddyEvil (137170)
• United States
24 Oct
You can show us what one of the books looks like as long as you aren't trying to sell it to us. Take a photo of one and post it on myLot. Just tell us it's one of the books you've been making. I hope you get the buyout and the pension... Good luck with that. You may remember I was forced to retire almost three years ago and am still waiting for my disability to be approved... Hopefully by sometime in November. I hope your dental appointment goes well this morning.
3 people like this
• Midland, Michigan
24 Oct
My appt was fine, no cavities which is always good to hear. I'll get a pension either way, even if no buy out is offered. I didn't realize it might be okay to show one of my books here. Are you trying to get disability on your own or did your go thru a lawyer? My husband got a lawyer and was able to get a little more than we expected.
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@DaddyEvil (137170)
• United States
24 Oct
@MarshaMusselman I always like getting good reports from my dentist. Yes, you can show the books to us as long as you aren't trying to sell them to us. I applied for disability on my own but once I was denied, I hired an attorney. I have a hearing on October 31st. The judge has 30 days after that to say yes or no.
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• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct
@DaddyEvil I don't think my husband ever had a hearing but I don't remember even though it's only been a few years.
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@RebeccasFarm (87119)
• United States
24 Oct
I am happy for you.
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• Midland, Michigan
24 Oct
Thanks, Rebecca.
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@marlina (154163)
• Canada
24 Oct
Glad to see you again!
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• Midland, Michigan
24 Oct
It's good to see you too, Marlina.
@xFiacre (12560)
• Ireland
24 Oct
@marshmusselman Roll on retirement! I go at the end of January.
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@xFiacre (12560)
• Ireland
24 Oct
@MarshaMusselman Since 1991.
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• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct
@xFiacre I've been at this job since 1998. Although I've been working since 1970 other than a couple of years.
• Midland, Michigan
24 Oct
Cool and congrats. How long have you worked there? I've been at this job for twenty-five years.
@porwest (79109)
• United States
24 Oct
I hope it all goes well for you. Selling books is a tough gig as anyone who has done it will attest. Happy retirement even if it is still a couple of months away.
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• Midland, Michigan
24 Oct
I know a lot of people and I'm learning from some of the best so I'm expecting to do well once I get more into the marketing of them . Right now I'm waiting for Amazon to okay my author page so I can showcase what I've done so far
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• Midland, Michigan
26 Oct
@porwest I certainly shall.
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@porwest (79109)
• United States
24 Oct
@MarshaMusselman Keep us posted on how it all works out.
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@AmbiePam (86523)
• United States
25 Oct
That really does sound interesting. I look forward to hearing what that entails.
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• Midland, Michigan
26 Oct
If you have a computer you can get started anytime. I might teach some people at my job on how to get started. The only thing is that I don't have a laptop and the room where I have my computer needs a major overhaul before I let anyone here to watch me work or whatever. I can recommend some people to watch on youtube for you to get an idea, but some of them talk so fast that I still have to rewind and watch several times before I understand what to do. The person that I learned from originally is Lori Culwell. She's written several books in a series she calls, "Funny you should ask". This one is called, Funny you should ask How to Publish low content books. I now own all her books in that series. The youtubers I follow are: Paul Marles and recently, StackinProfit But, I began making a journal first before watching the youtube videos.
@much2say (54098)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Nov
The New Year is gonna start off great for you - congratulations! I hope that buyout comes through. How fun to do the content books . . . I wish you much success with that. So nice to see you back .
1 person likes this
• Midland, Michigan
4 Nov
Thanks, thanks and thanks. Plus I'm trying to set up a website for my husband's new book he'll upload to the Amazon publishing site hopefully this month.
@MattMeng (3441)
• Hangzhou, China
25 Oct
You have worked for decades and worked hard. I hope you have a happy retirement life.
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@MattMeng (3441)
• Hangzhou, China
26 Oct
@MarshaMusselman Being able to continue doing something after retirement is also helpful for people's health and will not make them feel completely empty in space.
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• Midland, Michigan
26 Oct
@MattMeng I agree there. And working for myself also allows me to spend more time with my kids and grandkids than I've been able to up to now.
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• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct
I won't be retiring completely but I'll at least be my own boss now or once I do retire.
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@jstory07 (134806)
• Roseburg, Oregon
26 Oct
Good luck on your retiring.
• United States
26 Oct
You sound like you have quite a few projects to keep you busy when you retire in Jan. It will be here before you know it.
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Oct
@MarshaMusselman I can certainly understand how ready you are to retire. I was afraid when I had to retire earlier than I had wanted but it all worked out. I wish you all the best on your retirement Marsha and hope that you can create your journals/books and enjoy the whole process.
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• Midland, Michigan
27 Oct
@Marilynda1225 thank you. I do enjoy the process but sometimes I get stuck remembering what I did previously.
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• Midland, Michigan
26 Oct
Since I've been waiting for this time for two years already I'm not sure how far it will go. Especially since I'm so over working. But, I've managed worse than this so I should be fine.
@just4him (310983)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
24 Oct
Congratulations on retiring soon. What are content books? Does it mean you're publishing books? If so, congratulations. I hope you do well. I hope the dental appointment goes well.
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• Midland, Michigan
24 Oct
Low content books are things like notebooks and journals. Many people just put lines in the inside with a cover they design. But, I'm putting a transparent image on the inside to allow writing on top of it. Medium content books are activity books, coloring books, planners and the list goes on.
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• Midland, Michigan
25 Oct
@just4him although I am re-inspired to get back into writing too. But first I want to get a little off these other types of books on Amazon. I have to find the disks I have all my stuff stored in
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@just4him (310983)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
24 Oct
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