Coffee and Procrastinating

United States
May 21, 2024 9:35am CST
Happy Tuesday Everyone! looks like a nice day ahead with warm temperatures and sunshine. Such a pleasant change from all the rain and clouds last week. I'm enjoying my coffee before tackling the excitement that's waiting for me. (yes, I'm being sarcastic) Last night I had potatoes baking in the oven and one of them exploded. What a mess!! Cleaned it as best as I could but today I have to really clean the whole oven. Not something I'm looking forward to by any means. I can't put it off for too long because I need to use the oven for cooking our dinner tonight. After all that fun is over I'm going to sit outside and enjoy this beautiful day. How's your day going?
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14 responses
@Kandae11 (53970)
21 May
I didn't know potatoes could explode.
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• United States
21 May
@Beestring usually I pierced the skin but I guess this time I forgot. Guess too much heat caused it to explode
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@Beestring (13633)
• Hong Kong
21 May
I also didn't know potatoes could explode. lol
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@just4him (311359)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 May
I'm sorry your potato exploded. Don't you have a self-cleaning oven? Or wouldn't it help with an exploding potato? I'm glad you had a nice day to sit outside and enjoy your coffee.
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• United States
22 May
I do have a self-cleaning oven but it really wasn't worth using that feature. As hard as it was to bend in there and get it all clean it was far less time involved than if I had put the self-clean on. Mush and I enjoyed being outside for awhile. She kept guard while I read my book
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• United States
22 May
@just4him I still might have to use the self-clean because the oven smelled when I turned it on tonight. Guess some particles fell under the bottom where I can't reach.
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@just4him (311359)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 May
@Marilynda1225 I'm glad it took less time to clean it than with the self-clean feature. I'm glad Mush stood guard outside while you read.
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@rebelann (111741)
• El Paso, Texas
21 May
Oh yeah, cleaning ovens is my fav, gives me a tingly feelin ....... well, that tingly is from me chins gettin numb from kneeling
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@rebelann (111741)
• El Paso, Texas
21 May
That's what happens to me as well
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• United States
21 May
I can't kneel anymore so it was backtracking leaning in to get it all clean. It was exhausting
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• United States
21 May
@rebelann nothing is as easy as it used to be
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@Juliaacv (49014)
• Canada
21 May
That is one of the worst jobs we can undertake. I hope that you are able to clean it quickly and then be worry-free.
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@Juliaacv (49014)
• Canada
21 May
@Marilynda1225 Yes, I can believe that it was very unpleasant. I am going to guess that you are not making baked potatoes for supper tonight. I'm taking the easy route and having chicken alfredo.
• United States
21 May
Backbreaking job trying to get in there and clean all the little bits and pieces of potato. At least it's done now and the oven is nice and clean.
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@LadyDuck (463157)
• Switzerland
21 May
With potatoes it happens, at least your potato was inside the oven, it happened to me that one exploded while I was cooking it on the stove and I got a bad burn.
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• United States
21 May
Wow I never would have thought a potato would explode outside the oven and I'm sorry to hear that you got a bad burn. Usually I pierce the potato before baking but I guess I forgot this time. It certainly created a huge mess.
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@LadyDuck (463157)
• Switzerland
21 May
@Marilynda1225 I had cut the potatoes in big chunks to saute in a pan, I cannot understand how that could happen.
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• United States
21 May
@LadyDuck that is very weird. I never would have thought that it would happen if the potatoes were cut. I just assumed that it would happen if the potato was still whole in the skin.
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@RasmaSandra (75033)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 May
That must have been a surprise, Any idea why it exploded? I hope you have a good evening,
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• United States
21 May
Usually I pierce the potato before baking but I guess I forgot and the inside just got too hot and it exploded. Won't ever do that again!!
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@snowy22315 (172610)
• United States
21 May
About as per usual..about to have coffee myself. I hate it when an egg explodes in the that is a mess!
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• United States
21 May
I don't' have to worry about eggs exploding because I don't eat them but I imagine it would be a mess
@Tampa_girl7 (49411)
• United States
22 May
Cleaning the oven is definitely not fun.
@wolfgirl569 (97992)
• Marion, Ohio
21 May
Hope today goes better
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• United States
21 May
Today was a good day overall
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
We had a boiled egg explode once. Vince had cut the top off but it wasn't quite done so he popped it in the microwave. It had been sitting in the eggcup for probably a minute then suddenly exploded. We didn't realise you have to prick the sac around the yolk.
@LindaOHio (161649)
• United States
22 May
Sorry about the potato mess! I have a dentist appointment today. Have a good day.
• Pakistan
22 May
Sorry to hear about your oven mishap! Cleaning up after an exploding potato sounds like quite the adventure. But hey, at least it'll be sparkling clean afterward, right?
@dya80dya (34863)
21 May
My day ended. I had a good day because I enjoyed being outside after a long time.
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• United States
21 May
Glad you were able to enjoy time outside today. I did too as the weather was beautiful
@grenery8 (4338)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
24 May
sorry that you had to get it cleaned unexpectedly. i usually have to clean oil stains; when starts attacking and when i cook on gas