I'll Keep Writing Them...

@porwest (88415)
United States
July 10, 2024 4:08pm CST
"I'll keep writing them. You can just keep ignoring them." That was literally the end line to someone's bio on a conservative blog I read recently and it made me laugh. Don't all writers of blogs and articles sometimes feel that way? Is this thing on? Is it working? Anyone out there? Of course, most of the time you can see your views and other stats, so it's more of a going joke than something real. Of course people are seeing my stuff. I can see them seeing me. It's just a funny line is all, and it definitely succeeded if you ask me. But it got me thinking of myLot and how sometimes you can write a few posts and you get hardly a wink or a nod. It never deters you. It's just part of the way things work, and it doesn't even necessarily mean what you wrote stunk. It just means it didn't catch on. No big deal. To that end I suppose I will just end this little soliloquy by saying, I'll keep writing them. You can just keep ignoring them.
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15 responses
@moffittjc (121463)
• Gainesville, Florida
10 Jul
I've written short, nonsense posts that have garnished widespread response on myLot, and then well-thought out and well-written posts on important topics that have drawn nothing but crickets. Sometimes I think the day of the week and the time of the day have a lot to do with how many people see and respond to posts. But I don't let it slow me down; I love being on this site, and I still will peruse and comment on everyone else's discussions, even if mine are getting ignored
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@moffittjc (121463)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Aug
@porwest That is true, it’s all for fun! If I enjoy writing on certain topics that get very little response, it’s still all good. I at least enjoyed writing the discussion. And like you said, we just keep plugging along.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
14 Aug
@moffittjc If nothing else, writing is practice, and so long as you are doing it, regardless of where it leads, we're still getting in the practice. lol
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
13 Aug
At the end of the day, it just is what it is, and I know exactly what you mean. We just keep plugging along because when all is said and done, it's all just for fun anyway, and so what if something doesn't grab anyone's attentions?
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@lovebuglena (44271)
• Staten Island, New York
11 Jul
I won't stop writing posts but it is a bit disheartening when you post something (and spend a good amount of time on it) and then no likes or comments. And then you are like, "Why bother? No one cares anyway." Doesn't matter if it is here or on another site. Feels the same way.
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@lovebuglena (44271)
• Staten Island, New York
19 Aug
@porwest didn’t do it in what way?
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
20 Aug
@lovebuglena Copying and pasting an old post and simply republishing it after deleting it.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
13 Aug
There is a solution. Give it some time. Delete the post and resubmit it with some changes. Sometimes it's just the timing of the post that is the issue. I rarely do it. But sometimes you get a better response if you repost it later with some changes so it is not exactly the same post. If I didn't do it that way, I'd feel like it was cheating. And I don't want to do that.
@much2say (55186)
• Los Angeles, California
11 Jul
Here, maybe, those of us who have stuck with myLot for so long have a similar mentality . . . of not having certain "expectations". We actually like putting out some words - and hey, if we can get some kind of chat out of it, then cool. We enjoy these little things in life .
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@much2say (55186)
• Los Angeles, California
16 Aug
@porwest I think of myLot as a party . . . a place where we can mingle with all sorts of people and chit chat about whatevers. We talk about this or that and eventually we just move on to the next conversation. Too bad we don't have the food or drinks - then we would have it made .
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
19 Aug
@much2say I can drink while I write and respond. Some people may read some of my stuff and think I may be three sheets to the wind.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
13 Aug
Yep. If 2 people respond or 20 people respond, no worries and no harm, no foul. I won't lose any sleep over it. I'll just keeping putting the words down and let the cards fall where they may.
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Jul
You do that. I'll read and respond.
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
13 Aug
@porwest Yes, I will. I'm not writing much when I'm working here more than I am on my own work.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
13 Aug
But...now you will be leaving the site. Hmph.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
15 Aug
@just4him I fully understand. I know this site can be a major distraction sometimes. Hopefully you will still find your way back in every once in a while.
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@Deepizzaguy (101589)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
10 Jul
I can relate to that since hardly anyone reads my fan fictions on Archive Of Our Own. I enjoy writing my version of super hero adventures that are on reruns on television cartoons and comic books.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
11 Jul
It's like my music posts that I share of my covers and original music. Everyone says, "awesome," and "that so cool," and "great job," but I usually only get a couple of responses which means to me, "You suck. We just don't have the heart to tell that to you to your face."
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@Deepizzaguy (101589)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
11 Jul
@porwest I know what you mean since my original characters are not based on real life celebrities who are really famous.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
11 Jul
I don't mind reading stuff that catch's my eye & most the time what you write catch's my attention to read, it may not always sink in or I may not even have a good answer but I do read it.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
11 Jul
I made a decision a while ago that I'm not going to read everything, but if the title stands out and catches my interest, I'll have a peek and read.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
13 Aug
@2ndchances24 Most certainly it is. Of course, as you know, I like to visit older posts often as well. There are MILLIONS of posts on here. Certainly I could never get to them all, but there are hundreds of thousands of them I have never read, and going back a few years helps me to find them.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
12 Jul
@porwest that's better than doing nothing at all right?
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@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
11 Jul
I almost always read you when I run into you, but you may not know it for sure.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
13 Aug
Glad you at least find what I do here SOMEWHAT interesting. lol
@kaylachan (67831)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
11 Jul
That's what I do. Not everything can be a golden gem.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
11 Jul
Nope. It just is what it is sometimes. I'll put them out there. People will do with them whatever they want.
@BelleStarr (61102)
• United States
20 Aug
lol It does feel that way since time and being a conservative can be extremely lonely lol
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
22 Aug
I'd have a comment about why liberals tend to have more free time...but I might get banned. lol
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@RasmaSandra (79026)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
10 Jul
Actually, that is a great saying for those like me who blog, No matter what happens I will keep blogging but I got lucky today WordPress announced that I have gotten over 1000 followers to my travel blog.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
13 Aug
Hey, that's a nice bit of a following. Onward and upward.
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@1creekgirl (41279)
• United States
12 Jul
Jim, your posts are some of the few that I definitely always read. I've realized though, that I guess due to the time difference and the time of the posting, I often miss posts by some of my favorite peeps. I guess I need to visit their profile page to see what I've missed.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
13 Aug
I have gotten into the habit of checking "Most Recent Discussions," and tend to know where I left off. That way I miss less.
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@JESSY3236 (19819)
• United States
20 Aug
People are busy too.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
22 Aug
This is true.
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@JudyEv (338119)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Jul
I'll keep reading - most of them anyway.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
11 Jul
Hey, not every post is going to be everyone's cup of tea. It is what it is. Even my favorite authors don't get a thumbs up on every single book they write.
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@LindaOHio (175397)
• United States
11 Jul
I read everything you post. I may not respond to something political at times. Have a good day.
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@porwest (88415)
• United States
11 Jul
No worries. I would never hold it against anyone, but I do appreciate being read, nonetheless. I also fully understand not every post is going to be everyone's cup of tea.
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• Philippines
11 Jul
Weel we cannot impose what we write to others. I think all we can do is be content on the article they took time to read or like; or maybe we should improve a little to get them curious on our title and make them read the first line of our article until they got caught at it ; which is kinda hard to do.