fellow crafters. Do you recycle or do you buy new products to craft with.

@ebberts (784)
United States
March 9, 2008 10:02am CST
I would like to hear from my fellow crafters. Do you recycle products from home, such as soda bottles. juice lids ect. for your crafting or do you buy at the store. What are some of the crafts you make? Do you sell them for money? Please share some of your projects with us. I Love to sew. Especially Christmas items. But I have made alot of differnt crafts over the years, and I do recycle.
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15 responses
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
9 Mar 08
Wow, funny you should ask this right now. I've just looked at some sites on recycling yarn. There are several good sites that explain what type of sweaters, etc, to look for and how to unravel it to make 'new' items. Apparently a lot of people do it as you can even buy recycled yarn on eBay! I'm going to check out my local thrift stores and see what I can find. Might be able to pick up a cheap sweater for a buck or two and make scarves or neck warmers with them (my new favorite thing). Quality yarn is very expensive and I would never buy it outright. This is a great way to try them without spending a lot of money.
@ebberts (784)
• United States
10 Mar 08
Thank you for responding: I have recycled some of my unfinished products. ususlly a blanket I started and never finished. I didn't know you could get recycled yarn on Ebay. Thanks.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Mar 08
Yes. I recently used recycled jars to make into easter gifts. One was a preserves jar the other a spaghetti sauce jar. I replaced the labels and filled them with candy.
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@ebberts (784)
• United States
10 Mar 08
I bet they are really cute. I love jars. I used to like to paint on them and use them to put things in. My sister did alot of reverse decopauge on large vases, they were really pretty. Thanks for replying.
2 people like this
• United States
12 Mar 08
I always try to make do with what I have first. I try to find new used for everything and when I am getting ready to throw things away I amke sure I dont need it for anything else first. I love to make things out of things that might have been trash otherwise. It really tests your crafting ability to make something from nothing.
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@ebberts (784)
• United States
15 Mar 08
Me to. To make something from a product that would normally be thrown out, or to make something from nothing, is so much fun. I try to make my own patterns. I like to start completely from scratch with alot of my items.
@ebberts (784)
• United States
15 Mar 08
Forgot to thank you for your reply. Thanks.
• United States
10 Mar 08
I put together Native American crafts and use both new and used materials in my projects. Some things such as animals parts (sharks jaws, leather etc.) are used but other things such as beads (not all though) are new. Any time that i can use recycled material I will but some things cannot be found as recycled items or at least when they are needed.
@ebberts (784)
• United States
10 Mar 08
Thanks for your response: I bet your crafts are beautiful. Do you sell them or give as gifts? perhaps you could post a picture for us to see. I would love to see everyone's crafts. I don't have my scanner right now so I can't show you mine. sorry.
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• United States
10 Mar 08
My computer is acting up right now and the tenant downstairs has not been paying his rent so I am having a tough time for a while in the pocketbook. I do not wish to hook up my scanner until I get the computer running right and that will be a while. I have gifted many items but I am trying to sell some so that the cash will flow faster into my wallet instead of out. I do have several items (mostly dream catchers) in consignment shops but i carry a lot with me in case any one is interested in buying some on the spot. I have made a few sales that way.
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@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
9 Mar 08
I recycle as much as possible. Water bottles, baby food jars, paper towel tubes, clothing, old CD's, glass from picture frames, jar lids, scoops from coffee cans, shoe boxes, oatmean canisters, you name it. I mostly craft for my own use, and sometimes as gifts, but I am thinking about making things to sell. I'm very timid about that, but I think it's worth a try. I have an article on AC about making homemade musical instruments with household items. The link is in my profile if you would like to read it.
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@ebberts (784)
• United States
10 Mar 08
Sounds like you are very crafty. I am a little shy about some of my crafts as well. I did put a picture of a santa I made on Mylot once. Every one said they really liked it. It was great to hear. You should try to sell your crafts. Thanks for your reply.
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
9 Mar 08
Oops, forgot to mention buttons! Some of the things I'll be making will look good adorned with pretty buttons, but that's another thing that can be very expensive. I'm going to look for buttons on garments in the thrift stores as well. A sweater might not be the right fabric to unravel, or not the right size/color for something I'd wear, but if it has really nice buttons I might pay a dollar or two for it. Of course I'll go through my own items first and cut buttons and zippers before tossing something out.
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@ebberts (784)
• United States
10 Mar 08
Thank you for replying: I to save buttons as my mom did, they are expensive. I have seen bulk buttons on ebay. Good luck with your projects.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
12 Mar 08
I nearly always recycle. It doesn't seem right somehow, to go and buy some stuff and put it together and call it a craft! But I did buy a sheet set at the Goodwill store recently ($6) - a really pretty red and white check, of all things - and I made a table cloth, curtains and 8 napkins from it. I still have material left so I'm going to see if I have enough for another table cloth, but if not, maybe something decorative to go with the set.
@ebberts (784)
• United States
13 Mar 08
I would say you are very crafty. I bet this is very pretty, and a bargain. What about chair pads to match? Thanks for the reply.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
16 Mar 08
Someone else mentioned chair pads, too. That's a possibility - haven't made up my mind yet.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Mar 08
teeshirt - this is what I started with
I sew and yes I do recycle things...clothes that dont fit or don't get worn anymore I either use as scraps for different things or I alter, resize, add to etc etc and make totally new clothes usually its just something simple like in the pics
@ebberts (784)
• United States
13 Mar 08
I used to sew dresses for my niece when she was little. But I am more of a crafter. Sounds like you sew well and are crafty at the same time. Thanks for answering.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Mar 08
reconned - this is what I ended up with
I didnt quite like the way it fit around the armpits so i changed it a little and now I love it
• United States
14 Mar 08
I am a total craft-a-holic! I love drawing, painting, beading, sewing, working with clay, making candles and soaps, making greeting cards...tons of things! I finally have all my craft items put in their proper place. Took me a while, but it's so much easier now. I save just about everything and anything. I save scrap cloth I have left over, buttons, beads from broken jewelry, clips and hooks and fasteners, candles, soaps, bits and bobs...! I love buying new things, but I do buy them on sale. Especially paints and paint brushes because they can be expensive. I save chop sticks for stuffing things or making small hangings. Crafting is so much fun...and to me it's even more fun to know I haven't spent a fortune to make something! Happy crafting!
@ebberts (784)
• United States
15 Mar 08
You sound like you are a very busy happy person. It makes me happy to craft as well. But you are better than me, not organized here, and it does help so much to know exactly where everything is. I envy you and your organizational skills. I hope to turn my son's bedroom into a craft room, when he moves out. I have tried different crafts, but can't say I was very good at some. But enjoyed it. I allways come back to sewing. Thanks for replying. Happy Crafting.
• United States
14 Mar 08
I don't recycle with all the crafts I make, but I do use beach glass in quite a few of my jewelry creations. For anyone who doesn't know what beach glass is... it's mostly glass that was dumped in the ocean many yrs as garbage. Tumbling around in the salt water and sand for decades, the bottles break into shards and the shards into smaller, rounded pieces with a beautiful frosting (the frosting comes from the combo of salt water and sand "leeching" chemicals out of the glass during it's stay in the ocean) Beach Glass jewelry has become very popular with the "Go Green" community! I buy some costume jewelry and re-use the beads in my creations and I also have a couple of suppliers who recycle glass and make them into beads. Blown glass beads are wonderful items, rarely can the process be duplicated, so they are almost always one-of-a-kind pieces. Rather than throw old sweaters out, I will reuse the yarn to knit scarves when possible and I've donated quite a bit of yarn from old sweaters to knitting clubs that knit scarves for the less fortunate.
@ebberts (784)
• United States
15 Mar 08
I bet your jewelry is pretty. Sounds like alot of fun just looking for the beach glass, not knowing what treasure you will find the next few feet down the beach. It is also very sweet of you to donate yarn to knitting clubs. And of them to donate the finished product to the less fortunate. We should all do more of that. Thanks for your reply.
• Australia
24 Mar 08
I usually use things from nature. i love the beach and coral, shells, driftwood, beach glass, coloured seaweed. I also like to recycle household items into handy new things. A friend of mine can make a padded foot stool with 5 baby formula canisters she buys all these pretty fabrics and people love them.
• Canada
12 Mar 08
I usually buy new items but I try to find clearence items. Occasionally I will use some scraps or pieces left over from previous crafts. I always cut the buttons off old shirts before I throw them out. I also love to sew, i find it relaxing and makes me fel very creative.
@ebberts (784)
• United States
13 Mar 08
I like sales to. Especially after Christmas. Christmas crafts are my favorite! I love it all. Sewing is relaxing, that is until I have to rip a seam out. then it can be frustrating. Thanks for the reply.
• Canada
13 Mar 08
Christmas crafts are my favourite! I absolutly adore christmas craft fares.
@GreenMoo (11834)
16 Mar 08
I keep a big box, and into it I put anything that I think can be used somewhere. i don't necessarily use things straight away, but it's great to go rummaging in there & find soemthing perfect that I'd forgotton about! I keep scraps of cloth and pieces of binding and ribbon, pretty buttons, broken jewellery, jigsaw puzzles, monoploly money and other games pieces, greetings cards, old maps, shiny papers ... the list goes on!! Lots of my craft stash gets used by the children when they are making their own cards. I also enjoy doing collages with them. I generally just pick up ideas for crafts when I'm browsing the net, and see if I have the things I need. The last thing I made was a picture frame made from jigsaw pieces stacked up on top of each other to give a 3D effect, then sprayed. It looked suprisingly good and cost me nothing apart from the paint so I was doubly pleased.
@ebberts (784)
• United States
17 Mar 08
My problem is My craft box is never big enough. Packrat here. I have also went back and used something I might have had several years. I hate to throw things out I may be able to use. Sounds like you are a very creative person. I made picture frames for my nice's baby shower she loved them. It was so much fun. Thanks for your reply. Keep crafting.
@ruby222 (4847)
18 Mar 08
I sew a lot ....but im always salvaging bits of material from charity shops!!...the price of new fabric is soo high... I like to patchwork..ive done quilts,but I only use scraps...it seems daft to just go and spend a fortune on fabric just for a scrap quilt!!! plus i beg and borrow from my family!!!
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
16 Mar 08
I recycle items for my crafts whenever I can. Sometimes I have to buy them new though. I mostly make crafts for my own use and to give as gifts, although I have sold some of them.