Frozen Caterpillar Anyone?

@GreenMoo (11834)
June 1, 2008 4:06pm CST
I've just discovered a caterpillar, frozen to the back of my fridge. Now I need some help, as I'm not sure exactly how I should feel about this. On the one hand, is this a good thing as it proves that the veggies in my fridge are truly organic?On the other hand, could it be that it just shows me up for the s1utty housewife that I am?What do you think?
6 responses
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
1 Jun 08
"for the s1utty housewife that I am" That word in this country means you sleep around a lot.. just thought I'd let ya know :D Personally, I think I'd just be grossed out. Did it actually come from your vegetables? Are they ones you grew in your garden or that you bought from a store? I don't think it says anything about you personally, we all do what we can. But to think you may have eaten it, ewww!
2 people like this
• United States
2 Jun 08
Ah, makes sense now. Well, guess you'll be washing those veggies first next time, won't you? :)
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@GreenMoo (11834)
5 Jun 08
Doubt it. I'm a s1utty housewife, remember!
1 Jun 08
It could just be a one off thing, I mean I would be worried if there were a few of them!!! It does show that the veggies in your fridge must be really yummy!!! I dont think this makes you a bad housewife, I mean how was you to know that a caterpillar would jump into your fridge!!
2 people like this
@GreenMoo (11834)
2 Jun 08
Thanks for the vote of support. I love the image of the caterpillar jumping in, I can imagine this little line of them now, all lined up and waiting to leap in as soon as I open the doot next!
• India
3 Jun 08
Eeeeeeeeeeeeks!! I detest caterpillars, frozen or otherwise. And they wreck the plants too. I hope that fridge is clean by now. Well, let us be positive minded and say that it proves that the veggies in your fridge are truly organic. :) Cheers and happy mylotting!
1 person likes this
• India
4 Jun 08
cute? caterpillars? Well, Mylot prevents us from expressing too much emotions. We can insert only three emoticons at a time. LOL, anyway I am glad you have plenty of treats for the chickies.. give them (the chickens, not the caterpillars) my love!! Cheers and happy mylotting
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@GreenMoo (11834)
3 Jun 08
You detest caterpillars? How could you? They are quite cute! Unless they are scoffing my plants of course, in which case they are the devil's henchmen. Thinking they are cute doesn't stop me from feeding them to the chickens when I find them of course! All part of the food chain ....
@ruby222 (4847)
4 Jun 08
Something that shall remain nameless,(slug methinks) has devoured my lupins,and when I say devoured I mean exactly that..where the leaves once were,there is a skeleton!! friend says that she stamps on her slugs,and you probably wont remember but I did a `slug` post...but I couldnt be cruel to them,so I decided to trust them!!....and thats how they repaid not into caterpillars either
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Jun 08
I think I'm glad I'm not the one who has to remove the poor little critter! There are more important things to do than clean.
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@GreenMoo (11834)
2 Jun 08
There most certainly are Dragon! And chipping caterpillars off the fridge doesn't top my list of fun jobs either.
@MichaelJay (1100)
1 Jun 08
Just think of it as free extra protein!
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@GreenMoo (11834)
2 Jun 08
Absolutely! Very nutritious!
• China
2 Jun 08
i don't think its a big deal maybe there are some problem with the fruit .maybe its used in the fruit when you put the fruit into the fridge and the caterpillar feel terrible so its went out and you find it that's why
@GreenMoo (11834)
3 Jun 08
I expect you're right, it probably came out of a piece of fruit or perhaps the salad. I would wash them before we eat them anyway, so it's no big deal.