Does 'odd pricing' lures you to buy?

@richiem (3644)
August 25, 2008 7:13pm CST
Do you see a product priced at @1.99 more attractive than $2.00? Does this pricing method somehow lead you to buy a product? In my case, when I see products with odd prices, I try to round the prices up to the nearest whole number. So $1.99 isn't really different from $2.00. But perhaps subconciously it has an effect in my buying behavior. How about you?
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27 responses
• United States
26 Aug 08
I'd much rather buy something that's $2 over something that's $1.99, funny enough. The $1.99 ploy seems like 'they' are trying to play you as dump and it makes doing the math, for me, a tough more difficult. An even number just seems more...I don't know, honest?
@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
Well, that's a different way of looking at it. I also think they are trying to play with our mind. Even numbers seems more honest and to the point but it seems a lot of stores uses this odd pricing and maybe this is working for them, maybe it is giving them a lot more sales. Have a nice day!
• United States
26 Aug 08
hehe yea i believe i do soemtimes. i never really thought about it. but now that i do i think that whole penny makes it look better to me .
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@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
I think it is made that way. It is to send a message in our mind that we are buying something cheaper even if it is just one cent cheaper. And seeing $1.99 instead of $2.00 means you are buying something in the range of $1 and not in the range of $2. Have a nice day!
• United States
30 Aug 08
It isn't the number on the price tag, it is the huge Sale sign that gets me to buy. I don't care if the price is 1.99 or 2.00 as long as it is on Sale.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I think that people see that as one less cent, and somehow it's a lot better. I can understand where their coming from though as anything under $1.00 is great, so $1.99 is just that one extra cent. However, taxes are included and the price really doesn't depict the quality. Something that is 0.50 can really be worth $1.00 or more... I hope this helps!
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@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
30 Aug 08
i thought there is really nothing different with the pricing. if i were to buy something, though i look for the price, it is the product and its quality that matters most. (neildc @ red/89/1727)
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
Well it is more catchy but the moment I think of it I'm not into buying it anymore. Maybe if it was a 50% discount it would have been more attractive to buy. Well sometimes it's annoying that products has these cents because when you pay for them especially here in the Philippines it's hard when you receive those because you know that some wouldn't accept those cents.
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@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
I can see where you are comming from. I am from the Philippines too and when something is priced 99.99 you can clearly see that it's price is 100 because you cannot buy anything with a 0.01 now. And they don't even have a coin for it now so we really aren't buying a cheaper product. Have a nice day!
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
yes it does, although sometimes my common sense speaks to me reminding that i have to add tax on top of it.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
28 Aug 08
Not really. IN my mind i always round it up to the next whole number, just like you. I don't seem to be much influenced on the things I buy specially not buy gimmicks like those. To be honest it actually bothers me a bit that they resort to that kind of psychological tricks so if anything it might put me off a bit.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
i have to admit that sometimes it does. there are even 99 cent store around here that compete with dollar stores. i dont know if they would get more customers and the only difference between the $2. and the $1.99 is the penny that you would save in tax.
• United States
26 Aug 08
I usually round up, so it probably would not good for me. Nothing is truly $x.99. Most of the time it is rounded up---taxes, for example.
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
yes it has an effect to many for me i'm just like you, i always round it off..i even ask the sales person what's the difference of showing it as .99 if you will never give me back my 1 cent...i always do that..sometimes it just pissed me off because its like fooling people somehow...
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Yes, it does that to me, I just noticed that, 1.99 does look better than 2.00. I would probably buy it too, just like if I seen 2.99 or 3.00, I would buy the 2.99 They do that alot in stores I noticed, I guess its their way of getting people to buy the products...Have a good day
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
26 Aug 08
No. Although a lot of people round down, I round up. My boyfriend rounds down. Maybe that's why he is so irresponsible with money. Maybe it's like a personality trait, the tendency to round up or down. Maybe it tells more about a person than you'd think. Weird. Hmmm. Good discussion. Really's making me think.
@labels (88)
• Singapore
26 Aug 08
yes i agree. some people just sees the first number that is ONE and they go 'oh its cheap!' simple minded people are the key to sell your products to=]
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
26 Aug 08
A lot of people look at 1.99 and see it as less expensive than 2.00. I do like you do. I look to see how far the price is from the nearest dollar. Do you know how that kind of pricing came about? I forget which retailer it was that came up with that way of pricing goods. but he did it to keep his sales clerk from stealing from him. He found that when the price was an even number his clerks were not opening the cash registers and pocketing the money. The sale wasn't showing up ether. So he set the prices to the 99cents so the clerks would have to open the register to give the custoner their change so then the sale was registered too.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Maybe slightly subconsciously, but largely it's my habit to round the number and go from there. ^_^' 1.99 = two dollars to me, regardless. If that's extraordinary expensive for something, then I won't buy it.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I have to laugh when they advertize an item for less than $20., it's only $19.99, WOW what a deal. I will never understand, if it is $19.99 why not just say it $20. or would that be too easy for the people. I do believe the saying "less than" does cause people to buy. There are all kinds of ways the they try to catch you up in a supposed sale. I watched at the store the other day, when they had 5 pound bags of potatoes for 2/$5. I picked up 2 bags and started on, when I thought well how much is a 10 pound bag, when I went back to check a 10 pound bag was $3.99. A dollar and one cent cheaper. I told one lady who picked up the sale bags that a 10 pound bag was only $3.99, and she told me I needed to tend to my own business as she was getting 2 bags for the price. I said OK and went on. By making it a rounded off figure it would sure make it a lot easier on balancing the check book.
@egdcltd (12059)
26 Aug 08
I've heard of two reasons why this was done. The first is the standard $1.99 sounds much less than $2 (although I've also heard that it's actually better to use $1.97). The second is that doing it likes this forced the shop assistant to open the till to make change, stopping them from pocketing the money for the item. The second reason is quite old though, way before modern tills and security cameras.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
I tend to round up so odd pricing only works for me if it's like 3.49. The 0.99's don't work on me at all haha. This kind of pricing really works on most people though. We even did a study on it in my psychology class a few years ago. But I guess if you compare 1.99 with 2.00 then 1.99 is really more attractive.
@dropofrain (1167)
• India
26 Aug 08
As rightly said by you, I can think odd pricing activates me also to buy th eproducts. I think this is the funda behind odd pricing that it provokes you to buy the product. Subconsiously, it will attract you to go through the product and atleast give it a second thought. I would definately consider this thing while buying but it definately activates your cells in that direction.