well i put it off yesterday, so got to do it today!

@TnWoman (1895)
United States
January 7, 2009 6:45am CST
hello everybody here at Mylot. yesterday i think that it rained almost all day long here. at times, it poured down. i needed to go to the grocery store to stock back up. well i kept waiting and waiting, the rain never stopped. so last night late, i ran up to Food Lion to pick up just a few things to get me by last night. so now this morning, i am off to the grocery store. so tell me, have you ever put off going to the grocery store like i did last night? thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day today!
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19 responses
@tutul0045 (2630)
• India
7 Jan 09
Hi RL, How u doing? Such a long time... Happy new year and hope u r having a wonderful time. We all miss u so much here. Well regarding your discussion i have just started to bring grocery for my family , say from last 3-4 months. Earliar it wasnt one of my responsibility so i wasnt knowing how tough it is really to remember all the things. Secondly we have a perfect balanced seasons here. It doesnt rain in any time like many other places in the world. We have March-May as summers, June- September as rainy season and October to Feb as winters. So Yes never had to wait beocz of rain or cliamte conditons. But yea if iam feeling lazy i delay it a lot of times . Cheers, Tutul
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@tutul0045 (2630)
• India
19 Feb 09
Hey, I was checking my best responses and found this one this morning. Thank you very much . Cheers, Tutul
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello tutul Happy New Year to you also! and you are lucky that the weather where that you live doesn't keep you from getting out on some days. i just didn't feel like going to the grocery store yesterday, it rained here all day long. i did run out last night to the grocery store upon the hill from me, to purchase a few things, like a loaf of bread, milk stuff like that. then i went today and stocked back up again. and yes, if i do not write a grocery list and take it with me in the store, then i will walk right by something that i needed. never fails. lol take care and have a beautiful afternoon. thanks so much for responding.
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7 Jan 09
Hi TnWoman, Nice to see you here again and Happy New Year to you and your family, hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. I don't go shopping at all as I send my hubby out to do it, he drives so its not a problem for him, I just give a list. Love and Hugs. Tamara
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@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello tamarafireheart thanks and Happy New Year to you as well! well aren't you the lucky one. do you not have a driver's license? i do not think i was aware of that. wow! i wouldn't know how to act if i didn't drive or go anywhere. and hugs back to ya. and i did go out this morning to the grocery store to get stocked back up for awhile again. it was cold here this morning, but at least it wasn't raining. take care and have a beautiful afternoon thanks for responding.
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@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
7 Jan 09
Sometimes I put off going to the grocery store - I find very creative meals. Yesterday, despite the snow, I made myself go because it was extra discount day at our grocery store.
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@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello cutepenguin i hear ya about finding creative meals. lol today at our local grocery store was senior citizens day so there were a few extra bargins today where as otherwise there wouldn't have been. take care and have a beautiful afternoon. thanks for responding.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
7 Jan 09
I rarely shop anymore. My husband likes to do it so I certainly won't argue that one. He goes either Saturday or Sunday morning very early. He can get it done much faster when nobody is there to get in his way. He worked as a grocery store checker and bagger when he was in college. He has an emotional attachment to grocery shopping..lol Many years ago I did go out in the rain when the kids were small if we needed something. Came home looking like a wet rat!
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@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello carolbee lol well your the second lucky one around here at Mylot who's hubby does the grocery shopping. lol scroll up one to see the previous response. i do not mind going to the grocery store, it is the fact of what the weather is like outside in doing so. you know? and i hear ya about looking like a drownded rat, i would have had that look going on yesterday. but today they say it is currently forty-five degrees outside and that could sure fool me, it is windy and feels twenty degrees not forty! take care and have a beautiful afternoon. thanks for responding.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
7 Jan 09
Hi there Rhonda, glad to see you around, cos I hardly see you online here these days. How are you doing? Are you still actively pursuing your cake business? The rain must be interrupting your cooking plans by keeping you out of the grocery store when you needed to make a trip there. For me, I usually buy all my weekly groceries during the weekends. There are many supermarkets within a 3Km radius from where I live. If I have to get anything, whether rain or shine, I can still get there quite easily, because my car is in the basement carpark and I can get to a supermarket without getting wet. There's lots of convenience here, so I won't have to encounter the situation you did yesterday and postponing a trip.
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@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hey lexus i am still here! i am doing fine, i have been working a part time job for my brother-in-law that owns his own plumbing business, but the business is really slow right now so i am not working this week. so, i do not know if i have work again for next week yet or not. so here i am back at Mylot. how have you been doing? (hugs) and yes, i am still in the cake business. i stayed busy with it from right before Thanksgiving on through the Christmas holidays, now i have three orders so far for the month of January and some lady wants me to make her some of my homemade bbq ribs. and that is nice that your car is inside and when you want to go outside that you do not have to get wet. wish that was the case for me. lol i just didn't feel like getting soaked yesterday in just having to go out to the grocery store. so i went this morning in the cold and i already have everything put up as well. whoo hoo! take care and have a beautiful day today! thanks so much for responding.
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@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
7 Jan 09
I hate to have to go grocery shopping and yes, it rained in Knoxville yesterday, quite a bit.. We were cooped up in the house for so long yesterday, with the rain, that we finally got out about 7:00 last night and went to this little corner store that we hang out at, just to get out for awhile.. I have went to the grocery store late at night when I thought it would be a bit easier to shop, but was fooled bacause there were a million others who had the same idea.. Now I just shop when I need to without worrying if the store is going to be to full or not.. I do put off things way to much but as we are getting older, we do things in our own time and don't worry about it.. Have a great day..
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@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello donnalawson i wasn't in the mood yesterday to get soaked to the bone by just having to get out to go grocery shopping. and then this morning when i get to Kroger's to finally do my grocery shopping, it is senior citizens day at the store! wear me out! come on! but at least i am stocked back up for awhile again now. take care and have a beautiful day today! thanks for responding.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Yes many times, too many to count. That is when I could get by without having to go right away. If we needed things real bad then I figured while I was out picking up a few things I might as well get it all and get it over with.
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@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello tyc lol i just wasn't in the mood yesterday to go grocery shopping while it was pouring down rain here. i would have looked like a drowned rat by the time that i made it back home yesterday. lol so i went out in the cold this morning, got stocked up and i have already put everything away. whoo hoo! it is almost time for my daily soap now. lol take care and have a beautiful day today! thanks for responding.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
8 Jan 09
hi TnWoman! Yes, I do put off going to the grocery some times because of so many different reasons. I really don't like putting it off because it will mean my schedule will be messed up again. haha..I am one of those people who plan her week ahead of time. haha.. Take care and have a nice day! lovelots..faith210
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
7 Jan 09
I have done that so many times and often for many days. I just have so many things that need to be done that sometimes going to the grocery loses its priority. Cheers!!
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello underdogtoo i hear ya. i didn't feel like getting out in the rain yesterday at all to go to the grocery store to stock up. you know? but i just got back home from the store and i have already put everything away. now this afternoon i have tons of laundry to do, i won't get done with it today! lol take care and have a beautiful day today! thanks for responding.
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Yes, I do that sometimes. If it is raining or just too darn cold sometimes. I should have gone shopping yesterday, but I just did not feel like it. I ended up having to go to the post office(I had to do that) and stopped at the gas station and got a pound of deli ham, a half gallon of milk, and a loaf of bread for dinner. Real shopping might happen today if it warms up any.
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@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello lilybug well i braved the cold this morning and went and stocked up at the grocery store. yeah me! i would rather freeze when going out shopping than getting soaking wet. you know? lol and btw, at least you stopped at the gas station yesterday to pick up a few items to eat. take care and have a beautiful day today! thanks for responding.
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@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
7 Jan 09
I put off exercising yesterday! -- And my friends from work and I (5 people total) are in a contest: Whomever loses 10 pounds first will win. All the others who didn't win each pay $5 to the winner. I know it isn't much money, but we're doing it almost solely for motivational purposes.
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello bethany oh no! well i wish you luck in loosing the ten pounds first. walk, walk, walk is the best way to drop the pounds. when the weather is nice i go to the local high school track and i walk. and i hear ya about the five bucks, everybody could use some extra money. let us all know around here at Mylot if you won! take care and have a beautiful day today! thanks for responding!
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@srijshm (1165)
• India
8 Jan 09
Ha Ha , you just experienced a equation of life which goes something like this: " play now PAY later, pay now PLAY later". Sure, i have experienced similar situations many times, because we all procastinate,some less some more. If anyone claims that they don't procastinate i am sure they atleast procastinate sleeping. My job is such that no one can fill in for me, every time i feel a bit lazy and take it easy, i end up doing double work the next day.
• China
8 Jan 09
well...most of us has this bad manner to put things off to the other day. sometimes i also too lazy to do anything till run out of all the foods . money. such things . though i often tell myself do not put things to tomorrow which you can finish today. just set a more seriously rule to follow later on..
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@murugezh (273)
• India
8 Jan 09
I never stopped like this I'll keep on going for the important things that I have to pick from grocery store. No matter how strong raining..I'd pick up the things unless until if I am not feeling well.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
8 Jan 09
I hope you got to the grocery store today. My daughter just left while ago to go to the store for me also. We are down to about nothing to cook here. I put it off too because I do not want to go or spend the money for the food.
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• United States
7 Jan 09
I have done that. I hate to go to the store when it is raining or snowing for that matter. It is just so messy. And there is always enough food in the house that if I put it off for one day it is not a big deal.
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello sunshinelady i hear ya about having to put the grocery store off for a day. i do not think that nobody around here last night went hungry. lol you know? i went up to the store close to me last night for some bread, milk and stuff like that. and at least it wasn't raining this morning when i went out shopping, it was just cold. take care and have a beautiful afternoon. thanks for responding.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Yeah, I always put shopping off, I hate it, lol.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
8 Jan 09
I do not normally go to grocery shops because my father in law does the whole shopping for grocery and other items like fruits & vegetables.If we buy something he never likes it because it is his passion to shop.We generally go on weekends for shopping for our clothes and items of our kid because we do not have time otherwise on week days.
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• Ukraine
7 Jan 09
Hi friend, I never put off goin to the glocery like you did, it is surprised that you did
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
7 Jan 09
hello hotpassion well it is nice to hear that you have everything in order grocery wise in your house. and why would it surprise you that i put the shopping off for a day? thanks for responding. take care and have a beautiful afternoon.