My Perfect Client Is Using Me Again! =)

Valdosta, Georgia
January 31, 2013 1:25pm CST
So, I just got a text from the lady who I babysat for last week. My perfect client! She said her boys have been talking about wanting to come back here all week, they said to her they want to see Mrs. Jennifer again and the kids! I am pretty excited. So, she asked me if I could watch the boys again this weekend. I said of course and she told me she will be using my Childcare Services every weekend for her to go out! YAY!!
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19 responses
@ally12 (1202)
• Philippines
1 Feb 13
First I want to with you second I want to tell you youre such a nice lady, I know you do it to help you with your financial needs but you know I wanna tell you I feel your genuine kindness to the kids of others. If you have no real pretty heart then no matter how much you are paid you can never be nice with other peoples children. And to think her children were the ones to suggest of going back in your place then I must say they really had a good times in your home..
1 person likes this
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Feb 13
Thank you! I am really excited that they wanted to come back. It made me feel so good that they had such a good time. =) I work hard with the kids I have in Childcare so I am glad they enjoy being here. I do it because I love kids and because it does help out financially but this is what I love doing, working with children. =)
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 Feb 13
That's great!! I am glad to hear it is working out. Word of mouth is great for business too.
• Valdosta, Georgia
3 Feb 13
Thank you! The boys are here now and I am really excited she brought them back like she said she would and I am happy they like it here so much! =)
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Feb 13
hi LovingMyBabies that is just perfect. I do hope she means it a nd will be a faithful customer of yours. It lovely too that here children are well behaved. The children like you too so thats really a great deal More power to you. In this economy every bit of money really does help so much.
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Feb 13
Yes I am super excited! She said yesterday that she is still coming on Saturday so I hope it is true. I am really happy that her boys asked to come back! I love when kids want to come back here, that tells me I am doing something right. =) And of course the money helps, I'm glad I get to do something I love while making a little extra money in the process!
• United States
1 Feb 13
Good job, LMB. Sounds like her boys really like you and your kids in order for them to want to see you again. I think it would be nice that you introduce some fun stuff that you and your kids do there at home. I don't know what you usually do but I think it would be fun if you made mini-pizzas with those biscuits that you get in dairy at the store. Kinda stretch out the biscuits and then put sauce, shredded cheese, and browned ground beef or ground turkey on them. The kids could make their own little pizzas. And what kid doesn't like pizza?
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Feb 13
Thank you. Yeah I am so happy her boys liked me so much that they asked to come see me and my kids again! =) Oh yeah we do arts and crafts projects all the time. Oh making our own pizza's that sounds like fun too! I will do that too. =) Thanks!
@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
1 Feb 13
I'm happy to hear that! I know exactly which client you meant; the one titled "A Good Client!" but I said it's nothing short of perfect! I'm just curious, how did you know her? Was it a referral from someone you know or was she just a complete stranger before she used your services?
• Indonesia
1 Feb 13
wow that's a great news, i hope you got enough money from that job...,and they will use your service for caring their child and that will be extra income for you so congratulations.
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Feb 13
Thank you! I'm happy that they all liked me so much. It was nice to hear.
@GardenGerty (158301)
• United States
31 Jan 13
Having the right clients makes a huge difference when it comes to doing home daycare. I am glad they liked you and she is bringing them back.
• Valdosta, Georgia
31 Jan 13
Yes it does, I am so happy that she liked me and so did the boys! I know when she picked them up they begged to stay, Lol. That was a good sign for me that they liked being at my house and I am glad about that!
@AmbiePam (86504)
• United States
31 Jan 13
Oh good. I thought from your title that you meant a client you thought was perfect was using you, as in taking advantage of you. I'm glad to hear that's not the case.
• Valdosta, Georgia
31 Jan 13
Oh sorry! I didn't mean to confuse anyone. Lol. No she really is the perfect client. I just hope she keeps coming back and maybe refers me to other people too!
@BarBaraPrz (45900)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
31 Jan 13
Great news! Let's hope she stays perfect, and you'll have a steady income you can budget on.
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Feb 13
Thank you! I hope she stays the perfect client too, I thought about that earlier! Lol. I hope she tells more people about me too so I can get more good clients here...
1 person likes this
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
31 Jan 13
Cool. I bet it's nice to have the extra money too.....glad she likes your services! And the kids too!
• Valdosta, Georgia
31 Jan 13
Of course yes the extra money does help as well. It was just nice knowing that the mother and children wanted to come back! =)
• United States
31 Jan 13
Good for you! You must have made quite the impression with her and the boys. It's fun for your kids too, I'm sure! Gives them someone new to play with instead of their plain ol' brothers and sisters, lol!
• Valdosta, Georgia
31 Jan 13
Yeah, I am really happy that they were all happy with me and the childcare! It is always nice when the kids want to come back. =) I'm really happy! I wasn't sure if she would come back but I am glad she is. Yes, my kids LOVE having other children to play with! Especially my son because he is the only boy so when these boys come over he has other boys to play with!
@celticeagle (161216)
• Boise, Idaho
31 Jan 13
Well, that will be nice. You enjoy the kids and you will have that extra coming in. That sure good to hear.
• Valdosta, Georgia
31 Jan 13
Yes it is nice having a good client come back! =) And my kids love playing with other kiddos and of course the extra money helps.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
31 Jan 13
That's great! Your business is starting to pick up! You must be really a sweet babysitter than these kids couldn't wait to see you again. Hope you can have more clients like that client of yours.
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Feb 13
Yes I'm super excited for this woman coming back. I'm glad the kids liked me and my kids! :) I hope I get clients like her more often too.
• United States
31 Jan 13
Hooray! I'm so excited for you! *jumps up and down* Sounds like sweet boys that must like you very much! Wish I had someone like you around here to rely on for childcare.
• Valdosta, Georgia
31 Jan 13
Thank you! I am excited too. =) Yeah it seems like they do like me and I am happy they do because I like them too. They are so sweet! I wish I could be everywhere anyone needed me for Childcare!
• United States
31 Jan 13
That is really good news. Hopefully, you can build up a nice client base for your childcare business. If you have all of the proper licensing, you can get listed in any local childcare directories that may be published in your area.
• Valdosta, Georgia
31 Jan 13
Thank you. I am pretty happy that she liked everything so much to come back again. And most of all I am really happy that the boys want to come back here! =)
@Archie0 (5651)
31 Jan 13
Oh wow, i am happy that this perfect client came back, i had an intuition she would. Well happy for ya LMB. Now there is someone who loved your services. It feels great when people love your services and want to come back to you always. That is so nice.
• Valdosta, Georgia
31 Jan 13
Thank you me too! =) I am so happy too. Now hopefully she will pass on the word about my childcare services and get more people here like her! I hope so anyway. =-) Yes it does feel really good to have someone want to come back!
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
3 Feb 13
That is really exciting especially that her children loved it over there and they keep talking about it. Now you will have a regular client which is really great. Congrats.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
31 Jan 13
I hope she uses you every single week there.. Im sure the money can be usefull. Great deal !!!
• Valdosta, Georgia
31 Jan 13
I hope she does too! She said she will but we shall see. =) Her kids are so good and she paid on time, it was just So nice! And yes the extra money does help us a lot. =)
• Avenel, New Jersey
12 Sep 15
aw thats awesome!!! yay