Old Man Winter Showed Up Today

United States
January 3, 2016 9:58am CST
Brrrr Old Man Winter finally decided to make an appearance. It's a bright, sunny but blustery cold day here in my neck of the woods. I guess winter is finally here and those days of complaining about how warm it is are gone. We're hovering right above the freezing mark and I had give in and turn the heat a bit higher. I dug out my warmer clothes this morning and actually had to put on socks with my slippers to keep my feet warm. Winter was bound to show up sooner or later and here it is!!!
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24 responses
• United States
3 Jan 16
When we left the house at 10-ish it was only 31 but at least the sun is out. They say tomorrow will be very windy. It's only 44 right now.
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• United States
4 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 It turned out pretty good here yesterday but today will be brutal - high of maybe 35 with lots of wind this afternoon...burrrrrr I'm staying inside.
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• United States
4 Jan 16
@AbbyGreenhill I"m starting to get ready to hunker down for winter and spending more time inside too. I"m adding to my "to read" pile of books and of course more time to spend here
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@abbygreenhill the sun made it seem so much warmer than it really was and all in all it wasn't a bad day.
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
3 Jan 16
When I woke this morning, there was a trace of snow on the ground, which is okay by me, as I don't like the white stuff anyway. I knew we would get snow, but not sure how much. It has been ccloudy all day, and all melted. but it is still cold, and getting light freezing rain, which is worse than snow. I am definitely not going to get out in it, that is for sure. I am going to stay toasty warm and stay safe.
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
4 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 I can certainly understand that one, as I don't like a lot fo snow either. My ex husband lives in Vancouver, WA, and they have snow with ice on top, so his weather is much worse than mine, however, I see ice on my driveway, as we have a winter weather advisory. It isnt doing anything right now, that I can see, so maybe we won't get anymore freezing rain. It is supposed to warm up into the 40's so it will trun to all rain then.
• United States
4 Jan 16
@rosekill I can deal with a dusting or an inch or two of snow. It's when it gets to be measured in feet that I can't deal with it
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
4 Jan 16
here there is no snow so its good atmosphere for walk so i am daily going for it as this kind of atmosphere not come daily and i really enjoyed it with my friends..
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
3 Jan 16
He usually resides in England for many months at a time.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
3 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 We do not want him back, so you are welcome to him.
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• United States
4 Jan 16
@Asylum thanks but I'll pass on old man winter and pay him forward
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@asylum brrrrrr glad he's at home there and I'm not looking to steal him from you
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@LadyDuck (461719)
• Switzerland
3 Jan 16
Thanks the little snow of yesterday and the cloudy sky of today, the temperature has dropped. Now it looks a lot like winter.
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@ladyduck having winter is inevitable but I almost had my doubts the past two months
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@LadyDuck (461719)
• Switzerland
4 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 I also thought we were not going to have winter, but finally it's here. It has snowed all the night, today we have a few inches.
@LadyDuck (461719)
• Switzerland
4 Jan 16
@ivyparkgirl Here in the south we never have more than a couple of feet, but in the north Switzerland they can get 5 feet during one night.
@garymarsh6 (23392)
• United Kingdom
3 Jan 16
It is so important to keep warm in the winter months. As Barry says where he lives it is always blooming cold.
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@garymarsh I don't think I could adjust to blooming cold weather like Barry.
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@just4him (309978)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Jan 16
It showed up here a week ago Monday with 13.2 inches of snow Yes, it's definitely time to get out the winter clothes.
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@just4him with winter being so willy nilly I haven't even thought about my winter coat, hat or gloves. Guess it's time to get ready
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• United States
4 Jan 16
@just4him with the winters being so warm I never thought to put gloves on my Christmas list
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@just4him (309978)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 I need to buy some new gloves.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
3 Jan 16
I had to crank the heat up last night at the cottage, burr. I even broke out my winter coat, hat and scarf. Now in Virginia it is 50, only 300 miles away.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
4 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 I woke up this morning in Va. with snow on the car, it is getting colder. lol
• United States
4 Jan 16
Pretty soon you'll be in your bathing suit and telling us all about how nice and warm it is in Florida. We'll still be complaining about the cold
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@Juliaacv (49034)
• Canada
3 Jan 16
He's late, he got here to our place yesterday. I still think that its a great winter considering that we didn't have any real snowfall during November or December. Its a given that we'll have cold weather and snow for January and February.
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@Juliaacv (49034)
• Canada
3 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 And that is the way that I feel because we had to drive on Christmas day and the direction that we go is into "snow country" as we call it, but we didn't have any worries as it was balmy and warm. But now, reality seems to be setting in.
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@juliaacv I'm very happy to have gotten this far without any snow. It was nice to spend the holidays without worrying if snow would interfere with my family traveling. Now that it's over, I'm ok with a few inches of snow but not feet
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
3 Jan 16
Not bad here right now, but will be cold tonight and tomorrow and warmer again on Thursday.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
4 Jan 16
We have been like that recently as well only maybe a tad bit warmer. Today, the temp is 30 degrees and the high all day is going to be 36 degrees. I don't like the cold unless it snows so now I am ready for spring
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• United States
4 Jan 16
@simone10 I'd be perfectly happy to skip both Jan & Feb and go straight to spring too
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
9 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 That sounds really good right about now.
@amadeo (111942)
• United States
3 Jan 16
It is bright and sunny here but not bad.Our cold days is going to be Mon and Tuesday with mild coming back on Wednesday.Weird
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@amadeo so much sunshine today was wonderful. I don't remember a whole day of sun in a long time
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
7 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 Before moving to Florida 18 months ago, we lived in Bushkill,, Pennsylvania and I sometimes miss the weather up there. I can't say I miss the snow shoveling etc but I did like the seasons.
@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
3 Jan 16
I know sooner or later it will turn up and destroy all the plants that have been optimistically growing in the garden but I hope it doesn't come too soon.
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@boiboing hope you can hold off winter for awhile. Can you cover your plants to keep them alive?
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@IreneVincent (15962)
• United States
3 Jan 16
It's cool here today with lots of sunshine. Tuesday is going to be our really cold day this week. Unfortunately, I have a meeting Tuesday night. I dread going out when it's cold. The rest of the week doesn't look that bad. I don't like winter though.
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@irenevincent seems the older I get the less I like winter. I'm starting to understand why so many seniors go to Florida for the winter
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• United States
4 Jan 16
@IreneVincent Here in Pennsylvania we get much colder and harsher winters. Last winter we had so much snow in two months that I felt trapped inside the house. Virginia sounds much better when it comes to not having severe winters
• United States
4 Jan 16
@Marilynda1225 The problem with Florida is that it gets too hot in the summer. Here in Virginia, we do have cold seasons and hot seasons, but they don't stick around for a long time USUALLY. We've not had it cold this year yet, but it's supposed to be really cold on Tuesday and then warm back up again. That's the way it usually goes. So, I just stay inside if it's too hot or too cold and wait for the weather to change. Last winter it stayed cold for a long time and I hated it. Recently it rained for nine straight days and that got on my nerves, but the weather here is very tolerable for the most part.
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@JudyEv (328006)
• Rockingham, Australia
4 Jan 16
I guess we need all the various seasons even if some of them try us.
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• United States
4 Jan 16
@judyev as much as I complain about the winters I do like the change of seasons.
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
4 Jan 16
It seems he got a lot way to go to get to the UK.
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• Preston, England
4 Jan 16
it always arrives sooner or later - we never got a white Christmas but late January and most of February tend to be horrible here
@jstory07 (134736)
• Roseburg, Oregon
4 Jan 16
Winter has been here since September.
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• United States
4 Jan 16
Without winter coming early to Colorado I guess the skiers would be disappointed
@PainsOnSlate (21854)
• Canada
3 Jan 16
Its cold here too. i just hope the snow stays away until we get out of town...
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@paiinonslate hope you can get to your destination safely without any snow to hinder your trip
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@Morleyhunt (21748)
• Canada
4 Jan 16
Does that mean he's not just hanging at my house?
@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
4 Jan 16
We have had really cold temps now for a couple of days. Oddly enough we have had one snow storm and the snow lasted a couple of days on the ground. None since