The Horse faces surgery today

@TheHorse (211974)
Walnut Creek, California
February 15, 2018 12:20pm CST
I brag sometimes how I never get sick, but I developed a horrible sore throat on the left side of my mouth over the last several days, and my soft palate on that side became so swollen that my uvula was displaced almost an inch to the right. I saw my regular doctor yesterday, and he diagnosed it as an abcess in my soft palate. He gave me antibiotics, which have helped already, but I'm going under the knife today to take care of what remains. Send me healing thoughts. I feel better today than I did yesterday, and the swelling is down, but swallowing is still bit of a pain. I'll provide a full report when it's done.
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37 responses
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
15 Feb 18
All the best to you! I can imagine that the pain was bad, especially the one in the ear.
4 people like this
@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
16 Feb 18
I learned to day that the pain nerve (bundle) that goes to the brain from the tonsils and ear are the same. My illness was actually in my tonsils, and the antibiotics appear to be taking care of it The surgeon elected not to do any digging.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
16 Feb 18
@TheHorse We are happy to learn that...
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
16 Feb 18
@TheHorse Very glad to read that there will be no "digging".
@amadeo (111941)
• United States
15 Feb 18
Good luck there.The Horse will be fine.I will send you more than healing thoughts.A small prayer for you there.Blessing
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
15 Feb 18
@TheHorse good luck there.Keep the update here on the surgery.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 Feb 18
@amadeo The surgeon said that this was a deeper infection than an abcess, and that given how well the antibiotics were working, no surgery would be necessary.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 Feb 18
Thank you, Alfredo!
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
15 Feb 18
Did it begin when I PMd you sometime ago...asking are you alright or something? I will go through PMs to tell you the date...I had this feeling something was wrong...just gut feeling.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
16 Feb 18
@TheHorse oh...then it is not instinct. I had this odd feeling around January 8th.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 Feb 18
It really started hurting about four days ago.
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@sallypup (59185)
• Centralia, Washington
15 Feb 18
Poor you. I hope you heal quickly.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 Feb 18
Thanks! I hope so too.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
16 Feb 18
Since it was tonsil-related @TheHorse , I'm surprised they didn't remove it. You could wind up with more flare-ups.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 18
The antibiotics knocked it out, and there haven't been any issues since.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 18
@nanette64 I am relieved!
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
19 May 18
@TheHorse Outstanding!!
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@Icydoll (36717)
• India
15 Feb 18
That's very painful. Get a quick recovery friend.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 Feb 18
Thanks. The antibiotics my regular Dr. prescribed have already helped.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 Feb 18
@Icydoll Will do. We have a gig Saturday evening and I'm hoping to be able to sing by then.
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@Icydoll (36717)
• India
15 Feb 18
@TheHorse that's nice to hear.take care friend
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@popciclecold (37016)
• United States
16 Feb 18
Sorry yo hear it, glad antibiotics are already helping.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 May 18
@TheHorse Well I know you are I am happy for you. Take care.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 18
@popciclecold I was relieved. You have a good one too.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 18
The Dr. actually decided against surgery. The antibiotics did the job.
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@shaggin (71822)
• United States
17 Feb 18
Wow that sounds terrible I hope you won't be in to much pain afterwards.
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@shaggin (71822)
• United States
17 Feb 18
That's awesome news!
@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
17 Feb 18
The Dr. said that the antibiotics were working well, so he put the power drill away.
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@celticeagle (163201)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Feb 18
No fun at all. You do love that picture don't you?
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@celticeagle (163201)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Feb 18
@TheHorse .......Seems to.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Feb 18
@celticeagle I remember the day I took it. The kids was in his mom's arms. I can't remember what he was mad about.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
16 Feb 18
It has many applications, doesn't it?
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@ptrikha_2 (46171)
• India
16 Feb 18
Oh that is horrible my friend. I wish you speedy recovery, and may you enjoy tasting delightful things soon, and may trouble never bother the kingdom of your throat! May the force of healing be with you!
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@ptrikha_2 (46171)
• India
19 May 18
@TheHorse great to have you hale and hearty.
@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 18
I'm fine now!
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
16 Feb 18
Are you sure that the pain and the swelling are not caused by your tonsils? The antibiotic should fix your problem without the need of surgery.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
19 May 18
@TheHorse Most doctors are against tonsils surgery, they protect your throat from the germs.
@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 18
That is exactly what happened. The Dr. decided against surgery, and I'm fine now.
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@andriaperry (116863)
• Anniston, Alabama
16 Feb 18
I hope by now you are home and asleep from some really good pain pills.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
16 Feb 18
Heh. I have the pain pills. But the surgeon said that the antibiotics were working, and that he did not need to "drill" today. It was not an abcess, but a deeper infection that happened to be bacterial. I'm feeling much better.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
16 Feb 18
@andriaperry Yeah, I'm quietly celebrating by doing laundry and sipping Scotch.
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@andriaperry (116863)
• Anniston, Alabama
16 Feb 18
@TheHorse That is awesome news!
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• Defuniak Springs, Florida
15 Feb 18
I hope everything goes well. Mouth and throat pain is the worst.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 Feb 18
Thank you! All is well. The Dr. said he didn't need to perform the surgery, as the antibiotic had effectively stopped the infection.
• Defuniak Springs, Florida
16 Feb 18
@TheHorse Thats great. Keep talking the medicine till it's gone! Glad you're doing better.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 18
@thislittlepennyearns I did! I promise! I'm fine now.
@WriterAI (5373)
• Bulgaria
18 May 18
I hope you are already better.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 18
The antibiotics worked so well that he decided against surgery. I'm fine now.
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@WriterAI (5373)
• Bulgaria
19 May 18
@dodo19 (47235)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
15 Feb 18
I hope that everything goes well. I'm wishing you the best of luck.
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@dodo19 (47235)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
19 May 18
@TheHorse Glad to hear all you need is antibiotics. It's better than surgery.
@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 18
Thanks! They decided against surgery. The antibiotics did the job.
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@JudyEv (332006)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Feb 18
I'm so sorry to hear this. I had a similar abscess once and the pain was excruciating. Good luck with it.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
16 Feb 18
Was it in the soft tissue of your mouth, near the back? How was it treated?
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@JudyEv (332006)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Feb 18
@TheHorse I was pondering over this trying to recall what it actually was but it was an ulcerated throat not an abscess so probably very different. I knew I couldn't eat and the pain was so bad every time I tried to swallow liquids it came out my nose. I was about 16, Mum and Dad had gone away and I suddenly didn't want to stay on the farm as I wasn't very well even at that point so I stayed with my grandmother in town. She wasn't one to call the doctor without a good reason, I didn't like doctors anyway and by the time she called a doctor I was on the mend. Maybe I had antibiotics at that stage but I don't recall.
@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
16 Feb 18
The Horse I will pray for you. Take care and so sorry.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
16 Feb 18
Thank you. I am still here.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
16 Feb 18
@TheHorse The Horse that is good news.
@nela13 (55929)
• Portugal
15 Feb 18
Hope your surgery goes well, an abcess is quite painful.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
16 Feb 18
It turned out not to be an abcess, but a deeper bacterial infection. Fortunately, the antibiotic seems to be working.
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@nela13 (55929)
• Portugal
16 Feb 18
@TheHorse do you still need the surgery?
@spiderdust (14740)
• San Jose, California
15 Feb 18
Wow, that sounds awful. I hope this helps you heal faster! Will you be awake during your surgery?
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
16 Feb 18
The surgeon took a look and decided not to go in today, as the antibiotics seem to be working. But yes, from what I've read, I would have been awake.
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@spiderdust (14740)
• San Jose, California
16 Feb 18
@TheHorse I'm glad you've dodged that bullet, for now at least. That might have been rather unpleasant!
@bebuddy (256)
16 Feb 18
Get well soon
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 18
Thanks. I'm fine now.