Good Morning and Happy Monday

United States
January 28, 2019 8:00am CST
Hi Everyone! it's Monday and the beginning of the last week of January. At first this month seemed to go so slow and then it picked up speed and in a few days it will be over. I'm happy to say good-bye to January because that means it's a whole month closer to spring My plans for today... My daughters are both off from work so they are going to Sams Club to do some shopping. When they get back we'll have lunch together and the afternoon before my oldest daughter has to pick up the kids from the bus. It was a quiet weekend and I'm not complaining. I'm 99% back on my feet and my back is probably a day away from being 100%. It was a long week of being incapacitated but I knew from previous experience that it takes time for it to heal and the only thing to do is rest. Now I'm getting anxious to get back to normal and do the dull and boring routine things I hate doing (vacuuming, dusting etc) So, that's my Monday....what's going on with you today?
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19 responses
@LadyDuck (461862)
• Switzerland
28 Jan 19
You are right, it takes time, the important is not to stress your back while it's healing. I am also better and I did not shovel the snow, I am hoping it melts with the sun today.
3 people like this
• United States
28 Jan 19
Glad you're doing better
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@LadyDuck (461862)
• Switzerland
29 Jan 19
@Marilynda1225 Today I am almost 100% fine.
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• United States
29 Jan 19
@LadyDuck looks like we're both almost 100%.
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@amadeo (111942)
• United States
28 Jan 19
Good morning and Happy Monday to you.Not much finish my workout .Hit some tennis balls and home.
3 people like this
• United States
28 Jan 19
Glad you got out and had some fun hitting those tennis balls
@db20747 (43438)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
28 Jan 19
Good 2 see you're still playing a little of your favorite sport there!!!
@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
28 Jan 19
This will be the first "normal" Monday we've had in a while - long story. So I'm hoping for normalcy throughout the day - kids go to school - I do the house stuff - I pick the kids up - and Hubby comes home from work as we can have a cooking night to have a good homecooked dinner.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
28 Jan 19
@Marilynda1225 Definitely yes - and thus far it's been pretty normal .
• United States
28 Jan 19
Isn't it nice when you enjoy a "normal" day.
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@Juliaacv (49097)
• Canada
28 Jan 19
I hope that you don't overdo it today with the cleaning. Are you going to be in the path of the snow event making its rounds? I hope that you and your daughters have a fun lunch together.
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@Juliaacv (49097)
• Canada
28 Jan 19
@Marilynda1225 I'm having a pretty good day today.
• United States
28 Jan 19
I think we're supposed to get some snow tomorrow but I haven't really paid attention to how much. My daughter has to go to work so you know how much I worry about her traveling on a normal day without adding snow to the commute. Hope you're having a great day too!
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
28 Jan 19
Happy Monday and Happy Monday! Sounds like you will have a wonderful day with your daughters and a much better feeling back.
2 people like this
• United States
28 Jan 19
So far it's a good day
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
28 Jan 19
@Marilynda1225 I'm so glad to hear it. You need a day like that after all the back pain you've had.
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@just4him (310131)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Jan 19
I hope you have a wonderful day with your daughters. I'm glad your back is almost a hundred percent. Me - I'm staying in and home. No plans to go anywhere, not that I could anyway. It's doubtful I'll be able to move the car until tomorrow. I know they're doing their best to keep the parking lot so people can get in and out, but from past experience, I know my car is snowed into the space. They'll be plowing the lot tomorrow, and I'm making plans to go see Mary Poppins while they do. That's soon enough to get the car out. If it's like last year, maintenance might need to dig me out for me to move it out.
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• United States
28 Jan 19
Going to see Mary Poppins while they plow the parking lot sounds like a good idea. I heard that movie was really good.
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@just4him (310131)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Jan 19
@Marilynda1225 I've heard that too.
@snowy22315 (171967)
• United States
28 Jan 19
Just the usual I think. I am going to have to pick up meds at some point..and do other errands, but not sure it will be today. I would like to go before the rain, snow cold though we will be getting.
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• United States
28 Jan 19
I haven't been out of the house in over a week so running errands sounds like fun to me
@rebelann (111563)
• El Paso, Texas
28 Jan 19
Just remember that just cuz you feel better doesn't mean you should do what you normally do, never underestimate the time it takes to heal. I'm going to the recycle center today and then maybe to Sams, not sure about the latter.
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• United States
28 Jan 19
I'm not going to push myself as the pain is still fresh in my mind. I certainly don't want to be in that much pain again. Have a great day!
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@JudyEv (328095)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Jan 19
We are off early in the morning to board the house-boat. I don't think we'll have internet while we're gone and I don't really want to spend my time on the computer when there will be plenty of things to see.
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• United States
28 Jan 19
Have a great time!!
@Courtlynn (66918)
• United States
29 Jan 19
Hope it was a great time with them today. What was lunch? Glad you're almost 100% again.
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
28 Jan 19
No plans as of yet. Have a good one.
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@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
28 Jan 19
Lovely have a good day Marilyn. It is snowing like the dickens here.
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@anikoonline (3250)
• Hungary
28 Jan 19
I came home early after work and now I plan to relax. It was a good day for me.
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@NeonPro (46)
29 Jan 19
I pass a very busy day on Monday. Traffic jam on roads, and busy schedule in the office.
@RasmaSandra (74599)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
29 Jan 19
Staying warm inside on a very cool day outside and organizing my PC for the weekend. Hope you have a good night.
@sallypup (58552)
• Centralia, Washington
28 Jan 19
I'm glad you feel better and that you have some fun family time ahead.
@db20747 (43438)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
28 Jan 19
looking 4ward to february!! It's my birthday!!! BUt not necessarily my birthday!! They're coming around too fast!!
@WiseGhots (14606)
28 Jan 19
Have a great day.
@Fajibar (136)
• Philippines
29 Jan 19
Going to be a busy Monday like yours, & with a positive perspective as yours!