Wildlife Encounters

@much2say (54912)
Los Angeles, California
June 29, 2021 5:50pm CST
We went for a morning hike in an area we had never explored. Besides the lizards and usual birds, we actually saw two coyotes roaming in the fields, which is an unusual sight for us . We also discovered a group of quails hiding under some bushy trees. Imagine my excitement when I saw a big white bird in the distance . Was this a white cockatoo or heron? It was perched and flapping - what was it doing in place like this? I shared my observation with the kids. "Mom . . . " they said. "That's a plastic BAG!" . Oh . Have you encountered any wildlife (or plastic bags) lately?
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24 responses
@DaddyEvil (137232)
• United States
29 Jun 21
Yes... a few days ago Pretty and I were doing our morning walk when we passed a tall hedge... I heard something rustling so glanced around. There was a plastic bag caught in the hedge having a great time waving in the breeze. (Pretty was listening to some program using earbuds so I had to point it out to her. )
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Jun 21
@DaddyEvil I wonder if the paper bags are related . We don't have bunnies here, but squirrels are everywhere. We like seeing the dogs bark at us . . . we keep saying hello to them if we see them, but I don't think they like it. Maybe they want us to bark back .
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Jun 21
So maybe there are species of these plastic bags out there . . . one of them migrated here .
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@DaddyEvil (137232)
• United States
29 Jun 21
@much2say The one we saw was white with green designs on it. Now sure what store uses those. We have been seeing lots of bunnies and squirrels on our morning walks. And hearing lots of dogs barking at us as we walk past the houses. (I'm really hoping their owners like that at 6 am. )
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@Nakitakona (56299)
• Philippines
29 Jun 21
Nope but every December we see a group migratory birds like cattle egrets in our place particularly in the rice paddies and newly harrowed sugarcane field.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Jun 21
It must be neat to see a flock of those cattle egrets come to visit! That is the sort of bird I thought I saw - but it would not make sense to see one where we were.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
@Nakitakona Must be beautiful !
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@Nakitakona (56299)
• Philippines
30 Jun 21
@much2say That's right. They fly in formation. They're good to look at.
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@rebelann (112387)
• El Paso, Texas
30 Jun 21
Oh yes, I have encountered many such types of wildlife, usually they get torn to pieces by the winds
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
It's so funny, but at the same time it's so sad to see trash everywhere like this. It wasn't so bad there, but still.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
@rebelann Here, I think people just blatantly do not take care of their trash (maybe not so much at their houses, but when they are out and about). They just leave their trash thinking someone else will take care of it - so irresponsible .
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@rebelann (112387)
• El Paso, Texas
30 Jun 21
It's the same here. The wind causes so much trouble and often people put their trash out but it's not heavy enough to withstand the winds.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
30 Jun 21
Looking at your photo before reading I thought it was a plastic bag. I encountered a black snake hiding in a corner of the garden this morning... I did not dare to approach or to touch... it was a piece of an old black water pipe.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
Even with a photo, you have better eyes than me ! Oh goodness . . . I am so glad you did not get bitten by that black water pipe !
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
1 Jul 21
@much2say In that area of the garden, where we have a huge rosemary bush, I noticed the skin of a snake in the middle of the bush, I immediately thought that the black thing was a snake. I was there with the cat telling to the cat "go there and check if it moves..."
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
1 Jul 21
@LadyDuck Ah, seeing the snake skin would definitely make me suspicious too . Hee hee and did the cat go investigate or did it think it was a snake too !
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
30 Jun 21
Time for glasses! My son saw a coyote in his backyard and a fox in his front. I only spotted one snake and am still trying to get over the experience months later.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
Yah, I actually do need glasses . Oh gosh I do remember your snake encounter! About a month ago we went hiking and these fellow hikers gasped right by us . . . apparently a big snake was on our path but it slithered back into the hills. Hubby and the kids saw the tail end of it . . . and of course I missed it .
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
1 Jul 21
@DianneN Sign of . .. great minds? . . . "see" alike? In most cases I actually don't mind snakes . . . I figure they leave us alone if we leave them alone. But maybe because I always miss them, maybe they don't see me either .
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
1 Jul 21
@much2say Join the need glasses club. It’s a sign of…….nevermind. Good thing you missed that snake if you’re like me. I had to walk one mile out of my way to avoid one on my path years ago.
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@Hanyouyomi (2187)
• Dallas, Texas
22 Jan 22
I'm speechless... I don't know what to say to this. Although I have mistaken plastic bags for animals in the past, and only noticed they were bags upon closer inspection. So I can relate.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
27 Jan 22
Maybe I just need glasses .
@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
1 Feb 22
@Hanyouyomi Right . But the one day I see a plastic bag, it will then turn out to be a real animal .
• Dallas, Texas
29 Jan 22
@much2say I wear glasses, and have done so while mistaking plastic bags for animals. I think it might take attentiveness.
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• China
30 Jun 21
Funny ! You pictured a plastic bag as cockatoo and the like.I have known of coyotes from other mylotter's post.It is said that they could attack kids sometimes.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
I really, really thought it was a bird . Oh yes, coyotes can attack. People who live in the hills are warned to keep their pets indoors at night (or even the day) as coyotes can come into their yards to hunt. I don't doubt they could attack children as well. We made sure they walked away to the other direction - they ran into another set of hills.
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• China
1 Jul 21
@much2say Maybe coyotes are indigenous to there.I have not seen them myself.
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@sjvg1976 (41246)
• Delhi, India
2 Jul 21
Not here in the city. But when I was in village I have encountered deers and snakes many times while roaming there. Deers used to run away when they see human beings. Snakes are killed by the people whenever they appear. Recently saw peacocks here which is not a normal thing to be visible here.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Jul 21
Are there any little critters in the city . . . like squirrels or birds? We do not get deer in our suburb area, but they can possibly be in certain hills . . . and so can snakes. Right, the deer run away before we get a good look. I think most people here run away from the snakes . Ohhh, peacocks! Wild peacocks? There are pockets of areas that have peacocks - rare though - I don't know why the peacocks just stay there. That is a sight to see!!
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Jul 21
Ah, well that counts as wildlife too! Although I guess we see such critters all the time .
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@sjvg1976 (41246)
• Delhi, India
3 Jul 21
@much2say birds and squirrels can easily be seen on the tree I have in front of my house of BlackBerry.
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@RebeccasFarm (88703)
• Arvada, Colorado
7 Jul 21
Well I never haha This bird sees a bag rolling down the street lol
Gotcha the Moluccan Cockatoo. Letty the African Grey. Follow Gotcha and family on Instagram!: https://instagram.com/gotcha_the_cockatooHad a play date with o...
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@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 Jul 21
It is always exciting to see wildlife, The only wildlife I see here are squirrels and various kinds of birds and an possum who used to come at night,
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Jul 21
I remember the squirrel that comes to visit you daily ! I know opossums are around, but I haven't seen any lately.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Jul 21
@RasmaSandra Harvey ! That's amazing you even got a photo of him - as they often scamper away when humans and light get so close! Well he is actually a cute one, isn't he?
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@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Jul 21
@much2say here is a photo of my possum I named him Harvey
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• Midland, Michigan
1 Jul 21
that was pretty funny. I see loads of plastic bags but not flapping in the wind at least. I see them and use them at my job. I thought maybe the birds wrong was hurt. Better that the bag be stuck than a bird.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
1 Jul 21
Oh yah, you see a flock of them - the ones you see are domestic . It would have been quite a sight for me to go through the dry brush to rescue a bag .
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• Midland, Michigan
2 Jul 21
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
30 Jun 21
It sounds like an eventful walk. Yes, I frequently encounter plastic bags on my walk.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
It was a decent nature walk! I really wish I didn't see as much trash as I do on these walks.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
@just4him If only people would take responsibility for their own trash . . . that is not nature's job!!
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
30 Jun 21
@much2say That's the sad part of walks. I see it all the time here too.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
30 Jun 21
That sounds SO like me. I get highly excited from time to time only to have to come down to earth when I discover I've got it all wrong. lol
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
But it's so exciting for that little millisecond though, right?
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
1 Jul 21
@much2say Right!
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Jun 21
Many plastic bags have been seen. I have seen deer, coyotes, foxes, bears, and many birds.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Jun 21
We have at times seen deer, but never bears. But these are in the hill areas if we go hiking there. I hate seeing trash in these wildlife areas.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Jun 21
@much2say The bears were at a friend's house north of here. Thank goodness.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Jun 21
@CarolDM Oh my - I hope nothing happened to their house - or them !
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@snowy22315 (177348)
• United States
30 Jun 21
Ha, that's pretty funny. Sometimes I think I see animals or something on the road..and they turn out to be garbage bags.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
There seems to be an infestation of bags everywhere !
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@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
30 Jun 21
Oh, a plastic bag
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
Yah, I guess a plastic bag can survive in the wild .
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@jstory07 (137893)
• Roseburg, Oregon
2 Jul 21
I have seen a couple of deer's that have come to town.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Jul 21
I would love to see deer come out our way - will never happen in the burbs. Although I do hear they chew gardens up .
@GreatMartin (23672)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
2 Jul 21
Sadly there are plenty of plastic bags and bottles left on our beaches!!
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Jul 21
Yah, it is that way here too . . . well, anywhere you look anyway . People are not taking care of their planet .
@cacay1 (83320)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
30 Jun 21
so funny yet thrilling and intriguing encounter.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jun 21
Hey, nice to see you Erly! Yah, so much for seeing "different" wildlife .
@thelme55 (76645)
• Germany
3 Jul 21
Not lately. It is nice to see wildlife from a distance.
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@much2say (54912)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Jul 21
Yes, and it is safer to watch some wildlife from a distance .
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