Miracles do happen. My brother will come for dinner this Thursday.

@marguicha (218651)
April 1, 2024 5:09pm CST
I told you here that my brother had invited me to dine out a few weeks ago. The restaurant was very expensive (I think that he paid the amount of money I reecive from my pension in a month) and the food wasn´t so good. It was a Chinese restaurant that had been the best one here decades ago. But the old owners must have died. They were old when I was young. Still the conversation was nice and we had fun. And I invited them to eat here. And they will come on Thursday night at 7 PM. I plan to make the same dish that I had for Leticia: trout. Nothing can go wrong with trout. When I made it for Leticia I added salt, butter and set it over some onions.After a while I added some oil and that was it. I seved it with small new potatoes that I had boiled, peeled and placed at the side to have them hot. For them I´ll also make a nice green salad for starters and will buy a wonderful iced dessert. My brother asked me what could they bring and I said that wine would be nice. I´m not buying anything with alcohol. Besides not being completly healthy, I don´t like to drink alcohol alone anylonger. This weekend I´ll also have Rosa, an ex maid who sews for a while. I want to ask her to measure some things I want to fix. And I hope to haveMario over to finish adding up what I owe him. It is wonderful that I have good memory and that all the money I have given him has been trandfered via the Bank. So much time has passed that I might forgotten.
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20 responses
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
1 Apr
It's great that your brother is coming to your place for dinner. Restaurants are nice but there is nothing like a home cooked meal!
4 people like this
@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
I could not invite anyone to a restaurant. I don´t have enough money.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
2 Apr
@marguicha I completely agree with @MarieCoyle . It doesnt matter, home cooked meals are better because they are made with care and a lot of effort.
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@MarieCoyle (32476)
2 Apr
@marguicha That doesn’t matter, you are cooking them a good dinner! I hope you have a nice evening with them.
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@koopharper (7577)
• Canada
1 Apr
Good to be able to spend time with friends and family. Hope to catch some trout from the river here when the season opens.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
When I was young, I spent a summer holiday with my uncle and aunt. We camped near a river and my uncle had to work with a man who know how to fish. He brought lots of trout almost every day and my aunt cooked them over coals. We could eat all we wanted and at that time of my life I ate lots.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
@koopharper We have those rivers in the south. But in the north, rivers have water only once in a while.
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• Canada
2 Apr
@marguicha I don't think the river here is that plentiful. Still I hope to enjoy some on a regular basis in the future.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
2 Apr
Oh my goodness, I am so glad to know that your brother accepted your invitation and will come for dinner. You have some busy days in front of you.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
He invited me for that horrid dinner at a Chinese Restaurant that used to be the best in the city decades ago. The only thing left was the price of everything. But he has money. And as he never keeps quiet, he voiced how dry was the duck and how cold was the first course that should have been warm. Still the conversation was good and I invited them for dinner chez moi. I can make a wonderful dinner with what he spent in the tip. I decided to copy what I had cooked for Leticia: easy and elegant. And i will start with some appetizers (not too many) and a green salad. AND I´ll buy an icecream dessert.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
@LadyDuck I was shocked then. When we go to our Chinese restaurant with Dixie and Humberto we order less and share. My sister in law asked for the most expensive appetizers and then my brother ordered the duck (the most expensive dish). I´m absolutly sure that my brother spent there the equivalent of my retirement pension of a month.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
2 Apr
@marguicha Your dinner will be delicious, a lot better than what you had at the Chinese restaurant. My brother often spends ridiculous amount of money at fancy restaurants, his daughter was shocked about how much he was spending.
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@wolfgirl569 (100049)
• Marion, Ohio
1 Apr
You have a full week. Enjoy
4 people like this
@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
I´m sure I will.
3 people like this
@JudyEv (332014)
• Rockingham, Australia
2 Apr
Maybe you'll be able to have a slightly better relationship with your brother. I hope so.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
I do know that we will have fun this time.
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@Dena91 (16278)
• United States
1 Apr
Enjoy your time with family and friends. Your dinner sounds good.
4 people like this
@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
I´ll buy the groceries tomorrow.
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@GardenGerty (159033)
• United States
2 Apr
Your trout sounds delicious.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
And easy.
1 person likes this
@kareng (57623)
• United States
2 Apr
It sounds like you have a busy week in store! Enjoy your brother's visit and dinner. I'm sure you will and your dinner will be divine!
3 people like this
@kareng (57623)
• United States
5 Apr
@marguicha Sounds yummy!!
@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
I have a busy week in front of me. Tomorrow I´ll ask for groceries that will include a bought ice cream dessert that is delicious.
2 people like this
@RebeccasFarm (87332)
• United States
1 Apr
It is..you are so right...it is so valuable to have such a good memory. I am glad now that your Brother will be coming. And Rosa another day. And of course Mario.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
My week is full!
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@jstory07 (135935)
• Roseburg, Oregon
2 Apr
I hope that you have a good time with your brother.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
I am sure that I will.
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@RasmaSandra (76335)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
1 Apr
Glad you brother will be coming for dinner, I hope you have a good visit,
3 people like this
@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
I´m sure we will.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Apr
Glad you have a good memory.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
He did a lot of things around the house. It is just a matter of walking through with a paper and a pen.
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@TheHorse (211974)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Apr
@marguicha Heh. If my brother did that at the cabin, I'd be rich.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
@TheHorse From what you have told about your brother, I would not count on it.
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@just4him (314721)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
2 Apr
I'm glad your brother is coming for dinner on Thursday night. I hope you will have a wonderful time. Your meal plan sounds good.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
I´m glad that he is behaving towards me lately. He has been a pest for many years. But I have taken no notice of it and maybe he decided to change his ways. After all, we are both old enough not to fight over stupid little things.
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@just4him (314721)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
2 Apr
@marguicha I'm glad he's changing his ways. Maybe he realizes neither of you will be around forever.
@LindaOHio (166250)
• United States
2 Apr
I'm glad that your brother is coming for dinner. Enjoy all of your company and have a good day.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
I´m glad that they are comming although, between you and me, I enjoy a lot more Dixie and humberto´s visits and I was completly elated when Leticia finally could come to visit me a couple of days ago.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
@LindaOHio If he wasn´t such a jerk, I´d be more in contact with him. But he lives 2 houses away from mine and has invited me once in 6 years.
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@LindaOHio (166250)
• United States
2 Apr
@marguicha I know; but it's good that you are keeping contact with family.
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@celticeagle (163201)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Apr
Mm. Trouth. What a great choice. I love trout. With onions. They are good for the belly you know. No lemon? I hope your evening with your brother is a nice one.
@LeaPea2417 (37123)
• Toccoa, Georgia
2 Apr
That's great you all are getting together, enjoy.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
Thank ypu.
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@Fleura (29556)
• United Kingdom
2 Apr
I hope you will have a pleasant dinner together.
@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
2 Apr
Some old restaurants here too have lost their earlier quality of food and that can be a big disappointment. Great that your brother is visiting you. It's always great to catch up with siblings. We grew up with them and have special connections. I am visiting my brother in a week time. I can't wait to see him and my mother. I am sure that you two will have good time. Nothing beats a home cooked meal
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
My brother lives 2 houses away from me but after my brother in law decided that he would not relate to me, my brother took sides with him. I did not tell him how stupid he was. Now, after years, if he wants to see me, here I am. I will open my house and be polite.
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@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
4 Apr
@marguicha Oh! I see. I was not aware of this. These family dramas can be a big toll on our emotional and mental health. It's good that you two are coming together. Life is too short and unpredictable. Better to patch up with loved ones before it is too late.
@Beestring (13892)
• Hong Kong
2 Apr
Your trout sounds delicious. Have an enjoyable week.
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
Thank you.
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@grenery8 (5898)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
2 Apr
it is nice to have a good relationship with siblings. i am sure he will enjoy your top meal
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@marguicha (218651)
• Chile
2 Apr
My relation with my sibling can be called polite at the most. My real family is my adopted family, my best friends.
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@grenery8 (5898)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
4 Apr
@marguicha i am facing the same feeling but with ups and downs with my sibling, endlessly and sometimes i am tired of it. cause i didn't adapt to new city and with less job possibilities, i didn't make any friends or lost old,not so great, friends so, i have only my mum, as acparent and a friend