Very Productive Day

@wolfgirl569 (98012)
Marion, Ohio
May 19, 2024 6:09pm CST
I got a lot done today. I cut 4 trees down and hauled them to the pond. They were not huge trees but still had to use the saw. Next I took the weed whacker out to that area. While using that I found tomato hoops that I didn't know were in there. I got them moved to the carport. That area is looking better but I have more to do. I also have all of the dishes caught up except one. I took leftovers to the cats in it. I will bring it in later and soak it. I also started emptying the pond this evening. I will let that water run off and take more out tomorrow. The fun part will be trying to catch the fish when I get it low enough. Hubby slept most of the day. He wasn't feeling good. He just got up and seems to be feeling better now. But him being in bed made it easier for me to get stuff done. Hope you had a good day.
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14 responses
@AliCanary (3128)
19 May
Wow, that's a lot of work! Why are you planning to drain the pond?
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
It needs cleaned badly. I have a different one set up now
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
20 May
You got a lot done in a days time, specially draining the pond I know how that can be, I have a 75 gal tank I had to drain & catching 6 fish was a job but I got it done, time to rest up.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
I just started emptying it as I want to let the ground dry in between. Its over 100 gallon. I am not sure how many fish I have now. I know the goldfish have bred some but I have found a couple floating over time too.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
22 May
@2ndchances24 The ones from the horse trough were at least 10 years old and I think a little older than that.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
@wolfgirl569 DAMN, that's messed up, yeah they do die at times cause of a # of reasons, that's why I got rid of the 1's I had.
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@Juliaacv (49019)
• Canada
19 May
You did have a busy day today. How many fish do you have in the pond? We used to have a huge koi pond with over 60 fish in it.
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@Juliaacv (49019)
• Canada
20 May
@wolfgirl569 I hope that there are no eggs and only baby fishes.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
@Juliaacv It's still early here for that.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
I don't know as I know the goldfish have bred. I will know when I get them moved
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@just4him (311404)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
20 May
I'm glad you got a lot done and found the tomato hoops near the pond. I'm sorry your hubby isn't feeling well. I hope he feels better soon.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
I thought I had sold those hoops He feels better today
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@just4him (311404)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
20 May
@wolfgirl569 I'm glad he feels better today.
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@arunima25 (86224)
• Bangalore, India
20 May
That's a lot done. Cutting four trees using saw is a lot of work. Even I get a lot done if husband is not there or sleeping . I was not well and was in bed most of the day. Now it's 10:39 PM and I can't sleep. Still feeling under the weather.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
Hope you start feeling better soon
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@arunima25 (86224)
• Bangalore, India
21 May
@wolfgirl569 Today is a little better. I am planning to take my therapy sessions in the afternoon. Staying in bed can be boring and lethargy just creeps in.
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@MarieCoyle (30819)
20 May
You got a lot accomplished, for sure! My son picked up some type of flu bug and Friday night and Saturday he was down in bed for the most part. Then last night I was feeling rough as well. Today was a wash out, we both didn’t feel like doing anything. I am perking up some now but he is asleep. Hopefully tomorrow we will both be ok.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
I hope you both feel better today. Hubby hasn't been sleeping good is some of the problem
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
21 May
@MarieCoyle Glad to hear you are doing better. Hope your son does soon. Its looking better. We think the tape in his hair was waking him up. Its supposed to be kept covered but that means taping it down in his hair. So we have been leaving that off
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@MarieCoyle (30819)
21 May
@wolfgirl569 I am better than I was yesterday. I was just pretty worthless, and sort of just lolled on the couch. Wasn't hungry. I finally ate some toast last night, today I've had some soup and another piece of toast. I am on the mend. Son is still dragging...I think we brought home a bad bug from his Dr. appointment the other day, but who knows? I am sorry he isn't sleeping well. I know how that is! Is his head getting any better?
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@GardenGerty (158350)
• United States
20 May
I cannot decide which projects to do first. Often when I feel like getting stuff done in the bedroom, hubby is asleep in the bedroom.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
Hubby has done that to me before
@maclanis (2382)
• Belgium
20 May
A very productive day indeed! I had a more relaxed weekend since I had a very busy workweek.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
I will relax tomorrow
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@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
20 May
I bet it feels good to get so much accomplished. I just work on here most days and tidy up my room and the bathroom.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
It did feel good.
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@kaylachan (60601)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
20 May
Sure sounds like it. I'm glad it was a good one.
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@jstory07 (134843)
• Roseburg, Oregon
19 May
I still have some weed eating to do in the front that I forgot about. I will finish that tomorrow.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
This was an extra spot that needs cleaned.
@LadyDuck (463174)
• Switzerland
20 May
It's a hard job to cut trees and they are heavy to move around. I should also empty the pond, I would like to have better cleaner water in it.
@JudyEv (329077)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 May
I seem to get a lot more done if Vince is 'otherwise occupied'.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
Its amazing how they interfere
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@LindaOHio (161648)
• United States
20 May
You got a lot done. I'm sorry hubby wasn't feeling well. Is he better today? Why are you emptying the pond and what are you going to do with the fish? Have a good week.
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@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
20 May
He is feeling better thanks. It needs cleaned very badly. I have a trough that I am moving the fish too. Might leave them there
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@LindaOHio (161648)
• United States
21 May
@wolfgirl569 I'm glad your hubby is better.
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