An update on another husband

@JudyEv (329038)
Rockingham, Australia
May 21, 2024 10:20am CST
Vince had open heart surgery today. The doctor rang early afternoon to say the operation had gone well although his blood pressure was up a bit. He said they were keeping a close eye on him. I am going to see him tomorrow between 11am and 1pm. If I go between 5 and 7pm, I’d be running into all the peak hour traffic. I’m not sure where I will park. I know there is parking on the street but the big signs says you have to use your phone to pay. I’m not very good with mobile phones but I took a big breath and managed to put my credit card details into my phone. Then my friend said I needed the card details in my ‘wallet’ so now I’ve done that too. Hopefully the instructions on the meter will be nice and clear for me. The photo shows Vince tossing pancakes.
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30 responses
• United States
21 May
I'm sure you were relieved to get the call that Vince went through the surgery okay. Will continue sending prayers and positive thoughts for his recovery. Hope the parking isn't a hassle and that the meter is easy enough to operate.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 May
Thanks, Marilyn. I'm being positive about the parking. Others must manage so I'm sure I can too.
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• United States
21 May
@JudyEv I get easily intimidated by things like that and I hope it's easy to figure out the meter.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 May
@Marilynda1225 When I have to tackle something really difficult (for me), I keep repeating 'I can do this, I can do this'. It does seem to help. lol
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@LadyDuck (463157)
• Switzerland
21 May
Thank you for the update, I am so relieved to know that surgery went well. We got a fine in Italy last Sunday because of this stupid system to pay parking with your phone... our Swiss phone did not arrive to pay in Italy!
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@LadyDuck (463157)
• Switzerland
21 May
@JudyEv We can pay using our credit card everywhere here. I like technology, but too much is frustrating.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 May
That would be annoying and it's very unfair really. There should be at least two options on how to pay.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
@LadyDuck I dislike the fact that they expect everyone to be able to use the phones for all sorts of things. Also, often, there are no other options.
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@xFiacre (12576)
• Ireland
21 May
@judyev I’m sure he’ll be back tossing pancakes again soon. Great relief that the surgery’s over I’m sure. I’m the same about those parking meters where you use the mobile to pay. I’ve definitely been left behind by tech and I’ve no intention of catching up.
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@xFiacre (12576)
• Ireland
21 May
@JudyEv So far as I’m concerned phones are for speaking to people on. Yet here I sit Mylotting away to my heart’s content on my mobile.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 May
@xFiacre What's that saying? Do as I say, not as I do??
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 May
I don't feel like I really have any options. Vince had been paying for the groceries with his phone lately. I can use cash but it seems absolutely everyone expects everyone else to have a mobile phone. It really grates with me but I can't change the situation.
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@akalinus (41100)
• United States
21 May
I'm happy to hear that he is doing well and came through the surgery okay. I am sure you will ace the parking problem. There is a first time for doing everything.
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@akalinus (41100)
• United States
22 May
@JudyEv That's great. Which way did you pay?
@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 May
I'm not too worried about it. I have two hours to sort something out so I'm sure I'll be fine.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
@akalinus The machine actually took coins as well so that was good.
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@Kandae11 (53970)
21 May
I am so glad that the surgery was a success and l am sure they will be monitoring him closely for the present. Take care on your drive to the hospital tomorrow.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
I'm home again now and I had no dramas thanks. Vince is well enough but tired. He should move out of ICU tomorrow.
@Beestring (13633)
• Hong Kong
21 May
Glad to know that Vince's surgery went well.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
Thanks. I'm relieved it's safely over.
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@BarBaraPrz (45935)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
22 May
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that. Hope he has an uneventful recovery. @};--
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
I wouldn't expect everyone to remember but I'll have something to write about every few days with updates!
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@BarBaraPrz (45935)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
22 May
@JudyEv Yes, you will. Keep us posted.
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@snowy22315 (172623)
• United States
21 May
I don't like those "smart pay meters" and all that stuff..Usually involves downloading an app of some sort too. Good luck..and glad Vince came through the surgery well. Hopefully, his BP will stabilize.
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@snowy22315 (172623)
• United States
22 May
@JudyEv That's good. Is he awake?
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
I saw him today and they said he is 'ticking all the boxes' so that's good. I was able to pay with coins so now I've made sure I have a heap more for the week or however long.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 May
@snowy22315 Yes, he was. I'm going to see him again shortly. He had a very short walk today but was then exhausted which is par for the course. He has to spend another night at least in ICU.
@Tampa_girl7 (49411)
• United States
21 May
I’m so glad to hear that his surgery went well.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49411)
• United States
22 May
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
Thanks, Marie. I'm sure all the prayers and positive vibes helped. They certainly helped me.
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@RasmaSandra (75082)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 May
I will put him in my prayers for a quick recovery, Glad it went well and you will be able to see him, Many blessings to you both,
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
Thanks very much. I really appreciate all the kind words, prayers and good wishes I've had from myLot folks.
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@Dena91 (16060)
• United States
22 May
I am glad to hear Vince is doing well after his surgery. I hope all goes well tomorrow when you go to see him.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
Thanks. I'm home again now and it's all good. I have to say it's a relief.
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@Hannihar (130238)
• Israel
22 May
@JudyEv Good luck with the parking. I do not understand it either and glad I can put my mobility scooter anywhere I can find a place. I am glad his surgery went well and I hope they are watching him and his blood pressure. It will go down. I believe it. I hope he can go home soon. It must be not fun without him at home right now. I thought by the title that you have another husband hiding somewhere that we do not know about. If you did, it would be not our business.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
There is another myLotter here (Linda) who has been putting regular updates about her husband who is in hospital. Her discussions are always entitled 'Update on My Husband' so I was trying to let people know this discussion was about a different husband.
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@Hannihar (130238)
• Israel
22 May
@JudyEv You could have said Vince and I believe people would know. The title intrigued me because I thought maybe you were hiding another husband, but maybe I am a bit slow and until I read it then got it. I also remember Linda talking about what is going on with her husband.
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@dya80dya (34862)
21 May
Having such a surgery is stressful. It's good that he went through surgery ok.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
Thanks. It is a big operation but probably not as dangerous as it once was. It's almost run of the mill now.
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@MarieCoyle (30798)
21 May
I'm glad it's over and you have heard from the Dr. The waiting is so stressful. Parking is difficult. Does the hospital have valet parking? It might cost a bit more but it's sure handy if you are not sure of your surroundings, etc. Maybe you could call and ask, just in case you needed that. I hope Vince's next few days go smoothly and that he isn't in a lot of pain. Take good care, Judy.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 May
They don't have valet parking there but now I have the option on the phone I feel better about it. They don't want him in any pain as he won't breathe properly if he's in pain. He has a button to push if he is in pain but that is restricted so he can't overdo it.
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@MarieCoyle (30798)
22 May
@JudyEv I know it's a very hard surgery. I am glad they are monitoring his pain levels.
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@GardenGerty (158347)
• United States
21 May
I am tired of all this wallet pay, pay with phone, etc. All our best to your hubby.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
In the end, I was able to use coins. I don't think I could have managed it with the phone.
@FourWalls (63356)
• United States
21 May
These things do have to realize that technology and older people don’t get along well at times. My dear aunt of blessed memory was told she had to have an e-mail address and she said, “I don’t even have a computer!” I made her one on my AOL account. Anyway, glad Vince came through the surgery well. Remember, if he gets too feisty too quickly, bop him on the head and tell him it’s from me!
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
He's not too feisty yet. Well, he is a little bit but I'll save it for a discussion.
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@LeaPea2417 (36781)
• Toccoa, Georgia
21 May
Prayers he has a good recovery.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
Thank you. I have really appreciated everyone's support.
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@wolfgirl569 (98013)
• Marion, Ohio
21 May
Glad it went well. He will be home soon
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
I'm sure the week or whatever will go very quickly.
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@TheHorse (209227)
• Walnut Creek, California
21 May
He looks quite adept at tossing pancakes. I hope he is comfy when you see him.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
He was pretty good thanks although tired - which is to be expected.
@Shiva49 (26289)
• Singapore
21 May
I wish Vince a fast recovery to an active life again soon. I hope you have a walk in the park in terms of paying for parking.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 May
I managed the parking quite well and was able to pay with coin so that was good.
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