Words. . . knowledge. . . experience

@GardenGerty (158331)
United States
May 22, 2024 11:06am CST
My great niece is hopping mad at a nurse at her doctor's office. Last weekend she cut a finger badly, using a cutting device called a mandolin. If you are not familiar with that term it is a device that has wire "strings" to fine cut and slice things like veggies. She ended up in the ER and got treated. Instructions were to check in with her primary care after Tuesday (yesterday). She did it by phone. Talked to the nurse, who argued with her: "you cannot cut your hand on a musical instrument" ( a mandolin is also a stringed instrument) The nurse had no clue, and would not listen to Katy explain about it,. She finally told her nurse "fine, just put down that I cut it on a really sharp knife". but I know how I cut myself. Now Katy has some issues with anger, and also with clearly expressing herself. If it had been me, I would have laughed at the nurse, and taken her a picture when I could. Katy is mad and is going to tell the doctor that the nurse was rude. And show her a picture. I was not in the conversation and I do not know how rude the nurse was. We use same words for different things and evidently this nurse has very little cooking knowledge or experience. Shoot, she probably does not even watch cooking shows.
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14 responses
@sallypup (58732)
• Centralia, Washington
22 May
Years ago a friend kept telling me her and her husband had recently cut themselves on their mandoline. I had never heard of such a device but from the context it was clearly a kitchen tool. Many people do not listen and do not understand how to understand things from contextual clues.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
You were ready and willing to learn.
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@Hannihar (130238)
• Israel
23 May
@GardenGerty I am sorry that happened to her and that the nurse will not listen to her. I hate when you feel you are talking to brick walls and the person you are trying to explain the situation does not care or even understand what you are trying to explain to them.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
Or they are talking down to you. Katy has a disability, but it is not her brain, it is her back.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
28 May
@Hannihar She was born very prematurely, and it has affected her a lot.
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@Hannihar (130238)
• Israel
23 May
@GardenGerty I am sorry she has a disability and it turns out to be her back. Yes, they are very condescending.
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@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
22 May
I do know what a mandolin is. I think that sometimes people with learning like this nurse think they know more than others. They also don't always listen. I think it was rather rude of this nurse to act the way that she did. She could have treated Katy much nicer. This nurse probably spends all of her time thinking and doing nurse things and doesn't know much else.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
Or she is very young. Katy sometimes gets flustered but she is smart. She cooks a lot. She KNOWS what she got cut on. Just like she knew for at least ten years she needed something done for her back, but she was thirty when they got it taken care of. Her surgeon apologized that it took the medical profession so long to help her.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
28 May
@celticeagle Yeah. She was well on the road to being paralyzed.
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@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
25 May
@GardenGerty ........That is something.
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@kaylachan (60583)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 May
We keep getting the run around with the VA, too. Most of the doctors they want my husband to see are in Orlando. When I mention this to him, his answer is 'not going to happen'. And, we're not going to drop our lives here, and move to Orlando And, then they can't get their stories straight on ... anything. When the Neurologist finally got around to calling us, they thought George had been in a car accident. nope. thank god. just a stroke. Sometimes I don't really know what goes on in their heads. Nurses and doctors often think they know better because they are in the medical field and we are idiots.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
We have slowly gotten better with the VA. Bob can see our primary as community care. His hyperbaric treatments are being done at the closest place available. Some of the specialties have been excellent, but the last time he was in the VA hospital was awful. We live about three miles too close to get reimbursed for travel. It stinks, because there are some good, and probably some bad there as well.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
28 May
@kaylachan I was not sure how young George is.
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@kaylachan (60583)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
23 May
@GardenGerty Oh, I don't doubt it. But, George has a couple years to go before he can get medicare. While not the best, it gives him more options in terms of people he can see. Seeing as how the VA complains that community care is "limited".
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@arunima25 (86224)
• Bangalore, India
23 May
People keep getting paper cuts too. At least that's a string. I too would have laughed at the nurse
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
28 May
And paper cuts really do hurt!!
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@arunima25 (86224)
• Bangalore, India
29 May
@GardenGerty Yes, they do. I had them a couple of times. My elder daughter seems to be prone to paper cuts. She will often have them.
@HaruLoid (1487)
• Philippines
23 May
The nurse was rude. She could have asked what a mandolin is and might even ask a photo of it. A lot of instruments can be harmful if improperly used.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
Some words have more than one meaning, as well.
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@HaruLoid (1487)
• Philippines
23 May
@GardenGerty That's true. Something that we should be all open about.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
28 May
@HaruLoid Many words have more than one meaning.
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@AmbiePam (86600)
• United States
22 May
Oh. My. Word. That is hilarious and awful. I do not blame her for being mad! I also have never bought one even though I wanted one because I fear cutting myself. By the way, if you can, please keep us updated on that if she updates you. I have a real problem with people who refuse to let others explain something they do not understand.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
I will let you know if Katy says any more.Katy has a disability, but it is not her mind. She is a sharp cookie but many people do not get that.
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@AmbiePam (86600)
• United States
23 May
@GardenGerty Katy sounds pretty darn great.
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@wolfgirl569 (97993)
• Marion, Ohio
22 May
I would get mad too
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
I likely would have laughed at her and talked over her, but that is me. Katy is young. I bet this nurse is too.
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• United States
22 May
I know what a mandolin is and I have a friend that almost cut her finger off using one. But, I can see where the nurse might have been confused and I can also see Katys issue. It's crazy when one word can have totally different meanings.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
I think it flustered Katy that she could not make her understand. Sometimes Katy seems "slow" but she is a smart cookie. The nurse could have asked for an explanation.
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• United States
29 May
@GardenGerty maybe the nurse should have listened more carefully? She probably doesn't ever spend time in the kitchen or watch any cooking shows
@just4him (311359)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
23 May
I'm sorry your great-niece and the nurse didn't connect about what happened. I hope when she sees her doctor, the picture will help to let her know what a mandolin is. I only knew it as a musical instrument too. I learned something new.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
But you are a person who works with words and you would have listened and learned something.
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@just4him (311359)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
24 May
@GardenGerty True. I would have.
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@JudyEv (329038)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 May
Some people never want to listen. I think I first heard of a mandolin (kitchen appliance) in here. I don't like showing my ignorance but gathered in grated or sliced or somesuch. I wonder if the rude lady saw one in a shop the very next day. That's the sort of thing that happens.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
Oh, that would be ironic. I am not sure where I learned the term. Sometimes the new ones can be very versatile and in addition to slicing they have extra parts that grate, etc.
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@LindaOHio (161649)
• United States
23 May
I'm sorry your great niece had a problem with the nurse. I know what a mandolin is. Maybe the nurse should be more open-minded. Have a good day.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
23 May
I am sure Katy got flustered, and yes, the nurse has room still to learn stuff.
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• United States
22 May
Tell Katy that she has a partner in anger at her primary care doctor too. We have hit 12 days since I was to see him and get the okay for the refill of my pain meds...but he called in that he wouldn't be in that day-I received the call a half hour before I was to leave to go to his office. I was told that I would be called by a different doctor's crew and scheduled for a telephone appointment (His office is about 75 miles away from my home and in a different county). I received the call and the appointment was set for May 14th at 9 a.m.. Then I got a call changing that appointment to a different person at a later time. About 30 minutes later I got a call that the appointment would be even later (during my apartment inspection). Then when I was called (with the inspection team in the apartment) I asked about the refill on my pain med prescription, and I found out that the person I was talking to was a nurse practitioner and couldn't prescribe my pain meds. She informed me that my regular clinic would call me, which they did, giving me 5 minutes to get the inspection over with, changed and to the bus to get to the appointment. There was NO WAY!!!! And I told them so. I was called on Monday to check and see how I was doing (still no pain meds) and I let the lady know in plain uncertain terms how I was doing...and it wasn't nice language either. I'm still waiting for the pain meds. If it doesn't happen today, I grab a bus tomorrow and camp out at the clinic, and THEY won't be happy!!! I have gotten to the point that if I were Katy I would bundle up the Mandolin and take it into the doctor's office with me. I would then suggest that the person who didn't know what a mandolin was stick their finger in it and see how much damage a "Musical Instrument" could do. I also would either do a print out of a mandolin or if she has a cook book with a picture of one and how to use it, take it along too. I used to do gourmet cooking for my parents and knew full well what that "musical instrument" could cut, because I used it a LOT; and fortunately managed somehow to keep from slicing myself in it. Now the mixer was another story. I ran my finger through the beaters and had to ruin the electric hand mixer to get my finger back. A hand mixer is NOT for mixing your hand!!! Give Katy my best and I hope she heals soon-and DO NOT hold back when she goes to the primary's office, she needs better treatment than she received!!!!! Hugs to you both!!!
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@dya80dya (34862)
23 May
I would have laughed at the nurse.
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@GardenGerty (158331)
• United States
28 May
Me too. I try not to let little things make me angry.