Safely Home

@wolfgirl569 (100062)
Marion, Ohio
June 10, 2024 6:52pm CST
And doing a lot of sleeping. Right now she is out back. I will put the dobermans back out front soon and bring Patch back in. She is being good about leaving her belly alone. They put the stitches under the skin so she doesn't feel anything different there. I am sure that helps. The dobermans were happy to see her. But right now I am keeping her and Jill doberman separate so they can't try to fight. I washed a load of doggie blankets today so she would have a clean one. The mowing is finished also. I got my rope lights back on the pond today. Tomorrow afternoon I might get some more things done after the auction. I decided not to pick cherries tonight. Its cold out today. I will pick them again Thursday night. There will still be plenty then. I will take some more of my plants then also. I hope you had a good day.
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13 responses
@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Jun
Patch looks sleek and healthy there. They always refining how they do these operations. It's good she can't feel the stitches.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Jun
They are making it easier to take care of after.
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@allknowing (132070)
• India
11 Jun
Good Patch is back You will have to keep an eye on her Naaki when spayed gave us a lot of problems I had to sleep with my hand on her as she would get to the wound off and on. Do you not eat your cherries?
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@allknowing (132070)
• India
12 Jun
@wolfgirl569 Same here. I cannot eat all my jack fruits, mangoes, ............
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
12 Jun
She has been good about not messing with it. I eat some of them. But I am getting over 4 dollars a quart so it's worth selling them. I can't eat all of them
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
11 Jun
Patch looks fine here, I hope she can rest well and heal quickly. Clean blankets it's just what she needs. No collar to avoid that she licks herself?
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
11 Jun
@wolfgirl569 That is fine, she should be fully well in very few days. I am really glad.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Jun
She is back to normal now. They said unless she starts excessive licking not to worry. The stitches are under the skin and will dissolve. So she is only licking her own skin
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Jun
I'm glad Patch is doing well.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Jun
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Jun
@wolfgirl569 You're welcome.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
11 Jun
@wolfgirl569 That must have been an ordeal for her at the vet. You are so nice that you washed the doggy blankets and have a fresh one for her. I hope she does not mess with her stitches I am glad the Dobermans were happy to see her but Jill sounds mean that they fight a lot so good to keep them separated. You have quite a job too.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Jun
She will be back to normal soon. Her and Jill bicker like sisters.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
13 Jun
@wolfgirl569 I get it why she and Jill bicker. I hope she will be back to normal soon.
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
11 Jun
What a cute picture. I hope Patch border collie isn't in too much pain. Have a good day.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Jun
Back to her normal self now
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
12 Jun
@wolfgirl569 I'm so glad.
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@GardenGerty (159036)
• United States
11 Jun
It sounds like you are getting a lot done, I wish I were.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Jun
We did
@shaggin (71823)
• United States
11 Jun
I hope she heals well. She sure does look sweet all curled up like that.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Jun
It's looking good so far
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@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
11 Jun
Sounds like a busy but fulfilling day! Patch's recovery and the cozy evening plans with the cherries and plants sound lovely. Enjoy your evening!
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Jun
It was a relaxing evening
@psanasangma (7068)
• India
11 Jun
Overall it was good day for me too !!
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@FourWalls (64231)
• United States
12 Jun
Aww, sweet baby.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
12 Jun
She is back to being hyper
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@sallypup (59188)
• Centralia, Washington
11 Jun
Fresh cherries? Yum. I hope the Vet gave Patch pain meds for the first few days of being home.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Jun
They are good. I have enough pills for tomorrow.
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@MarieCoyle (32467)
11 Jun
We had a very cool breezy evening here, and down to 41 tonight. And it's June! Seems strange...but in a few days it's supposed to be high 90's, so I dread the really hot days.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Jun
Our furnace is running right now. I want summer
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@MarieCoyle (32467)
13 Jun
@wolfgirl569 It warmed up today. And this weekend it's supposed to be really hot. Ugh.
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