What did you do for your 13th birthday?

@AmbiePam (91364)
United States
July 6, 2024 1:43pm CST
I can’t for the life of me remember what I did for my thirteenth birthday. I remember my 12th, and my 14th, but not my 13th. Today is my niece, Amyra’s 13th birthday. We went to see her last week early to celebrate, and today my sister is taking her to eat sushi for her birthday lunch, before taking her to spend her Ulta gift card she got from grandpa and grandma. Her dad is watching the two younger ones so she can have a special day out with her mom.
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19 responses
6 Jul
Tell Amyra Happy 13th birthday! May I ask what kind of gift can Amyra buy with the Ulta gift card she got? I never heard of it? I hope she has a super birthday!
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
6 Jul
Thank you for the kind birthday wishes! Ulta is a store where you can buy all sorts of perfumes, makeup, hair products, nail polishes, and the like. It’s basically a dream store for anyone 12 to 25, although women of all ages shop there. They have an online site too. My sister loved Ulta growing up, and I think she passed that on to her daughter. I wasn’t really into beauty products that much, but I can see why a new teenager would be.
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8 Jul
@AmbiePam I think she will love buying from Ulta! That sounds like a perfect gift for a teenager! I hope she gets some great things! I never wore makeup or anything like that as a teenager. I still don't in my 50s My sister wore it because she sold Avon door to door in the early to mid-80s. she used to sell a lot of it
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
8 Jul
@LovesEverybody I never wear much myself, even now. I always felt like I was playing dress up.
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@1creekgirl (41298)
• United States
10 Jul
Happy birthday, pretty girl! I can't believe she's a teenager already. How was the long weekend? I hope your dad made out okay. Did you say you weren't going?
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
10 Jul
My dad had a great time, and seemed to do pretty good overall. No, I didn’t go due to the extreme heat.
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@1creekgirl (41298)
• United States
10 Jul
@AmbiePam That horrible heat could have been really dangerous for you. But glad your dad did well and hope the rest of your family enjoyed it.
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@GardenGerty (160355)
• United States
7 Jul
I do not remember doing anything special, but Mom made a cake. Likely it was orange flavored as that used to be my favorite. I do remember my presents, though, from my parents. I got a zippered, white, red letter edition KJV Bible and a wrist watch. It had a unique shape and its brand was Caravel. It sounds like Amyra will have a wonderful day.
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@GardenGerty (160355)
• United States
7 Jul
@AmbiePam I am glad I triggered a good memory.
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
7 Jul
Orange flavored, yum! I got a Bible identical to the one you described for my tenth birthday, and you mentioning it makes it stand out so clearly in my head.
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@snowy22315 (179262)
• United States
7 Jul
Oh I think she is having a good time! I don't remember the birthday per se, but I know a gift I got was a Love Story music box. The movie and all the trappings were very popular at the time. However, I wasn't allowed to see it as my mother said she didn't like the bad language in it..Of course it paled in comparison to what is said today onscreen.
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
7 Jul
I caught part of that movie on TV years ago. It DOES seem tame now.
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@snowy22315 (179262)
• United States
7 Jul
@AmbiePam Yep, different time, and far less raunch.
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Jul
I'm glad she had a wonderful birthday. I got a 45 record, Little Red Riding Hood. Why I remember the name of that song, I don't know. I know I played it all day. I just played it on YouTube. Memories are wonderful.
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
8 Jul
I love that song!
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Jul
@AmbiePam I forgot about it until you mentioned the thirteenth birthday. I like it too. I don't remember who gave me the record. It might have been my brother.
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@Deepizzaguy (101677)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
6 Jul
When I turned 13 years of age, my late parents and my relatives most likely celebrated my birthday at a public place like a restaurant in Panama City Panama.
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
6 Jul
That would have been very fun.
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@Deepizzaguy (101677)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
7 Jul
@AmbiePam It was fun indeed..
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@pumpkinjam (8735)
• United Kingdom
7 Jul
I don't remember most of my childhood birthdays. I do remember my 13th (well, some of it). It was the first time it hadn't rained on my birthday. I spent the day indoors! I was part of a youth theatre group, and we had an all day rehearsal. I remember a friend from the group gave me a jumper. I think it was black and some sort of chenille type material. I also remember getting a silver bracelet (that might have been from the same person, and I think it had my name on). I couldn't tell you the play we were rehearsing or anything else about the day!
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
7 Jul
That sounds like an entertaining birthday, and what an unusual factoid that it had rained on your birthday up until then!
@jstory07 (139281)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Jul
She looks so beautiful and happy in that picture. I hope she has a very happy birthday.
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
8 Jul
Thanks, Judy. She said she did.
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@LeaPea2417 (37335)
• Toccoa, Georgia
7 Jul
Happy birthday to her!
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
7 Jul
Thank you, Anne.
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• United States
10 Jul
I'm sure Amyra enjoyed her 13th birthday especially spending time with her mom. I don't actually remember my 13th birthday mostly because it was sooooooo long ago
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@TheHorse (217338)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Jul
She looks happy. I do not remember.
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@JudyEv (338126)
• Rockingham, Australia
7 Jul
I don't remember turnning 13 either. In fact the only birthday I really remember as a child was when I reached 'double figures' at 10.
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
7 Jul
Ten, yes, a double digits was big!
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@dya80dya (36468)
6 Jul
I didn't celebrate it. It was a normal day. Happy Birthday to Amyra!
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
6 Jul
Thank you, Diana!
@jnrdutton (3126)
• United States
7 Jul
Happy birthday to her! I went to Natural Bridge Caverns, in Texas. I also went mini-golfing, and to Chuck-E-Cheese. I remember it because it was a lot of fun, and I also remember my stepfather's van breaking down on the way back, his father traveled like 45 minutes to pick us up and help us home.
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@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
7 Jul
Chuck E Cheese, does it get better? Of course, you could do without your ride breaking down, but other than that, it sounds like a blast.
@kaylachan (67949)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Jul
I don't remember mine either.
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@LadyDuck (470191)
• Switzerland
7 Jul
Happy Birthday to your niece Amyra. Believe it or not, I can't remember at all what I did for most of my past birthdays. I remember that I had to work for my 30th birthday as a client of my husband had an urgency and I remember that my brother ordered a beautiful cake for my 42nd birthday (Happy Birthday Duck!)
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@LindaOHio (175605)
• United States
7 Jul
Happy Birthday to Amyra. I'm not sure; but I think my 13th birthday was the one that my girlfriend planned and she held a surprise sleep over at her house with all my friends. Have a good day.
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@sarik1 (7199)
7 Jul
Happy birthday to her.i do no remember in my 13 year birthday. but i think that my simple birthday celebrated was with my parents . because i was studying concentration.
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• India
7 Jul
My School results were on my 13th birthday. I stood second in my class and lost the first by 7 marks, so yes, that was a big disappointment in life. Never again, I achieved such success in my academics. There was no birthday cake celebrations and just had lunch with family. I got a small gift for the day and well, the year progressed to be good for my academics. Thanks for sharing!