I Wish I Hadn't Seen It...

Dream... - Dream...
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
March 10, 2009 9:08am CST
Well it’s happened again. Occasionally I’ll have dreams that later will actually happen. I don’t make this known to many ppl in my life b/c ppl tend to think your some kind of freak or nutcase when you tell them. My Hubby knows, my Mom knows and a couple other family members may know. Well, and now MyLot knows…I don’t worry about MyLot knowing though b/c we’re all pretty well anonymous here. Anyways back to the subject, the dream. A week ago I had a dream that I saw a family member laid out in a coffin and I could tell by the dream that it was ONE OF THOSE dreams. I wasn’t going to say anything but then I decided to tell my Mom b/c I thought ppl might want to go visit the person before it was too late. Well, it turns out that a few days ago the person had a stroke and heart attack and their not expected to last much longer. When my Mom called to tell me I felt terrible b/c I knew about what was coming before it happened. Do you ever have dreams like this? Would you feel bad for seeing it before hand? Would you have told anyone about it? BTW, I also found out that all these years I wondered where I got this from and now I find out that others in my family do the same thing or at least they used to. At least now I know where it comes from. [b]**AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~[/b]
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35 responses
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
10 Mar 09
I didnt have a dream, but I went to see my mom on Christmas of 2003, she had had cancer for 10 years. me & my guy got home & this feeling came over me and I said "she is going to die the day after new years,"I didnt even realize I was saying it until the words came out of my mouth... Well, she did the the day after new years, and I was hoping I was wrong. Isnt it crazy how sometimes we get glimpses, based our instincts, or whatever it is...It hasnt happened to me since and never really happened before but it was pretty weird to me.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
I never know when something is going to happen just that it is...sometimes there's ppl I don't know or places I don't know about until it happens. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
10 Mar 09
Hi, twoey68! I have never experienced this what you are dealing with. This is scary to see in a dream something about to happen to someone for real! I would be freaked out. You are not a nutcase. In fact, I find you very quite interesting! I have an interest in the paranormal state myself. I don't dream about things happening before it does. But, I am able to sense that something bad is going to happen to someone in my family. I can also feel that someone in my family may die.. I sometimes can read into thoughts of another person about me too. I find what you are dealing with to be very scary. If it was me, I would be afraid to sleep. Since you are going through this, and your family knows, then maybe you should start telling only them about it. That way you all can be prepared for whatever. This is a bit scary to experience..
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
Actually it isn't so bad anymore b/c I understand a little more about it. It was terrible when I was a kid b/c I didn't understand it and other ppl thought I was a mental case when I tried to explain it. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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• United States
10 Mar 09
I seldom recall my dreams, and I don't think I have had any such as the one you describe, 'cause I think I would remember that!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
Believe it or not I've actually forgotten them when I've had them sometimes. Then when it happens it's kind of like a re-run. I see it all again like slow motion and I'm a couple heartbeats ahead of reality, if that makes sense. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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@moondancer (7433)
• United States
10 Mar 09
Yes, I do have dreams like this. I have had them since I can ever remember. I use to tell people and when it happened I was accused of making it happen because I said it was going to happen. Far from it, it was shown to me in a dream. My family all know that I know things before they happen. I also have a strong sense of knowing things befre hand. My "intuition" is very strong and all have come to trust it that know me. I think you will find quite a number of people have the same things goin on that we do.
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@littleone3 (2063)
10 Mar 09
My son use to have dreams like that all the time when he was younger. He would dream of plane crashes and about a week later it would happen. He never knew the location but every thing else would happen the same as in his dream. I have just found out recently my partner also has dreams where things happen that do come true. They do worry him as he had a dream the other night that he was out in the car on his own and he had a bad car crash and was seriously hurt. He is now sacred to go out in the car on his own in case it does come true.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
10 Mar 09
Some dreams are just meant to prepare you and some are meant as warnings. If I dream of someone like that I will beg them to go to the dr. as I have a premonition. If they choose to do nothing, I can do no more. I do not care if people think that I am crazy, if I have premonition, I say it. It is up to them to believe it or not and if they do something, they might be able to change the outcome as not all things are sealed fate. Some is, much is not.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
12 Mar 09
Our family has the same kinda thing. I've always known when the phone rings if it's for me, and usually I know how it is - don't need caller id in this house! I usually know when something bad has happened or will happen to someone. It's not always totally clear what's going to happen, but most of the time it is - car accidents, falling and getting hurt, that kind of thing. My family has known about this for a long time. My aunt is the same way and my sister has a little bit of it, but not like mine. I think my son has a bit of it too, but we're never sure if he's saying it to get attention or if it's for real. I've only had 2 dreams that have come true though. The first one came true as I started to tell my sister about it. The second one I don't really count because it's something I had control over and made come true. Occaisionally I do get those "odd" looks from people, but I just give them the evil eye and they leave me alone :)
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
10 Mar 09
I actually don't think it's weird, I think that sometimes that does happen, and maybe it's a warning or a message that you received. It might not mean he was going to die, it could mean he just had something bad coming which you now know what that wasy. I usually tell people about all my weird or scary dreams just because I once heard this superstition that if you tell someone, then it won't come true! But you told someone and it did partially come true. Let's hope he survives this stroke and isn't in the coffin soon :(
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
11 Mar 09
Well on the one hand at least you can say you were prepared for it. Sorry for your loss!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
She passed away yesterday so it is going to run it's course just like the dream. Evidently it was a warning of what was to come. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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@BarBaraPrz (45817)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
10 Mar 09
When I was in high school, I dreamt that the boy who had the locker next to mine had shaved off his moustache only to find that when I got to school, he had indeed shaved it off. It was a nice full moustache, too, not a peach fuzzy thing.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
The only one I remember seeing when I was in school was when I was about 13-14 and I lost a school id. I was frantic to find it b/c I didn't want to get in trouble for losing another one. I searched everywhere for it and when I went to bed that night I had a dream of sitting on a footstool and I saw it slide out of my coat pocket and drift (like slow motion) down the side of the cushion of the footstool. It slid right between the cushion and the frame. The next morning I ran in and looked and there it was...I was thrilled. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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• United States
10 Mar 09
i'm sure that is very disturbing to you. if i dream much i never know it. it's nothing to be ashamed of. i'm sure i would have told my close friends.
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
10 Mar 09
I haven't had those kinds of dreams, but as I've been reading your post, I'm trying to decide if they'd be a blessing, or would freak me out. I guess on one hand it's a blessing because you get to see the person before it happens. On the other hand, it is sad because you would want to do something to stop it, but are powerless to do so. A friend of mine had dreams like that, and so does her mother. You may have other family members who dream, it would be interesting to find out, wouldn't it?
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
Their kind of both. The worst part was when I was a kid...I didn't understand what I saw and I didn't know how to seperate what I saw in my dreams from reality. As I got older I figured it out and now I know not only the differences in the two but I can tell the difference between a regular dream and a seeing dream. I still don't know what their called though. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
11 Mar 09
I would call it a vision. Whether it's what will be, or what could be...who knows? There are no rules for whether visions come while awake or sleeping.
• Canada
10 Mar 09
Yes, happens to me all the time. sometimes awake. I will be somewhere and I will look at a person and I will warn them about something..
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
I've never had one when I'm awake...only in dreams. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
• Canada
11 Mar 09
Before Princess Diana was killed..she was on t.v. and I was lying on my son's sofa and his wife was sitting in the chair near me..Princess Diana was on t.v. walking and talking about the left behind bombs that had maimed alot of people and kids. I went into my half sleepness when I get these things and she came right out of the t.v. and told me she was going to be murdered in 3 days. I jumped up and yelled that to Lise, my son's wife..and then I was terrified. I didn't know who I should call..as I said no one will bleive me..it happend within days of that and when I saw it on t.v.. I broke down and cried because I wished I had told someone even if no one believed me..so now I don,t keep it for myself when that happens. Princess Diana was murdered and she probably suspected that she would be..and how come she came to me in broad daylight I don't know but I was hurting for long time and I still feel a deep sadness when I see her picture.
• United States
11 Mar 09
I have to agree that dreams aren't always accurate. Yes, some can be prophetic, but you can't take on the entire responsibiity of the universe. I would keep a dream journal, and log your dreams so that you can see if there is any synchronicity amongst them. Namaste-Anora
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
I tried at one time to do that but I was worried that if someone found it they'd think I was crazy. Maybe I'll try it again. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
• United States
11 Mar 09
I have a little umm preface in my dream journal. I have something to the effect "This a record of dreams I've had in terms of sleeping, dreams of things I want to do etc".
• United States
10 Mar 09
Some people say that past, present, and future are all happening now. This could possibly explain, at least in part, why certain past or future events might be percieved in the present. Dreams are a common way for such visions to present themselves because the conscious "rational" mind is relaxed enough to allow the subconscious to relay information to it. These experiences are nothing to be ashamed of; it is not your fault that the person happened to die after you had the dream. There is also nothing wrong with sharing such dreams or feelings with those you trust. Just remember that sometimes dreams are just dreams and visions are just visions. The future is rarely set in stone; its outcome is determined largely by our actions in the now.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Dreams of things that will happen tend to be a theme, in my life. Not like everyday but a couple every year or so. Sometimes they've alot of symbolism, sometimes my subconcious condenses them, sometimes they're actual moments that will happen. And usually I won't realize that I've lived what I've dreamed until later, 'cause I tend to have these dreams weeks to months in advance. So mostly I've accepted that most of the dreams I have, I don't have because I'm supposed to do something about it. I'm not sure what other reason there might be to get this sort of head's up, but I figure it's mostly to tell me that I'm on the path I'm supposed to be in life. Most of the dreams tend to be of major moments in my life, stuff that'll change the course of my future forever, although there's a small smattering of non-worthwhile stuff...like dreaming I'm gonna play monopoly with my brother at such and such location and it'll just be a normal game to pass the time, lol. I've also found that, the closer I am to a person romantically...the more I'll have dreams of the future, about them. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with what I describe as the connection I feel with certain individuals (it's not really that far out, and it's more of an intense feeling rather than some psychic phenomena, and I'm not really sure if the connection goes both ways...but I digress). But yeah, it seems to run in my family too. My Dad has alot more dreams than I do, but less of them come true. I reckon it's because he's such a passive person. And Mom's dreams...I'm not sure WHAT hers are, but she sometimes can predict the future as well, with hers. She said that; when she was little, she used to do whatever she could to make sure her dreams WOULDN'T come true. I used to feel dreadful about my dreams and my other little quirks (uncanny intuition, my deductive and perhaps a bit unexplainable ability to figure people out and tell when they're lying)...but throughout my teenage years, and the struggle with myself, my mind, my heart and soul...I've come to accept them. Even sortof look forward to them... sortof. Have I ever discussed them? On occasion. It depends if I feel compelled to. The symbolic ones, the ones that like to be all cryptic and mysterious, are the ones I don't talk much about because it always sounds a little ridiculous, you know? The worst and most straight forward ones, I tend to mull over by my lonesome until they happen -- hoping they won't. ^_^' I've thought about where this stuff might come from too. Weird twist of evolution, genetic quirk, evidence of spiritual being, blessing of one's respective diety, curse of your ancesters....goodness knows, right? The possibilities are endless. I tend to settle on "genetic quirk and gift og my Goddess", mostly.
• Australia
8 Jul 09
The type of dream you had is called a premonitionary dream. They contain warnings and often, when the situation arises that you dreamt about, you will feel as though you have been there before, but won't remember how the dream ended. I have them too, quite frequently actually, and I have learned to trust in them and how to stop and change one thing in order to avoid the outcome that the dream would have had.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Yes I have had a few of those dreams. But mainly I get premonitions and feelings about people I am closely connected to. Sometimes when I want to talk to my sister, I will just think of it and she will call. I have psychic connections with a few people but not alot.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
10 Mar 09
That is sad. But it is a gift you have. My mom had that gift. She was psychic and often knew things that were going to happen. She got that from her mom's side of the family. My great aunt (who is now in her 90s) also has the gift of sight. I apparently didn't inherit that gift, but seem to have something else entirely. One thing is I can sense things about buildings or places. I also get "flashes" of places or people in my head - and unfortunately also feel the emotions tied to that glimpse as well. No clue just what this "gift" would be called. And not entirely sure I like it. But guess we deal with what we have right? Since everyone on Mom's side seems to have some sort of ability I'm guessing it comes from them. I just wish I knew what to make of these flashes and emotions.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
I used to wonder where I got it from but it turns out that my Mom has had them and her mom used to as well. Evidently it is something that is passed down. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
10 Mar 09
Hi twoey68, Its a gift, you embraced it or curse it but you have it, to see what is going to happened, I have this gift and it is my gut feeling, once i used to live in a top floor flat(apartment) and my hubby always park his mororbike on the pavement so one day I told him to bring it into the garden but he just said well its always been there so why should I move it? but I kept insisting but he just ignored me, so the next morning he he just happen to look out of the window and he started shouting theat his bike had goen, someone had stolen it. I know my gut feeling was telling something would happen and it was not the fist time things happened and people don't listen to me as they think I am a bit la la. Not true, I just know. Tha is why I think you should welcome your gift and not be frighten of it. Hugs. Tamara
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
When I was young I didn't understand it and I thought there was something wrong with me but now that I'm older I've pretty much accepted it and I don't talk about it much but when I had this one I had to tell my Mom. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
@liaamur (417)
• Philippines
10 Mar 09
i don't have a lot of dreams, but i keep track of most of them--or at least if i remember to do so. but sometimes i do come into a state where i just needed to write something, and then i forget about it until it happens. not exactly with the details to which i wrote it, but the core of the story. it's wierd.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
I tried writing them down at one time but I was worried that someone would find them and think I was some kind of nutcase. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]