Traveling Games!

@webeishere (36313)
United States
March 19, 2009 10:46am CST
I am talking about games you and others play as you drive to almost anywhere especially long road trips. Thios helps take your mind off driving so to say. Plus it keeps you as well as others especially kids entertained. It can be funny too. The funny one is taking letters from the License plates you see and make a sentence or phrase. For example GBG 123 GBG I would say "Grabdpoa Bob Gradens". Each night on the drive home (30 mins) from getting my wife I drive her crazy blurting out short sentences from the plates I see. Then there is also a game to collect(rtecall) and wriote down as many different States, provinces etc of plates and see who gets the most in a set time frame. Do you or have you ever played these type games on a road trip? Do you have any other traveling games to share? HAPPY FARMING FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
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22 responses
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Ahhhh...this question it a great one! It's brought back many happy memories, since growing up most travel was by car, and now it still is. We used to play those games too, plus a few others. Do you remember the rat fink craze of the 60's (I'm dating myself They had a language that was based on re-arranging letters in normal words. Words beginning with consonants would reposition them to the end of the word, and add an 'A' to it, with the 'A' being a hard sound. SLOW DOWN would become OW-SLA OWN-DA. We would take turns trying to quickly read street signs or billboards that way, and it got very silly. Traveling frequently through several states, we also used to have fun with the various wordings on common signs. A favorite was signs for restrooms. One state deems the word 'restroom' or 'bathroom' to be offensive. So, their signs read, "sanitary facilities ahead". You have to wonder if you miss that stop, if the next opportunity would be, "unsanitary facilities". Here in Oklahoma, I see highway signs for 'free bathrooms ahead'. Since we could use another one at home, I'd like to stop and get one.....
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I played the games in the late 50's. I recall RatFink from Hot Rod Magazine in the 60's but not the language game like you mentioned. Sounds fun too. Years ago many bathrooms were pay only toilets. I slept in many of them as a runaway. Hey for a dime I had heat and a bath (sort of). HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I used to play the color game. My sister and I wuld choose a color and who ever saw the most cars in there color would win the game. It was a lot of fun.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Mar 09
This game sounds too easy as there are so many of certain colors. But I guess it also depends where you're at also geographically. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
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@busyB4 (874)
• United States
20 Mar 09
My mom would always keep up with the different state license plates we saw and see how many we could find before we got to our destination. Another fun one I thought of one day was to name something that might be inside thetrucks you see on the road. You cannot use the same answer more than once. For instance , for a Walmart truck might be clothes, or someone else might guess toys,etc.... But then if they saw a ToysRus truck they would have to come up with a different answer like a crib or something else. Make sense??
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
19 Mar 09
we play the alphabet game. You start at a and go to Z in order. You can take the letters off signs from the first letter of the words, off cars, buses etc and off license plates. Has to be the first letter of the word or any letter off a license plate. You can also only take one letter off the license plate sign or what not. We've also played travel bingo - horses cars campers etc. It came as a travel set my mom bought when i was a kid.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I've also done those games as well. Thanks for sharing the memories as well. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
19 Mar 09
When my grandchildren were younger, they loved to pick out a specific make of car and then see who could spot the most first. On bus tours, we play Bingo, but it's with a different twist. We have a card on paper with things to find. As we see them on the road, we mark them. Then, the first to BINGO with the things they have seen get a prize. It is real fun.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Cool, bus Bingo. I played that years ago when I was a child as well. HAPPY FARMING FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
19 Mar 09
When the kids were smaller and we traveled we would see which one could find all the letters of the alphabet in road signs. It passed the time and they always hoped for a junction sign when J came around and the X and Z were hard ones too. Last year me and hubby went on a weekend trip and we played it ourselves!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Fun times and it really makes the drive go all that faster doesn't it? HAPPY FARMING FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
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@bubbletush (1332)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Reading this post made me nostalgic. When we were still kids, me and my sisters do exactly that game! We would either make out words from the license plates or have a contest on who among us could add up the total of the numbers on the plate.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Numbers games.... We would all pick a number between 0 and 9. Add the numbers on any plates until you get a single digit total; such as 12345 equals 15 then 1 and 5 equals 6. So if anyone had 6 they get the win. First to like 10 wins or so depending on the length of the drive etc. HAPPY FARMING FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
@Darkwing (21583)
24 Mar 09
As it happens... yes, I do! ha ha ha. I always had to find a way to stop my youngest thinking about the travel sickness he suffers, especially on road vehicles. He's ok with trains but nothing else. We've played some number plate ones, like going through the alphabet, A - Z, or numbers, starting and 1 and working up. Also, you can make names from a number of registration plates, as well as what you said... phrases. We've also gone through pub names that we've passed in alphabetical order, collected river names, town and city names in alphabetical order, and when it's dark, we've devised other games where you don't have to see the items, like pop singers, song names, songs with place names, like San Francisco, etc, etc, etc. There are so many you can play. Brightest Blessings and Happy Farming, Grandpa Bob!
• United States
19 Mar 09
we play alot of games witht he kids. one is purple tree i hate that game it is like punch buggy. most people know that one. when you see a purple tree you yell purple tree and hit the person next to you. same thing you see a bug car the little vw beetle and pucnh the person next to you. like i said i hate that game loved it when i was a kid though got to hit my mom all the time. lol. we do abc game. have to find things that start with the letters like start with a and say asphalt, b bike , etc. or find the letter. have to see the letter to say it and start with a who ever finshes first wins. then we do the noun and verb, adverb etc game have to find the word. then i spy. 20 questions. then we do the sentence game to where first person says a sentence about something they see then the next person has to make a sentence using the first sentence to run off of. like there is a guy driving down the road talking on his phone not paying atttention. then the next person says when a blue truck drives by way to fast. then the next person sees a dog and says while the poor dog is trying to cross the street and cant. so on. you have to see the main noun to use it in your sentence.
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@mymytri (2030)
• India
21 Mar 09
Well If I travel by bus i would like to play games on mobile.If i travel by train for a long trip i like to play chess,chinese checkkers ,read books and magazines. .
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
19 Mar 09
We would also go through the alphabet and find things for each letter. Also when there are clouds we would find shapes or animals. We also like to play I spy but with that one you gotta either see something way ahead or be quick finding it or better yet, slow down and enjoy the scenery.
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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Sometimes we play games like that when we travel, most of the time we'll try to see how many different license plates we see. I know some friends of mine do that when they travel, they keep count of how many different ones each family member sees, and who says it first, gets the points, its fun, and it does make the time go by fast. I'm not good with traveling too far, so anything will work for me..haha.
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
20 Mar 09
I play the same games as you. I try to make words out of the letters on the license plates. I also play the how many license plates from different states games too. I sing a lot, and read the signs. Sometimes, I count how many cars passes us that have pets in them. Anything to help pass the time.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Mar 09
We do this all the time. We also look at signs and try to find the alphabet. The first person has to find A on a sign and the other person would then have to find a B on a sign and so on, before you reach your destination. We also try to find funny names of towns, city's, streets, etc. on signs. we also try to find funny personalized license plates.
• Canada
12 Jun 09
I like the chain game, where one person starts by saying a word, and then the next person has to say a word the starts with the last letter of the previous word, and the game continues until someone gets it wrong, then that person is out of the game and the next person has to find a word that fits instead. The game is won when there is only one person left, or when the majority decide that you win!
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
20 Mar 09
You call that game funny we all call it annoying.
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
I still like Chinese Checkers, Snakes and Ladders, Chess as travelling games
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Hi Grandpa Bob! Wow, that is another good idea to have fun while traveling. Usually the kids and I have a singing game on the road. The first one will sing at least one line or two and the last word of the song should be the first word of the song that the next in line will sing and so on..and sometimes, we just play other games that they learned from school. Then after they get bored with the games they will usually eat and sleep in the car, this always happen when we are traveling long distance. Take care and have a great day!
@onlydia (2808)
• United States
20 Mar 09
We used to play the slug bug game. Where you seen one of then VW bugs and you lugged who ever you was sitting next to. It was fun and your arm got soar. Like Blue slug bugs no slugs back. Your friend onlydia
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
20 Mar 09
hello grandpa bob when that my family and myself might happen to be traveling somewhere on vacation or when that we go visit family out of town, my boys like to play I Spy while that they are riding along. lol it is such a fun game for children to play while riding along. I Spy is like a hidden object game, where that one child will Spy something, then the other child has to find what object that the other one has found. then give quick descriptions of what the item or object might be as to hints about the item that they are talking about. lol have you ever heard of the I Spy game before? thanks for sharing. take care and have a beautiful evening.
@chulce (1537)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Well, don't forget about the fun punching game, slug bug. Who can forget that one. I got my sons hooked on that game a few years ago when we were traveling across country. I think each of them complained about how sore their arms were shortly after we got to our destination. They were eager to find those bugs. Another game to play is the state symbol game, how many times you see the shape of the state you are in or driving through. For example the state high way signs with the shape of the state, etc. One of my kids was over a thousand when we drove through Texas for the first time.